/wfg/ Warframe General

Warbros #1 edition
previous thread: >READ the pastebins BEFORE asking stupid questions
General: pastebin.com/a5vZXugt
FAQ: pastebin.com/RBjxzmTE
Additional FAQ, SERIOUSLY, READ THIS ONE: pastebin.com/tZ4b2FPb

>How to join Warbros No Fun Allowed: i.imgur.com/RMS2guW.png
>Notable links
Essentials: deathsnacks.com/wf/index.html Focus System: warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Focus
Buying and Selling items: warframe.market
News: forums.warframe.com/forum/170-news-events/
Raid Setups and individual Builds:
Damage 2.n: i.imgur.com/AFVavTs.jpg
Droptables: github.com/VoiDGlitch/WarframeData/blob/master/MissionDecks.txt
DPS calculator and weapon build planner: github.com/GottFaust/WWDC/releases/tag/0.8.2 (not maintained)

CURRENT UPDATE: 18.10 - Operation Rathuum!
> forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/611132-hotfix-18412-saryn-prime/
Older stream footage: pastebin.com/LkZRPteU
liestream highlights: warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Livestreams
For specific liestream highlights, use warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Devstream_## (replace ##)

/wfg/ OP pastebin, if it’s not like this one report it and make a proper one: pastebin.com/tprkwQYr

Other urls found in this thread:


First for thick

Trade chat sucks and will always suck.

Second for no more nezha defloration.

To the user that was looking for thicc frames:

Not that user but

>"Hey, I see you are selling x, I don't have any platinum, but could you just give it to me for free? Please?"

>Runescape's Grand Exchange
Do you really want the warframe economy to be controlled by merch clans?

you're welcome

Remember that trade chat sucks because people are fucking idiots as a general rule, more than anything else

nth for stealth rework never, and endless grindwalls


>Daily Platinum Cap
>Each player can only send or receive up to 20 units of platinum per day.


Pleeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaase :)

>New player
>Want to play because of the porn
>The game is actually pretty fun
>It isnt as repetitive as people are making it out to be
>holy shit Mag's cute ass
When do I start giving Digital Extremes my money?

another day. another daily reward.

>Isn't as repetative as people say

Oh sunny, you're so cute and young.

>New player
>It isnt as repetitive as people are making it out to be

That's precisely the reason why you think this way. You may be a new player now but once you get to the level where you can confidently beat sorties it becomes really repetitive really fast.

hey guys. what spy missions do you do for ivara?

Defense missions and Survival missions alone make this game really fun.

I really want to spend money on this game and buy my cute Mag all of the cosmetics.

>Warbros actually did something
And here I thought the clan was dead

First peice: Mercury, Suisei
Second: Sedna, Scylla
Last two: Ceres, Lex


They did something?

>Sorties are the pinnacle of Warframe

Try doing Law of Retribution, Nightmare or The Jordas Verdict and then come back and we'll talk

Alternatively - do corpus spies in the same level range.

This. It's just based on enemy level. Have fun grinding for that. It sucks.

Ivara's a pretty damn good frame though, so worth it.

>When do I start giving Digital Extremes my money?
You can just make plat by jewing people

Yes, Prime did.
NFA is still ded-tier.

Did you even read what you replied to?

after you cleared the starmap and reached mr 12.
If you still thikn the same, goy out.

Also if you're still new-new, post your IGN and I or someone else could give you free shit.

>When do I start giving Digital Extremes my money?
You don't.

>buy plat
>realize I spent money on something I could've gotten from doing a 10 minute mission.

The only time you should ever consider buying plat is
1.) you're pretty much brand new and have basically nothing
2.) you lucked out and got a 75% off coupon in your first week or so

If yes to both of those, buying a little bit of plat helps because you can use it to buy slots. Can you go without it? Yeah, but it does make it a bit more grind-y because you'll be pretty limited in loadouts until you get to the void and can actually start getting drops that are worth selling. After you reach void there's zero point in ever buying plat again.

saturn titan and agrasomething
ceres hepke (fuck lex and its energy drain doors)

Try to do them before your focus charges.
With this i could do vaults in 1 invisibility cast before hackin the enterance. Took ~6 hours anyway. gl.

I'd rather not, I'm under the impression that panhandlers and beggars isnt the way to go.

Found out what Prime stuff are, and I want to get Mag Prime. Looks like a chunk of the game is behind a community-pay-wall-thing in trade chat from those void missions. Also the community content skins look great.

It's really not a problem, I've got a bunch of duplicate mods that are more-or-less essential (like continuity and flow) that are too cheap to warrant taking the time to actually sell them.

I'm new-new but I'd just like a clan that can give me advice on in game stuff/help with hard bosses and missions. I'm on ps4 though so idk if this is cross-platform or if ps4 clans are any good.

