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>People getting triggered by a trip instead of filtering or forcing user
newest of news

Nth for tripfags are cowards and all talk

Reminder that linking the flame is for cucks.

just kidding, I won't summon you, pussy

Everyone get in here, we've got important shit to vote on!


Using a luck build and min. requirement stats for weapon.
Want to give the anri's sword a try.
Whats a good spear I can hollow or raw? Something to make it do some sort of damage with base stats?
I've failed to find anything yet.


Sir Linton is black listed from my fight clubs

that triggered tripfag was too hilarious to ignore
also lucy should set himself on fire

left hand caestus is for parrying as it has the shortest startup frames

The player who rushes through the game and doesn't pay attention will inevitably link the fire, this is what the gods want a pawn to continue the age of fire and preserve their power.
The player that reads and explorers will discover the truth behind the bonfire and will either end the undead curse or plunge the world into the fog once again.

> TFW you get summoned as a dorkmoon and get 3 ears from 3 differents invaders


thanks for the pale tongue my man :v)

preferably do things that people will recognize, so don't go cosplay things from obscure animes or underground band members or some shit

aite, results are in
17/57 1v1 videos are still in (though those 57 also include 8 or so videos with no actual fighting footage)
15/30 FFA videos are still in (two of the videos weren't FFA)

time to take a break & play some video jams

Anyone who doesn't realise that this is the tripfag out to ruin another thread with their mindless trolling an idiot.
Not that the thread can be saved, when it was started by one of these faggots.

Painted world complete with a Defenders of the FLuffy Tail Covenant.

Multiple choices allowed.

>implying i didnt trigger all of dsg
LMAO kid
pepper ur angus
ur gonnabe soft banned

okay, he's baiting, it's obvious now
good job pal

Is penetrator sword viable or at least fun

I want dragonbros to be actual covenant with cute phantom color.

>No Nito
c'man step it up

>it's a lucifer episode

>lucy should set himself on fire
Sorry, I prefer the Dark Lord ending.

Green phantoms when

to pic related

I don't understand what "linking the Fire" means.
Linking the Fire to what?

I turned on my PC before going to work.

Left my Darkmoon AFK. 10 hours later I found out that I didn't get summoned a single time

asking again
crystal golem lady in DaS=saved
armor set didn't drop
kill lady=set drops?


If you guys wana put white signs down too feel free too, enough reds to go around.

What buff should i use on my lothric knight greatsword? Atm i'm using carthus flame arc since it only requires 10 int/fht
And i don't like using other type of magic or spells.

How do i get the best of my LKG?
Atm fire + lightning + physical seems to work, even against people using shields, but i dunno if this is the optimal strategy.

to souls, obviously

Does anyone have a list of what boss/special weapons count as "blessed" in terms of doing more damage to undeads/undead bosses?

left hand caestus
right hand demons fist
destroy all

You do?
Maybe you should try completing the game then so you can see it for yourself.

Is PC already dead?


yea, ever since the ''God-King'' got BTFO by fucking afro of all people, lost any shred of dignity it had.

Also, can someone explain or link me on why split dmg is bad?

And you have yet to even beat pontif to see Any ending.

This is the final result. Are you looking forward to your future?

Why do these bad boys make parryfags so buttblasted? Everywhere you look it's people bragging about their ability to parry the rolling L1 as if everyone spams only that attack.

no kill lady
go shore, find lady summon sigh
summon lady
go back to golem cave, set at the end
might rquire reloading area

which one, dusk or sieglinde?

He admitted being wrong.

Remember to not summon Dick Face he's a laggy brazilian cheater

Some pvp cov's seem to be broken on PC

repostin FFA


>host survives with but a fraction of hp
>immediately tries to run in a frenzy to spam estus
>you are wearing thorn set

Or you did get summoned, and you were either killed or BC'd out like the useless lump you are.

Anyone care to help someone mule over a symbol of avarice? I have one on my account I can spare, and you can save your data with it so you keep it. I'm on PC.

Sucks to be you user.

No but darkmoon and blue sentinels are broken on PC

No, he was literally beaten into it and later tried to rewrite history and claim otherwise.

doesn't make you any less of a faggot, lucifer

Have a cestus in each hand, because you can use the offhand one for parrying. Offhand cestus is normally shitter garbage but the cestus is so bad as a weapon that you'll need to rely on a parry to win like 90% of your fights

You can use the running L1 when 2H to catch rolls and generally be aggressive. It's fast and has an excellent, lingering hitbox. Rolling L1 is also fast with good damage, just don't be obvious with it because it's an absolutely free parry.

standing L1->L1 is now a proper combo as of 1.06. They fixed cestus and claw L1s to deal more damage and properly stunlock for 2 button presses.

