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1st for Maxeen butts a best

ded general

2nd for action

Graphic whores

>TESV 2016-05-10 16-49-38-75

Clones pls


>3 bingos last thread
Not bad /tesg/ but we can do better.

who /pokemon/ here?


>My tumblr messager doesn't have a link to it

They look shitty as fuck.


I gave up after Gen6. After watching that video I don't regret it one bit.


that was my first reaction too.

not done/uploaded yet. Still trying to figure out how to add warpaints properly. Also the current facetint creates a texture seam so i gotta blend that. Reverse engineering all this takes time since apparently NOBODY knows how to make followers.


Graphics and lore living in harmony at the expense of salty poorfags


>both protags look like shit
>only starter that looks good is the grass-type
>teeny tiny map
>really gay overdesigned legendaries
It's gen 5 all over again. Will not buy.

Then again I stopped giving a shit about Pokemon after Gen 2 so whatever

Wow, those really are some of the worst starters yet.

Post abs.

To have a follower use a warpaint you need to have exported their head while using one. It ends up a part of the facetint file.

I've never tried myself, but on the Character Gen Parts tab in CK, you just add it to the face tint layers no? Seems easy enough...???

ya i know it SHOULD work like that, but it doesnt. The facetint simply uses "normal" makeup and the seam is also still there.
Might be the fault of the warpaint mods tho.
doesnt work with RM followers.

i also hate the style of that game, it plays on hawaii or some shit and everything looks like a beach party.

I dont have abs im not a boi :^)

What pokemon Arurun would use?

What do you expect the "puzzles" to be like in TES6?

>I dont have abs im not a boi :^)
Your loss.

Pokemon is for dumb babies.
Also, Torchic.

My waifu would probably use Poochyena (then Mightyena) as her starter Pokemon, and the strongest Pokemon in her team would probably be Darkrai.


>looks nothing like gen 1 pokes

>wait a minute...that open door

shockable shock. why not giratina for maximum edginess, cumtears?


lol fag

>all that hd


try this maybe

>mfw just loaded tribunal in my save game
Fuck the Dark brotherhood. Worst faction in any game.

...How the fuck did you know that it was me?

Nah, Giratina doesn't really fit her.

Wish I could help. I've never had a problem properly exporting a facetint.

>the first bit of porn I can find of the new fem protag is futa

Giratina is actually good-aligned, darkrai is way edgier.

Everyone is Cumtears.

Yeah I saw that and bitched about it in a skype group a few minutes ago lmao

I'd say nonexistent. I don't think that eagle, whale, snake can be made more simple, so they'll probably just get rid of puzzles.

On an unrelated note. I recognize most of the armor pieces she is wearing, but I don't remember which mods add them. I know that gloves are from the Lily (at least I'm pretty sure). Could you please list the armor mods ?

what warpaint mods?

>tfw even me know it was Cumtears

Top and skirt from Hmm... What to Wear
Armbands and pants from Misfit Mage
Headband from Immersive Armors
Boots from Skyrim

For that one mostly vanilla except for the little dots under the eyes which was a custom one that came with Eiries' "Asari" textures.

the way you talk mostly, it's easily distinguishable.


How can you tell. Not cumtears btw.

>Blood & Wine
>Total Warhammer
>Dawn of War 3

TES VI announcement next winter?

Ralof a best

>wanting a half ass game soon

nice try, cumtears.


>Bethesda inflicting unnecessary time constraints on themselves
Please no.

They can still do light and dark

What are some new lands mods that you could found a village in? Like, open spaces with animals and shit. Ideally with no communities nearby.

>not liking getting shived while sleeping

But I'm not cumtears


Can confirm, am cumtears


No, I'm Cumtears

>literally feeding clones' ego

you do realize he's just teasing you to get all the attention he can from you right

this is all frankly pathetic

you realize it's clones samefagging, right

>no TES style game set in Warhammer Fantasy universe

You mean
>all that artifacting

Because you're fucking edge incarnate and you just can't stop reminding us in every post, that's how.

I'm ready. I need TES VI confirmation now. Fallout 4 was never going fill the void, I need muh swords and magic

>not liking edge

Looks like you're about to take an arrow to the butt.

You tell 'em, me


Rather drink milk than cry cum :^)

Oi oi jabronis why are you so obsessed with me? I, the real cumtears, don't go around impersonating other people...

Don't downlaod it's Dolphin porn!

Boi I've been doing this before F4's settlement system was ever a thing.


>cumtears will never stop attention whoring and samefagging
At least Nita fucked off and Yarti posts less and elss every day

Judging by his face he's already taken it

You're the new dank meme. Learn it, live it, love it.

FYI, I don't like Phantom Blood.

...Even though the first half of my fic basically ripped off the premise of Phantom Blood.

>At least Nita fucked off
Thanks for the reminder. I almost forgot to say a prayer of thanks today.




You do give a fuck enough to reply :^)

I give about a third of a fuck.

I cared just a little bit.

I never thought someone more obnoxious and insufferable than clones would ever appear

but then cumtears happened

2/3 of the obnoxiousness is the cumtears-related shitposting desu. It's still 100% his fault though.

All me.

No it was all me.


Bye /tesg/

this isnt funny you jabronis

btw Trump 2016

I like Morrowind a lot.


what body?

Better males.

Skykids boy with a custom skeleton

UNPCM with a few skeleton edits

So what mods do you guys use to make nice looking women?