Ace Combat General #218 - /aceg/


Thread theme:
AC7 Trailer:
Update 13 trailer:

Gold box? It's probably 30 tickets
Update has dropped, with B7R Hard, Paris, permanent x6 supplied on weekends, no new planes
Ace Combat 7 has been confirmed to return to Strangereal. VR equipment will not be required to play the game.
New co-op tourney up, nothing notable to fight for
An user is making an AC inspired PC game:
Rumors of a PS4.5 coming Fall of this year to go along with PS VR's release
VGL6 soon

[] (use Text to export the build into a text format)

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First for best planefu

Statted the Su-47 in the RPG

It literally had lower stats than the F-4E, I had to give it major ahistorical buffs to get it back to its traditional ace combat place.

What is DSP?

You are probably biased toward any Phantom based plane though. I imagine your players are saving up for the ultimate GODPLANE, a solid fucking gold Phantom armed with ballistic missiles and chrome spinner rims.

Hopefully, buddy.
>tfw I'll get to unironically call my patients "buddy"
I know it's unprofessional but fuck if I'm not gonna do it at least once

Maybe one day I'll migrate to /k/ and namefag there too.

But regardless, today I found out that the rocket that launches from Comona can collide and kill you

>fucking space magic


Not really.

All the stats are derived from real world stats. Phantoms were pretty good planes for their time.

Their metascore ranges from the high 50s to low 70s depending on variant.

I love the sound of female AWACS operator.

People are talking about you in the IRC, you should get in.

If I wasn't at work

What are they saying lmao


Literally who?

Four Horsemen is not fun. There's too much nothing going on. Also, why does the in-mission dialogue in AC5 have to be sooooo loooong, or at least unskippable? Jesus. For every little thing it has going for it, AC5 has something going against it.

>I don't exist
Explain further

Are you looking for trouble?

I want to beat Grimm so badly. Just a full on thrashin'.

Denying warcrimes, dummy. Use that head for something more than giving head.

Oh, warcrimes denial is fun. Are we roleplaying the chinese and the japanese?

You're not roleplaying anything m8, unless it's alone.

I appreciate the variety of missions, but look at it like this: AC4+AC0: the bulk of the dialogue is in the cutscenes and during the mission. The missions consist of "kill these things at your pace, hopefully a quick one." AC5 has a lot of missions where the dialogue happens during the beginning of a mission, preventing it from starting until they're done talking, or in between parts of the mission. There's also a lot missions where you're forced to go at a certain pace instead of your own. There are too many times where I'm thinking "just let me play the game please."

>you will never roleplay with warcrimes

Good. Let the poor bastard be

We talking RPG or BDSM?

Both of them are well suited for masochists.

Nuggets, assemble!

Crispy w/ sauce, reporting in!

Gold Fighting Falcon, reporting in!

Is Mobius 1 the best pilot in the series?

Gryphus dealt with worse shit desu

Yeah, but was Gryphus worth an entire squadron?

I'm trying to find those drawings of the female Cipher with the perpetual bags under her eyes where she talked shit about Pixy and liked Eagle Eye or something like that. Anybody have those? I've been digging through the pixiv tag and looking through archives but haven't found it.

I'm really regretting not saving those.

>best pilot
>anyone other than the Demon Lord

>implying female Cipher wouldn't put her plastic benis inside PJ's widow

You're awfully dedicated to this whole lewd business, you know. It's not healthy

Nature of the beast user, just ignore it

>Worth an entire squadron
Who said that again? Oh right, ISAF.

Finally found them.



>AC7 Ace of Aces Mission
>B7R-style dogfight
>enemy squadron consists of X-02 Mobius 1, ADFX-01 Cipher, XFA-27 Phoenix, ADF-01 Blaze, ADFX-02 Pixy, XFA-33 Gryphus, CFA-44 Talisman, and a young Dision with a prototype X-49.

>tfw Nemo died for no reason
>tfw AI have no rights in Strangereal

>tfw no AC3 remaster

>single engine planes

So is Nagase fucking Slash? The dialogue between them seems awfully sexual.

>new AC game
>you are an unaffiliated pilot
>willing to fight all aces of the entire AC series
>just you fighting all of them
>all of them made a truce to kill you be it air or land
How fucked are you /aceg/?

>Implying half of /aceg/ wouldn't dog their buddies to slip Nagase their sidewinder.

when do they even talk?

This is the one. The ace to end all aces. You are unfucked because this'll be the ace the takes the rest down. The rogue pilot who lives for the hunt. Who takes down ace after ace just to show he can. All for Belka's Revenge.

