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>Essential PC mods
>DSCM - manually connect to specific players





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when's 1.07

Ogrum your character looks awesome but I can't help but feel like you playstyle is cheap as fuck.

Sorry for the salt, no offense intended.

rate my siegfried cosplay build

Is the cleric's candlestick any good (read: fun)? I made deep soul for the achievement on my caster

Thunderous Ulla.



Anyone on PC have a darkmoon ring they don't want? I've been waiting around for over an hour with no summons. I have most other items I can trade in return.

>JP rolling with the Yorshka is dumb as bricks meme

I approve

>another fucking tripshit dsg thread

fuck off, you fucking cancer

Did the ps4 or pc edition end up selling more globally?

>Town of the Avaricious
>Mimics walking about like nobody's business
>Room mimics stick their lips through doorways and the lesser mimics store furniture in there to make it look like a house
>Because everyone's a mimic, there's no need to hide as chests, so all the chests are real chests.
>They're also very fragile chests that break their contents ala DaS2
>Boss is a Dungeon Mimic, a larger room mimic that has dungeon-esque traps growing inside its mouth, from closing walls to arrow traps, and more


Reposting for those who don't know.

You can find all the finished stuff here:

I agree with all of your points if the story just went like that, that they disturbed that grave of the primordial man aka the pygmy, but it didnt go just like that.

The point that throws me off is the whole pendant and falling in love with dusk. How does that fit in. It would make more sense if they just accidentally awoke the pygmy and unleashed the abyss with it.

But i dont understand where the pendant and the dusk love story fits in if he was dead beforehand. Maybe the person that loved Dush and that was tortured was the one that actually found the grave and someone got power from it.

The pygmy being the lover of dusk just doesnt make sense to me..

>Lloyd's talisman




does onislayer greabow also send people flying? or is it dependant on the arrow?

The last thread was 70 some posts over the bump limit and on page 9. You had plenty of time to make the thread yourself. You're just bitching to bitch. Now, fuck off.

Is it true that Luck softcaps at 39 and not 40? What about STR and DEX?

post call cards

>that pixel of health

I completed Greirat's questline, including grabbing his ashes for access to exploding and splintering bolts.

Patches is gone though, did I fuck up again - Where is this faggot.

>still waiting on mine

The anticipation is killing me to no end

>get to the end of the area
>the entire area is a mimic and you've been inside the whole time


You killed his gay lover for fucking crossbow ammunition so now he has no reason to stick around, you monster.

I remember back before the game came out and we were speculating about what the plot of the game would be, one theory was:
>The Chaos Flame is still growing and a massive problem by Dark Souls 3, and is responsible for people turning into trees (due to its association with roots)
>The Abyss/Dark is also still growing and fucking things up in general
>The game and universal cycle ends when the Abyss finally engulfs the entire world, leaving everything a dark, desolate plane without disparity... except for a few sparks of the Chaos flame, which become the new first flame, and the entire cosmology/cycle of cycles is rebooted from the start.

Of course, come the actual game and it turns out Chaos is pretty much wiped out and there's just all sorts of other weird tree bullshit going on. Oh well.

I think the real question is, if the world is in such a dire state seeing as Fire has pretty much died out, why the fuck is Ash Lake - the roots of the world, on fire?

The Pygmy isn't the lover of Dusk, dude. The Pygmy - or whoever the fuck Manus is - had a pendant in life. We don't know what the story behind the pendant is, but it was important to them. When Oolacile were digging through ancient graves, they found the pendant. Then when they unearthed Manus he went fucking batshit over not having it anymore. Dusk had presumably been given one half of it as a present or some shit because she was the princess, so he kidnapped her for that, and presumably because he was just some big dumb King Kong ape monster and was attracted to the pretty blonde girl.

go to rosaria

relocate attributes and look at your stats when you are putting points into them

what are the best longswords greatswords ultra swords and katanas? is the Morion blade any good?

Anyone save the exact damage the dagger change was with 1.06?

You let Greirat die. Patches basically has no reason to trust you.

Please take Ippiki back. We really don't want him.

LS: Anri's Straight sword
GS: Twin Princes' Greatsword
UGS: Debatable. I like profaned greatsword
Katana: Memeing Pole

So how many times have people accidentally fallen off a cliff for you guys?

that fucking canadian pvp hacker is still alive?

>all those lalafell
he's right, memers only hold everyone back

fire spread from the top down like a matchstick and is burning the last remnants that remain of the world, soon it will turn to ash and everything will collapse into itself ala soul of cinder fight

>Ash Lake - the roots of the world, on fire?
Izalith collapsed into/onto Ash lake and I suppose the meeting of the two ended poorly for both

>I think the real question is, if the world is in such a dire state seeing as Fire has pretty much died out, why the fuck is Ash Lake - the roots of the world, on fire

Because fire =/= Fire

I'm about to start a new character that's why I'm asking. I've heard people say both 39 and 40 are the softcap, and I want to save as many levels as possible.

oh well

tnks for the bolts :^)

> Boss soul gives you the Greed Hammer, which is basically a mimic on a stick
> Behaves like a great hammer version of the amygdalan arm

>no particle effects
>tfw cant get a good attack pose with my pure sorcerer without them

>Use a summon sign
>Invaded by dark spirit
>Buying items from an NPC

i dont make a habit of it but it happens sometimes

Are the Dark Souls 1 servers down? Me and my buddy want to do a naked co-op run and we haven't seen each other's signs in an hour.

