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you never draw Reno when you need him edition


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This is a nice thread... I think I will TAKE IT


Go ahead, its all yours my friend!

Pretty shit edition tbqhfam

what's the best rafaam deck nowadays?

make a thread yourself next time fambango

Literally anything, Rafaam (The Supreme Archaeologist) will always guide you to victory

sjow tempo warrior

Kind of a odd question here.

So the interaction of Jaraxxus and that paladin secret that put it to 1 life is that you are now at one life. Now that we know this, what happens if Jaraxxus is boosted from your hand before play?

This could happen if you renounce darkness and maybe light in the dark into jaraxxus? (Assuming discover still gives you warlock cards). If not, having jaraxxus and then a druid mulching something into mistcaller would work (or having mistcaller and getting jaraxxus for mulch). So what happens if jaraxxus gets +1/+1 before play? Are you at 16 life with a 4 attack weapon? What if mistcaller is mixed with brann/brewmasters?

What is tempo warrior? i swear there's like 10 warrior decks now

Now that the dust has settled. What are the new meme decks. I mostly play warrior, priest and paladin. pls no c'thun decks theyre boring

Jaraxxus cannot be boosted beyond 15
It's been proven with Mistcaller interactions multiple times

mill rogue
pirate warrior
yogg mage

Ok, and the weapon also stays the same? Weird how he can go down but not up in stats.

There's only 4.

It's midrange warrior

Yogg n load hunter, totem shaman and tempo warrior are the top memes ive seen in ladder recently
steward murloc paladin is pretty memetastic as well

I lost as yogg warrior VS a c'thun hunter(lmao). Show me the decklist senpai

Went from 18 to 7 with Yogg-mage yesterday.

first for zeriyahs 40th birthday!

Old hag

With every new expansion/adventure, arena has become less influencable by skill. It has come to the point where a decent player that likes to play a bit of every class cannot expect more than ~4 wins on average.
I remember at some point being an infinite player was a thing. I used to average ~7 wins in vanilla, ~6 wins in Naxx and GvG, and ~5 wins in BRM and TGT, playing every class (i.e. not being a Rogue/Mage/Paladin whore).
Every card that was added increased the variance in draftable cards, and therefore decreased the consistency at which you can get specific types of cards, most notably board clears and hard removal.
This added to the fact that the newer cards have a generally bigger randomness component (Shredder, Portal, all discover cards, etc.), and that it has become increasingly harder to anticipate the opponent's cards, make it so that most games are decided by a series of coin flips rather than by player skill and planning.

tl;dr arena went progressively to shit with every new expansion and is now literally "coin flip: the game"

as long as she continues to be single and has no children she will look good for her age

>40 is old
And here I was wondering if there was a lot of posters in their 30s like me.

Anyone can look good with make up user

So how do I build a proper C'thun deck? Mostly for Mage/Warrior/Warlock/Priest/Rogue

I have it pretty well done for Druid and I don't think Shaman or Hunter are viable for it.

there will be in 10 years ayy

Somewhat true, although there are still players with 6+ average. Like me.

I literally never played priest in arena, is this shit any good for 7+ wins?

looks like a very good deck. could use a couple more 2 drops though


Guarenteed 12 wins user

Without looking at the deck, why did you pick priest. He is the worst class right now, even warrior do better.

Why do you hate combo decks so much user?

They're fun

because i just wanted to try how it goes, always picking rogue and hunter gets boring and I haf exactly rouge hunter and priest to choose.

your lategame is solid (Shaping for 8 is amazing), but your early game is arse. Especially bad for priest, since your hero power is useless the first turns. I mean, you have literally no real 2 drop and both lowly squire and zealous initiate arent good one drops. And abusive is something for when you have a board.

Guess I just lose now :)

did decks become even more polarized than before
nzoth paladin is the most slow controlly deck possible
all aggro decks are just so full of overvalued cards

is there something wrong with my dick? I'm losing constantly and I've deranked from 12 to 17 in the past couple of days, not sure what I'm doing wrong. I'm losing a lot to Aggro Shaman and Control Warrior. Tips for playing Dragon Priest?

My list might be too greedy, what could I change around? Maybe Chromaggus for something.

Including Rafaam should improve your winrate

nothing personnel... kid

>nzoth paladin is the most slow controlly deck possible

>he does not know about my super slow Tier 0 deck that dies to every Aggro deck

Most likely because you choose Paladin, Rogue or Mage whenever you can. Or you got a lucky streak recently. I swear there is no way to average 6+ wins if you don't favour the top classes.