>abandoning the thread like this

You should be ashamed of yourselves.

I'm still waiting on a response or opinion, anything really. Conversation is a back-and-forth, but no one wants to say anything back. That, or sleep mayne.

Sleep calls and America answers

Man, I talk a lot of shit about AC5, but I'll be damned if Narrow Margin isn't an amazing way to start off the game.

So how dead or active is Infinity these days?

I only played it a little bit over a year ago. One missile upgrade unlocked, one or two event drop planes. Redownloaded it and flew a co-op yesterday. Only one room, 4 player, no bots. My partner dropped out while we were loading in. MR 1507 vs two MR ~2000 players. Absolute slaughter, they pulled in about four times my score.

Basically, am I really just in for constant seal clubbing if I keep playing? See a lot of new players anymore?

> tfw trying to sortie but can't find a room due to poor connection

How many times you played through?

>See a lot of new players anymore?
It's far too late to get into Infinity now-a-days. Though I find it's not as clubby as it was before, but maybe it's because I just find good rooms.





It's acttually not that bad, since the last price cuts taking a

Morning Aces.

what are the chances of AC7 being released on PC? literally 0, or is there some hope?

I'd rather not buy a PS4 just for one game

100% PS4 exclusive on launch.

Possibility that it will come to other platforms a year or two later, but unlikely.

Feeling quite chuffed to have a PS4 right now, with that and King of Fighters XIV coming along.


Is that muslim slang?

It's British, so I guess so.


>top 900

Eh, better than nothing. A shame Gryphus will be long gone from goystore when I finally get the 100 coins from the next four short tournaments

They are permanent.
Special tickets updates are as well, press R1

sources ?

So apart from no DFM, no stupid fuel system, and better graphics, controls, story and modes; what would you guys like to see in AC7?

I'm at least hoping for electronic warfare to be implemented in a more expansive way.

The fight 'em up minigame while the player character and his wingmen are on the ground.

Multiple waifus.

A squadron with all of the members except the player character being females.

Nah, we need different kinds of waifus.

Like the tank commander waifu who you CAS.

or the Bomber waifu you escort.

Or the AWACS waifu that gives you ESM.

Or the naval commander waifu who lets you land your jet on her flightdeck.

Also a tsundere rival waifu who gary oaks you at the end of every boss fight.

And missions like in AC6, so you have to choose which waifu to progressively waifu, with mechanical benefits for sticking with your waifu all war.

>AWACS waifu
Too bad we've only ever got AWACS waifu twice in the series.
The first one was in Air Combat 22 and the second was in Joint Assault.

JA introduced a SPW that nobody ever used and it was extremely limited, but it was really original.
You basically shot backward a mini-ecm plasma sphere that could actually damage things.

I hope we get more creative special weapons since it's more futuristic.
Or even just MIRVs, those things still give me an enormous hard-on

>Ded thred rusing

Harsh truth, isn't it ?

AWACS waifu is what I need from AC7.

Don't make me say it.

Quick way to summon you

I bet you're a puchifag. Always triggered by something like

Leave Quiz alone. No need to post violent puchi stuff. Post planes.

Post puchi gunned down with 20mm cannon and TLS from Pixy's Morgan, perhaps ?

Heh, wasn't even intended for him.

>Ded thred. Deader than a rotting puchi carcass

Dead thread.

Deader than an aircraft with 100 percent damage

>Tanka didn't make top 20 RTDM.

Must be gutted.

Truly the end days are upon us.

4,095,260 credits out of 6,805,120. Slowly but steadily, my time will come.

Whatever happened to jasonchan?

>mostly skipped out on RTDM
>only played it to get extra supplied fuel
>spent 8 sorties a day in coop
>be within the 1000 bracket
this will drop next weekend but I'll savour this moment while it last

>our favorite goy realized how pointless the game is now
This isn't the way I wanted it to end.

Will we ever get an ace combat with a limited edition controller thats like the instrument panel of a jet and you have to learn all the switches like steel battalion?

Pic and vid related

I can feel it in the air and taste it in the water.


At least forced x3 means you can use all the supplied in one go.

You really missed out. Most people figured out you can just farm RTDM now with the weapons restriction setting so everyone just flies through the rings without getting shot at, and since they pay out like raids, you can milk it harder than a black guy on welfare. I made about close to 6 MILLION in one night with 40-50 fuel and a contract.

Stock saved, or purchased? Regardless, excellent credit haul. I made like 2million while doing the cup, with a single contract used.

Saved. I don't spend stocked during campaign events or during the week when it's 3x only. The exception of course being when there is a level 2+ raid and there's a good room bonus