Is there a way to sort rings or equip in general how I like it?

I'd like to put the soul ring at the top for example for quick access

Does ash given to the handmaiden transfer over to New Game+?

Was there a secret patch? I notice now that using a Soul doesn't throw me out of the item screen anymore.

Do you have the multi-player mod with the different channels you can use?

I'd wage that the no partciles and no motion blur is more about making it easier for smash splash guy to cut it out.

if you're willing to cut it out yourself you'll probably be fine.

>tfw you spent all your rebirths and are stuck with a jank build

Nope, and neither do Coals.

NG+ Dancer is such bullshit. I can't wait to see what the rest of the game is like.

go to ng+

I love natalia hnngh

I wanna impregnate the Dancer!

Feasible, seeing as what's left of Izalith now seems to be located below/in line with Ash Lake rather than sort of above it.

Man, seeing all those dead demons was depressing. They were good boys.

True but Smouldering Lake seemed kind of, I dunno, too monumental for it to be mundane rather than cosmological Fire?

Whoops. That'll teach me for swinging that shiny hammer around. Think I might call it a night for hosting since it's fucking late, but thanks everyone who turned up!

>the arrow throwing giant stays friendly in NG+
What does it mean?


It is tedious to trim these. I've got 30 to go.


>Anri's Straight Sword
>Lothric Knight Sword
>Morion Blade


>Hollowslayer Greatsword
>Abyssal Greatsword
>Carthus Curved Greatsword
>Twin Princes' Greatsword


>Profaned UGS
>Cathedral Knight UGS


>Washing Pole
>Chaos Blade (maybe)

No, it's unmodded right now. You mean the one in the OP? We we're going to download that in a bit but we wanted to play right now. So the servers aren't down?

I have pretty much no experience with that so i'll have to do without

>buy item
>go to throw it
>latches onto your face
>AUUUUUUEEGGGH and other gross old man sounds
>it was a mimic firebomb

The man himself is still alive and harrassing young girls with his ERP shenanigans. God bless his soul!

>True but Smouldering Lake seemed kind of, I dunno, too monumental for it to be mundane rather than cosmological Fire?

I dunno man

Some fires can last a long ass time

Someone explain to me what the Age of Ancients is.

I know it's grey trees and dragons, but is it part of a cycle or was it just always like that and SUDDENLY some flames appeared?

It seems like such a empty state, nothing was gong on, but still there were some characters that got their shit together.in this nothingness. Also where did the flames pop up from, or were they just always lying around?



It means you still have the branch he gave you

You goddamn fcUKING retard

It means you still have his branch. If you choose the branch as the starting gift he wont shoot you as well.

>dark spirit invades
>this happens
Bravo From.

Aerthas will patiently wait for eternity for his to finally arrive.

Apparently the fire casters with a bunch of arms are called Demon Clerics, so even if the main chaos demons are dying out there's still something or other going on
The ones with stuff growing on their back (part of the scenery) confuse me though, it's the same growth that Oceiros seems to have

I don't think so. Servers are just jank slow


Anybody from /dsg/ want to 3v3 at Pontiff?

Thanks dude, was my first time at fc

It means you have the branch in your inventory. If you choose it as a burial gift, he's friendly by default.

Shit happens! I'll probably host again for a few hours tomorrow, around the same time.

Probably because you still have the specific white birch branch he gave you. If you never spend the one he gives you with the unique description, he never dies or goes hostile.

Good to know, thank you. I'll just buy everything before I start new game+.

Fucked up with the cleric gal, didn't know how bad the dark tomes would fuck her up, and she lost her vending license. Had to kill the body guard, killed her afterwards because it felt right to do. I feel terrible. At least the handmaiden has the last miracle I have to buy.


>Bought the PS4 edition

did i goof myself or was it a good idea? I have crippling PTSD from the pc weapon durability bug in 2

>Someone explain to me what the Age of Ancients is.

It's the Grey and it lasted for an eternity. Then fire happened.

Fiat lux.

If you change the menu so you can view your character you can use soul items without it closing the menu.

This wouldn't be nearly as bad if it weren't for those shitty feet.

>full black knight shit

when are we going to have a proper black knight event?


female mimics don't bite but they lick you seductively until you die


You're after this guy.

If you trim it yourself, I'll do yours quickly.

why anris sword?

Is there a list you have of the people who're queued up? I'm not expecting mine for a while yet, just curious.

I kind of want to see the catastrophe of framerate that comes from 6 or so crystal rains being cast at once, maybe with white dragon breath for added effect

How do I know which order to do the bosses?

Does summoning any npcs for boss fights do anything for quest

>joined mound makers
>never go to ember mode or put down my sign
we did it reddit

Who ever told the bullshit that "dragon roar break greatshields" is a fucking liar.
used that stupid stamina ring too. nothing.

Doesn't matter what order. It's pretty linear.


>invading in das3 ever

Rate me mates, I finally ditched my previous murderhobo face.