>PS4 Community - GTAG VG Community (No heterosexuals allowed here either) To join the community, search the community name in "Discover Communities" and leave a request.
but i want that one, now! along with the next executives dlc
Christian Gray
I loved the kickstart minigame
Jackson Perry
Evan Campbell
xth for honk, verlierer, & Ezek literally stealing a teddy bear's Veeky Forums
Easton Bell
Respond to these posts you coward shitter
Zachary Campbell
god fucking damn it
Hudson Evans
Is the purge applying to all crews or just PC?
Jaxon Roberts
Logan Harris
PC only I think It's the only one that is full enough to justify it
Henry Collins
Angel Allen
the e30 isnt even that good
Cameron Nelson
But I like how it looks, user.
Jacob Martinez
well you know what, just cause I like the Vector W8 doesnt mean it isnt a piece of a shit with a 3 speed automatic.
Justin Lopez
Please allow me to respond on his behalf
Yes, he did. That's a question for your mother and father. Ask them why they raised you in such a way that would result in you look like tranny and stabbing people that run away. Literally that is the same for nearly 70% of the general. Maybe you should stop coming to the general if it upsets you so much. You would feel better in the long run. We should all kill ourselves for playing a terrible game one year past it's expiration date and also for trying to keep a general about a dead game alive. You are upset that nullprophet won't respond. That is some next level jealousy you are feeling.
Are there any more questions I can help you all with?
Elijah Morales
>jealousy Are you an actual retard? This is equivalent to me seeing someone throwing shit at people in the street and saying anyone calling him out for throwing shit is just jealous because they aren't also throwing shit. And no, '70% of the general' is not nearly as cancerous as Null is. He's literally the worst person to be here since higgus.
James Gray
>Bought this on xbox 360, played it a little bit but didnt beat campaign >Friends playing it on PS4 now Should I Buy it again?
Logan Ortiz
Nobody gives a fuck if you do or don't.
Easton Lee
Next gen is almost a different game than X360/PS3, especially online. It was a question. Maybe you should go to the discord if you don't want any actual discussion and instead want to circlejerk.
Colton Davis
if you have a friend you can play with then why not? current gen has had more updates and better graphics
Thomas Morales
I just wanted an opinion, if the game is worth getting Funny enough generals are pretty honest with questions like these, I've done it for a couple games
Jaxon Collins
>Are you an actual retard? No, are you?
Words are not shit you know? Please go back to tumblr if you want cry about someone being mean on the internet.
Come back when he's trapped your brother or something real and not imaginary faggot.
Ryan Fisher
>Words are not shit you know? Ever heard of a shitpost? Funny you say I'm crying about people being mean when Null can't handle responding to anyone who isn't giving him praise for his garbage circlejerk webms unless it's an unfunny forced (You) joke.
Camden Sanders
>get new stuff if you have the game previously >Friends are having a blast in party Damn Rockstar you got me again
Brandon Adams
what is the official blacklist for gtag
John Young
>Ever heard of a shitpost? I've heard about it yes. Is that we're doing right now. Am I fitting in yet?
Why are you assuming that not responding is the same as being unable to? What if he just doesn't care enough about you to respond? Really would you care about someone with your attitude.
Anyone with the crew tag tag GTAG Look our for and steer clear of them at all cost.
Cameron King
Juan Rivera
James Campbell
Is blater the only character that looks good close up?
Jacob Lopez
Is it closeup time?
Mason James
Colton Long
Gavin Morales
>all this nullprophet REEEEEEEE lmao. i wish she was my sister i would molest her
I wish they would keep putting those motocross things ingame, the Vice city one was probably my favourite thing in the whole gta series as far as 100% completion things go.
Charles Rogers
>why are you assuming that not responding is the same as being unable to? Because I know he's unable to since every time someone calls him out on being a cancerous tumor on this general he either says >thanks for the (you) XD or posts (the joke) (your head) which doesn't even make sense most of the times he posts it. If he doesn't care, that's fine, but I'm still going to call out his shitposts every time because he's obnoxious and annoying.
Owen Taylor
Schmeee pls
Brayden Fisher
Daniel Jackson
>she >her Nice meme When you make the most generic male character possible it generally looks good from any angle
Isaiah Martinez
Haha you're going to shitpost in response to his shitpost.
That's incredible. Keep up the noble cause user xD
Jacob Perry
>she >her >Nice meme If its a guy who would wear stockings and a dress im also good with that desu senpai 100
Nolan Adams
Criticizing garbage is not the same as creating garbage, sorry dumbass.
