/pg/ - Persona general

Last thread -LATEST NEWS-
>P5 releases September 15th, 2016 in Japan, 2016 in NA, Europe TBA
>P5A: The Day Breakers to air in September 2016
>New character names revealed: siliconera.com/2016/05/10/persona-5-introduces-new-characters-shin-niijima-sakura-futaba-and-haru-okumura/
>P5 to feature in Dengeki PlayStation on May 12th
>P5 to feature at E3 2016
>Winter of Rebirth releases on BD August 3rd, 2016
>20th anniversary concert to take place on August 13th, 2016
>Next Persona Magazine to release Summer 2016
>20th Anniversary FES to take place at 3331 Arts Chiyoda in December 2016

>P5 Info
>General Guide
>PQ Guide
>P4U2 Guide/Resources

>Art, Guides, Music, etc.
>P4 Dengeki Comic Anthology
>Persona Image Collection


Are those jojo poses?

I LOVE Anne.

Why makoto have a body built for sex?

Xth for slinking Haru is the only thing keeping me from committing suicide

SMT is still beter


So is Makoto wearing pantyhose? Because I want to lick it if she is

First for marrying Makoto!

1st confirmed best meme

better played on handhelds


NEET with a perfect body
is this real life?

Makoto and Haru are for patricians

Anne and Sakura are for faggots with shit taste that need to get better friends and thrown in TVs

Why is Futaba so perfect?

t. virgin

Woah woah woah. Don't throw Anne in with the lowest common denominator bait waifu.

Haru, how do you like your coffee?

I like it black, Milady

*tips fedora*

Why is she so perflat?

Why is best girl always cannot have?

post fluffy hair

They purposely made Haru looks ugly because she's the bad guy right?


Is Haru her first name or last name?

They purposely made you because you have shit taste right ?


>I like Haru's design because she's mai waifu even though she looks like some rejected NPC

How pathetic can you get?

She's not even my waifu
Yusuke is
I just like her because she looks pretty

>Haru isn't voiced by Hayamin
>She's voiced by a fucking tomato.

So I'm guessing all the important text from the magazine is already translated? I was going to translate some lines myself.

She's going to voiced by ashley burch

>So I'm guessing all the important text from the magazine is already translated? I was going to translate some lines myself.

Literally none of it is.

Take a crack at it

Honestly she looks more like the wife you have that you keep cheating on with that secretary of yours and she just stopped caring a while ago because she's long past the point of being hopeful

translate this

>tfw you are right

I am confuse, are the seven sins represented by the people that the PTs beat down, or the PTs themselves?


Specialized Extracurricular Execution Squad

I'm talking about superior Japanese voice actors, who practice their lines over one million times

Interrogator-Chan is qt as fuck

Well it's probably the future she's headed towards.

Just look at that smug asshole in . It's probably some arranged marriage.

Do they have matching bags?

Haru's hair is perfect

>First for

Specialized in what, getting their friends killed?

>Haru is a spy
>dies halfway in
>replaced by another girl that looks like her, voiced by Saori Hayami

There I fixed her

alright that's just weird

>I don't like Haru's design because I'm a tasteless faggot who likes traps
FTFY pal

>a social link with a dog

So you're taking your lolis out to lunch when suddenly they get food poisoning from a bad chef
You can preform the heimlich maneuver to save one of them however it means leaving the other to die
who do you save?

I want to make Maiko a mom!

shut the fuck up

Stop using jojo references, its not funny

>can't fuck maiko

>there are people in this thread that wouldn't save braid

why do all the velvet room attendants have that hair colour and that eye colour

Reminder if you don't like the look of a Persona there is still their evolved form. Remember how shit Aki's was until you got based Caesar.

>Ah, so you're the new transfer student.

Anne is the prettiest member of the cast. Haru is not far behind.

Makoto and Sakura are fucking ugly. Check your eyes, boys.

Save braids


Yeah, she totally says that, in fucking October.

She was perfect before hand. They only went with Tomatsu because if they went with Hayami that would make the people who know they'll never get dual audio kill themselves because they will never hear Haru voiced by the most perfect woman who ever lived.

Its the hair

I don't like the hair

Yusuke is prettier than all of them by far

>the most perfect woman who ever lived.
>who is Mamiko Noto


>You will never spend 6+ years constantly trying to impregnate Maiko behind the slides.
>You will never make a mom out of her
>You will never divorce her afterwards


>Makoto is ugly
kill yourself

Makoto and Haru are the cutest girls. Sakura is ugly as fuck though.

Sure. Well, it's kinda like:

"I, too, will earneastly follow (as in watching your back, being by your side, etc) you through your hardships."

Guessing Phantom made the compromise of being by her side or something prior to that line.

Is that a mustache?

>if you think a boy is pretty you must be homo


Ah, so it's the same "m-muh bonds" shit like in P4. Fuck, I was was hoping for something new.

>second most popular girl in Japan is Haru
>second most popular girl in gaijin world is Haru

Mathematically she's the best girl

Saori Hayami is the best voice actress in the world, the most beautiful woman in the world and she always voices best girl in everything she's in

t. low test


She's a gross whore with the worst kind of hairstyle. Twin tails a shit.

In all honesty, I don't like the catsuit or whip. It's almost trying too hard.

The asshole in that image seems more like her dad I'd think.

t. weeb who never go out

>I was was hoping for something new.
This is Atlus' cash cow. You'll get safe otaku bait and you'll like it.

According to who?
and is Futaba first?

They are a specific race all to their own, or at least a separate existence. That's why they're all strong as fuck and Nyarly would be stupid to even think about invading the VR

weebs like twintails though

I dunno. I just want to give her some good times in her final year before she's miserable the rest of her life

"Be it a maze or an illusion, I won't be lead astray anymore."

What did she mean by this?


"Don't fuck with me!
That's not something for you to decide!"

She's always had really weird lips, I dunno what the deal is

Futaba is vulgar?

No, bottom was Makoto's relative.

Phantom and Futaba hanging out at the bottom.

>social link

I will fucking murder you.

I guess I need to post these more often.

>"Be it through a maze or an illusion, I won't misguide YOU anymore."

Futaba had a start like Fukka, I guess. What a stupid mistake. Sorry. I'm going to rest.

Is the goblin on top of Necronomicon supposed to resemble Nyarly's design outside of Persona?

>last month I was complaining about no info
>this month I think I know too much
Yup, that's it for me folks.

>Vulgar Christmas cake
>Can't fuck her (it even says so right there)

Why is this allowed?

>All of Futaba's S Link scenes take place at her house because she's too shy to go out in public
top kek
worst girl

Probably. And the colour scheme of the UFO is also Nyarly's.

Nyarly will play absolutely no role in the story and the themeing is just a reference.

>probably seems like fucking feet and ass
I hope she at least open up some windows.