Never hit R2 unless you're trying to bait parries with a delayed attack. Reach is abysmal, speed is awful and damage isn't good.

Abuse the fuck out of Perseverance. You can tap it on react to running and rolling attacks, or predict R1s with it for free L1->L1 punishes. Small weapons like claws, 1H rapiers/daggers/curved swords/straightswords, etc. will bounce off of you while Perseverance is active, giving you a guaranteed counterhit punish. Abusing Perseverance is basically the key to success. Use it in reaction to an enemy attack when you would normally just roll out and you will shut down a huge amount of stuff.


You do you do that?

Yeah, my game had the worst fps drops in there, even worse than in blighttown.

how? did you record it and watch footage?
because you can get summoned and then left where you were. and you could have been crystaled out for afk

resets internet
and cheats

Daily reminder that Lucifer didn't beat Dark Souls 3 yet.

at what bitrate do you record them ?
Shadowplay records it at 50mbits for me and looks pretty good. Only problem is it takes shitloads of space and a bitch to work with it.

Rendering it at 1080p/60 at 20mbit did the trick for me

what ring gives that first icon effect on the host?

>trips like luci were laughed at and ignored in old dsg
>now he and some pcuck trip are getting tons of unnecessary attention because of retard pcucks and ledditors too fuckin stupid to ignore them and let them fade away forever
youre part of the problem

It's okay, he's busy with life and with theorycrafting 50+ vigor builds

>resets internet
Whole internet?
Fucking faggot, that's why my mails were all messed up today.

Thats the symbol for when you're password networking.

>doing ng+ with dried finger
>this non-stop stream of invaders
>tfw maxed mound makers without doing a single invasion as that covenant

what would you say the merits of the DF are over caestus?
the weapon art seems cool but is it really that much better? i lose perseverance in the process too! do i just switch based on what I need?

I purposely lead the invaders to shitters like you so they can profit off your laziness.

From has NEVER added an additional covenant with dlc, and they're not about to start. It's silly to ask or expect that.

I just want the Deep and abyss to be explored more, since they were so blatantly lacking in the main game, and more DaS2 throwbacks

I'm waiting my fremd


It's 'you're'.
You're right, but your grammar sucks.

>crying shitters flock to the moundmakers because they can't handle ganksquads
It's beautiful

Ever heard of Bloodborne?

go activate windows

SL30, +3 weapons, Settlement.
50 ears in 3-4 hours.
Could probably end up with 99 if i stood there for another day.

I am talking about the DaS1 endings. The player character in DaS3 is kind of a pussy.

The anal pain that it seems to draw out in you is just more reason to put it off. It's like guaranteed replies at this point.

I admitted to being wrong about it before the video went up, darling.

They added an entire new covenant as part of a free patch right before the DLC for BB released.

What SL? I'm barely getting any invasions in the dungeon.

Split damage is really fucking bad. Try to buff with whatever secondary damage type the weapon already has. In this case, lightning.

>when someone swings their great axe or ultra greatsword 2 times and you know the time to go in is now

Reminder that Siegward's VA is elder god tier
It sounds like he sprinted for a mile and then instantly recorded this to legitimately sound exhausted

people here are too stupid to just let someone be
desu they weren't really ignored either, just mocked a little more often
plus the threads have more people in them these days

desu i don't want to deal with ganks all day long lol
i can handle them but i find that i have more fun in even fights, thats why i enjoy moundmakers more and invite them whenever i can

its nice to have all trips filtered, good thing there are only 3 here

That covenant was a free content update available to all players and released before the dlc. It had nothing to do with the old hunters.


Prove to me that proof of concords can drop from the silver knights.

guess again fuqq boi

How does it feels to be wrong

>when you swing your great axe or ultra greatsword 2 times and bait idiots into 3rd hit

Which area is supposed to be completed first between cathedral of the Deep and catacombs?

Also what's the best spear that isn't a boss weapon?

>what is Milkweed
>what is Beast's Embrace

Well From does hire actual professional actors instead of the shitty VA staples of the game industry.

here's a pic of a silver knight dropping a concord

give up