>Hit a certain Rank
>Too autistic to continue playing because I might loose said rank

Why can't I have other brain problems?

>people think control decks in hs are slow
>mfw I play competitive edh with friends
>mfw that friend with monoblue hypertuned counter deck
>mfw I bring my monoblack stax deck
> other friend with Zur enchantement lockdown decks
Literally 2 hours games and its fun.


What went wrong?

>he fell for the rafaam maymay
top laff

>There are standardcucks in this thread right now

Druid and Shaman works too.

Don't play Warrior, Priest, Hunter and Warlock, though. Got me there. Well sometimes Hunter and Warlock, but they really do suck if you don't get a good low curve or amazing synergy.

I picked literally every single 2 drop I got in the draft. Just didn't give me the cards.


How rare is this pepe?

Dragon priest is bad against aggro shaman despite the taunts and CW too.

I find it hard to believe that you'd drop 5 ranks because of it though, you're tilted as fuck and playing like a shieldbearer

>Losing 2 arena rounds due to random disconnects

It's counterfeit pepe. You were scammed kid.

Heh, Greetings

>*Tanks up into Shieldmaiden*

I'm shit at this.
Please help.

Your deck is missing Rafaam friend

>you're tilted as fuck and playing like a shieldbearer
this could be it, it's pretty frustrating to lose because you couldn't mulligan for any dragons or early taunts. I mean the deck is simple enough to pilot, right? Play a powerful curve and make smart trades, what else is there to do?

is there anything you'd change about my dick?


Forgot Pyromancer.
Looking for general suggestions fot the deck though.

Instead of what?

Just like the actual minion you can't get rid of them

Take out shadow madness and one shadow word pain and add two wild pyros familia. Could also use a cairne. Pretty good otherwise.

Anything, probably Chromaggus desu

No, your deck is essentially as standard as they come.

Dragon priest is a pretty straight forward deck, you're just on tilt since rank 12-17 is definitely enough games for your mulligan RNG to normalise. Just play a different deck for a while

I used to run two pyros, but somehow one of those always turns out to be dead draw.
Nice when you really need one though, I guess.

Don't have cairne, that really hurts.

>smacks overloaded crystals
>gains +1 attack
>gains another +1 attack
>hits face

is rafaam useful against freeze?

>they didn't add the CUTE GUARD INTO THE GAME


n'zoth paladin actually runs threats instead of just elise; i'd say it's faster than control priests/pallies before the expansion

Alright. thanks pal

Knife juggler treatment when?

Any good shadow caster list? not doing so well with mine, i think i should cut one tea for some heal

i dont know shit about shading but this image pleases me greatly
especially the lamp and qt


i remember when people called this card shit and how it would only be picked in arena

cant be more true famalam
in arena on turn 2
versus 2\1 and 3\1 worgens

>playing hearthstone on phone in bed while gf is showering
>doing decent, about to win
>she comes in, pussy fresh shaven and drops it on my face while sucking my dick
>can't see shit, just give up and eat that coochie
>lose game, bust a nut in her mouth
>she swallows

Feels good man

It was shit compared to stuff that was either nerfed or pre-standard

lmao why is nigger talk such a meme

>Playing on phone
>Loosing game for Sex which you could still do afterwards.

because niggers are a joke

>the girl guard is brave and featured prominently
>the guy guard is in the back and cowardly

It was still played in face shaman pre-standard for pinging off minibots and shit.

>pop block
>your board and face gets frozen
>use timepiece of horror to finish the mage off

idk rafaamalam you tell me

she got tentacled

Here you go Famalaam

This desu rafaamalamingo.
What a fucking shitter.

Based Malfurion.

Whenever someone plays fierce monkey, and it's not just force monkey but every mo key card and every card that has to do with stealing like burgle, then twitch chat will spam TriHard which is an emote of a black man which they find to be oooh so funny.

gratz, you're in the top 2% of the playerbase now

>play Yogg
>he cast blade flurry
>warrior weapon explodes
What the WHAT, he can play spells for the opponent? Does that mean that Yogg can literally Swipe my face?

Targets chosen randomly

Might be bug, or did he have a Sylvanas on board when you played Yogg?

His board was empty, same for mine.

Bug most likely.

Pirate warrior is pretty good m80's

>topdeck lethal against midface shaman when you're going to die next turn
ahahahahahahahaha that's enough hearthstone for today, i like to end it on a high note

i think you mean face warrior m8


Sometimes you can even see what secrets he plays. I got to see two out of four one time and played around them easily.