There's really no good excuse for buying frames/weapons/mods - the whole point of the game is grind once you've unlocked everything

Mag Prime is vaulted. Meaning the only way you can get it right now is to pay someone with the part(s) plat. So you still need to put some real work in and trade other people things in exchange for plat.

>tfw you still bring your waiframe on missions whenever you can even if she's not optimal because she's your waiframe and you want people to know

It's not cross platform, and PC gets updates way before the consoles do.
Switch to PC before it's too late.


>pc master race

You guys make me feel so good about my life in general. Like damn, at least I'm not one of you.

Keep telling yourself that, friend.



how much did CMP end up getting? will there be repercussions for individual failings in the ranks of WBP? is EGT gon get b&?

>needing a seperate device specifically for games

Am I fucked? I'm on solo mode.

Yeah feels pretty good that the only positive part of my life isn't "my dad bought me a 3000 dollar computer and yours didn't."

I expect this shit on /v/, not here.

There is literally no reason to own a console when W10 has the drivers to run 360 and XB1 games natively.
We should probably stop before this turns into a reddit war.

PC gets the better stuff, it's as simple as that.

Have fun not finding anybody to help you, then.

>You didn't start your Dojo until after they changed the tileset

I give shit away for free all the time, but begging is so off putting. Moreso than any game with trading I've ever played, the community in this game is utterly devoid of manners and gratitude.

>hey guys this game looks pretty good i started playing on console can you give me some tips?

forever grindan

I'm playing on PS4 for a while until I finish my new machine. It isn't *that* bad, but it sucks being behind a few patches. What's your PSN?

You have shit taste in music.

im in the mood for pasty white guys
p-please no bully

why did warbros prime's score drop by 396?

>it streams from the console

yep, totally. PC faggot here, but even I see that bullshit.

You think Micro$oft would do something that let consumers not buy their shit in a box one?

Man, I have done +70 Tyl Regor runs AND THE GODDAMN DAY HELMET WON'T DROP.

Please, let me go, I need to be free. If I fail the next one I'll go and play Heroes of the Storm.

Why the fuck are you quoting the OP?

Go back to the god damn FUCKING forums.

>grind 50 spy missions for one t3 sab key
>do sab mission
>I'm drowning in bronco barrels
send help

But user, if you get the helmet, you'll have to make the frame. And if you make the frame, you'll have to claim and level it. And if you claim and level it, you'll have to take it through various missions to see if it fits your play style.

FUCK YOU! Deal with it.

I literally did 13 full 3 cache missions and got nothing but loki's helmets.

Well, the stupid thing will take a week to build so that should give me peace of mind at least for a while. Also, I need a new waifu.
Aaand I did 3 runs since I wrote that and got 2 night systems and 1 night helmet. Screw it, I'm going to look this stupid anime my friend recommended me (hero academia) shit is so generic it hurts, but anything is better than this.

>got 28 t3 keys
>don't feel like doing them ever

Whats the deal with armistice?

It's better than the Hailstorm but worse than the Cyclone.

broken system, so they just hit the pause button

Did the whole solar rail conflict idea fail because people simply aligned themselves in alliances and control all the dark sectors? And since DE can't actually dev to save their lives they just pulled the plug rather than test and implement something new?

indefinite, like the delay on damage 3.0 and so many other things

what a shitshow of a way to run a game

After U19 all solar rail conflicts will be resolved by LUHNARROW

That's the NC one isn't it.


Fuck the Conglos.

>We even got more points than CM in the moon tier.


no, you didn't, by a very small margin - and that margin somehow grew overnight

Shit they when full autism at the last second. Probably using the exploit too.

Why are gondolas russian?

more notably, the WBP score actually went down - the increments on CMP were so small that it was probably just last minute scraping the bottom of the barrel for score improvements after their major autism pushes

Should I rank up fusion cores before I use them?

nigga you what?
>last I knew you couldn't rank up fusion cores


By the time it was shut down, the only people who cared about dark sector ownership (and had the credits to back it up) were tossing it between themselves.

Personally, I blame the lack of strategy involved in contesting a node; it was just a lottery for who got the first click the nanosecond it was open to attack.

I didn't even know you could rank up fusion core.
No. just get r5s and be done with it.

What will be the the next sortie weapon?

Post your favourite frame

and his/her battle theme

Lato Vandal

I love the Latos, they have some really nice (sadly) exclusive skins. Would love to sea buff to them.





>That bullshit period of time where the braton had the same damage as the vandal
I was so mad


Can escape routes be bugged or what?

Just follow it.


Valkyr, the goddess of carnage and invulnerability of course

Well right now this is mine while farming spy missions


Oops wrong song
here is the correct song