Jacob Scott
I see. Alright I get it, you have a very important goal here on Veeky Forums, in a grand theft auto general. A very, very, very important goal. Good luck.
Mason White
Yes. My posts are the best posts, I know the best posts to make - I asked 30 people in the last thread and they agree - Anonymous' posts are the best ones. And I'm going to Make This General Great Again
>Horris the tryhard >Mustock the shitter >lit who >attention whore
Gabriel Sanders
You mean 2 hours.
What i miss? are there gamemodes happenings?
Xavier Taylor
Disregard game modes, we decided were doing races instead because no one is joining.
Traffic off, slip off, ketchup off, customs on
Ayden Moore
I never saw any gamemodes But racing sucks
Asher Rivera
As stated in last thread, I will be hosting a gtag custom race lobby. Only consisting of arcade style race tracks, so no flat circuits or chink shit obsticle courses. Join crew session, as I'll invite from there in about 30min
SC: Mr.Magoomafoo
Joshua Ward
Who is the best dressed?
and why is it me?
John Stewart
>skinny pants Nope
Kevin Lopez
my niggers
>customs on no
Julian Scott
A taste in cars sculpted by forza/gt, FnF and having bad taste. Supra was in SA.
Sebastian Sanchez
Yeah were doing customs off now since some of us don't have the upgrades.
Chase Morris
Yeah I'm one of 3 people that play on XB1
Ethan Taylor
>he doesn't wear fitted jeans
dad get off of Veeky Forums
Anthony Morris
>baggy shirt dad, stop trying to be hip
Robert Gutierrez
you seriously look like a Veeky Forumsg
if you think this looks good, get help
Noah Scott
your taste is just so SHIT. keep it up
Adrian Jackson
>being this poorly dressed irl AND in game
Christian Hughes
he's trying to have "swag" probably a 13 year old in Veeky Forums again
>dressing like a hipster nigger
Anthony Morris
post garages
Juan Nelson
hey npg too laxy to update this
Dominic Anderson
Charles Lee
>letting you're mom dress you
It's ok user you don't have to be shy, It's ok to still buy your clothes at the mall
Matthew Ortiz
the fuck is up with their shoes did you find this on Veeky Forums or r/mfa?
Kayden Stewart
>all brown why
i see hipster, nigger, beach nigger, palewave, and shit taste did you go to fa for one day and decide "yeah i get it"?
your character looks incredibly ugly at that
Connor Moore
>meme haircut >tacky tshirt >those pants
even with the geeks in this crew you still look lame af definitely not best dressed lmao
>trying to go for loose top and slim bottom and failing >timbs with skinny jeans
k urself fuckboy
Oliver Jenkins
lmao whatever makes you happy dude, it just means people like me kill you on sight.
Josiah Peterson
"i swear guys, i'm fashionable irl"
Dominic Allen
na, na, na. palewave is actually somewhat enjoyable depending on who picks it.
same with normcore, literelly idealizing people not dressing like faggots.
Jacob Baker
I didn't say it was bad, just that I saw it in there even though it's clearly out of place 2bh he probably just tried to copy a picture off of fa and came up with that
Thomas Rogers
I wear these as well, not because I'm fashionable but because I'm gay
Jace Turner
>All these buzzwords
lmao are you guys even trying?
That went out of style in 2013 lel
only tryhard tumblr faggots go for this look, kys if you dress like this.
Jonathan Long
Does the fagponcho help deflect the man gravy that this dude? encounters in his daily life?
Joshua Jackson
I'm just saying, I'm pretty sure I've seen that second one (albeit with much better pieces) on fa, and the first one is just plain (lol) retarded
Logan Kelly
well it is a videogame, you're kinda limited....
Cameron Myers
>It's a retard vehemently defends his awful choice in clothing in a video game episode
John Cooper
True, but in comparison it looks pretty bad, and there are more acceptable clothes you can use
Ayden Martin
>dude Haha, she's oh
Jayden Wood
Juan King
Why is chinese kill server
Levi Reyes
>pink floyd *tips fedora*
Noah Thompson
what's wrong with it
Levi Long
nothing really i just associate it with "i was born in the wrong generation" kind of people ive actually literally only heard one song by them desu
Sebastian Nelson
>nothing really i just associate it with "i was born in the wrong generation" kind of people Stop this shit. I listen to old and new music. Not him, either.
Lucas Phillips
>"i was born in the wrong generation" kind of people yea i hate these type of faggots