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waifus and lore living in harmony

Big fat orc dicks.

Cyberpunk TESG when?

Only 2 bingos this time. You need to show some more effort, /tesg/.

I really really hate the imperials. They are literally the worst empire ever. The Thalmor should just perform genocide on them.

During the Reman Era


Oh hey, I just noticed
>Cumtears has the most dots
>Still doesn't contribute to a bingo
Interesting parallel, don't you think?

>this image

What do you think of orcs trillsho?

Remove Thalmor.

>muh doodles

It's only "outright, weird ass shit" when you don't understand how it all connects. When you just hear a condensed account of how a dwarf played a musical solo but did it wrong so his race ended up zapped up into a giant robot it sounds weird and random, but it's part of a long, mostly pretty melancholy story of a race whose culture is bitter about the nature of existence and rejects reality because they believe existence is a prison imposed on them by an evil god; Music and sound affects the universe on a deep level because of its mnemonic effect and because the universe exists neurally, having been built by a dreaming god who was suffering from grievous wounds after dueling with his brother over the love of his daughter; the threat of Numidium isn't because it's a giant robot but because it's a god-form composed of that race that detests existence, and seeks to destroy it, which it has the potential to do now. Its only weaknesses are that it has to be activated by outside forces, its main power source is not the authentic Heart of the God of Space (as in the third dimension, not aliens and shit) but a simulacrum composed of the heart and soul of heroic men who have twice destroyed the "main" versions of the Numidium via their connection to it (but who have now ostensibly moved on to the afterlife), and that its bitter rage draws it to attack the God of Time before anything else, giving mortals a window to exploit the nonlinearity of time to gain power to fight the machine and giving the other gods time to strategise (which is also a strength, as it propagates divergent timelines allowing alternate versions of itself to hide away in these parallel timelines, making it difficult to ever entirely shut down the Numidium once it's active).

Basically if you perceive it as shallow it's because you haven't put the time in to understand it or because you are yourself a shallow person.


Vote now guys.

>ywn get a doodle and officially cement your status as a pillar

I don't.

Wheres Black Marsh? Wheres Elsewyr? Wheres Akavir?

A majority of /tesg/ waifus won't since Honey doesn't frequent here as much anymore.

Making a prototype of Adaliz 2.0 I don't know how well it will go but here's hoping.

Or High Rock.
ie. The only feasible choice for Bethesda besides Hammerfell.

I pressed the enter button before i add them. Sorry, it's my first strawpoll ever.

Already done in Daggerfall. Also, what makes this the only feasible choice?

Who is the khajiit who wears the Apotheus armor and bangs Euka?

Started over from scratch with a different process?

Not even /a/ is this weeb.

Brimcon the Cuck

Hey guys I mentioned a bit earlier that I was putting together a document to try and track down any problems I found with Guideanon's Morrowind graphics guide. I've more or less completed it and just threw up a pastebin, I'd be grateful if anyone could skim it and maybe tell me what they think. It got a lot larger than I was originally intending lol.


Repost from the last thread in case someone who finds some value in this sees it, and for potential feedback. The morrowind page on tesgeneral says that a fixed version of the guide will be made at some point, should I just send this guide for a guide thing to them via the contact page in case it's helpful in some way or nah?

Is there a particular reason why her ears are like that?

Missing texture

You should add links like guideanon.

Akavir would be a refreshing change in setting.

That's like saying Hammerfell was done in Daggerfall, or Morrowind was done in Morrowind.
Hell, Arena did everything, so I guess we should move on from Tamriel.

And because it's a safe place for normies to relate to.

>Or High Rock.
Already done in Oblivion, senpai

I did put links in for everything not in guideanons guide, I guess you mean I should also add links to everything else too? Makes sense, I'll do that.

That was Cyrodiil, dongus.

Highrock will be boring to revisit. They'll just treat it like Cyrodiil 2.0. I'd prefer they do something more different, and alien.

I'm level 2 in requiem. I just got jumped by a frostbite spider and it poisoned me. Now I have no stamina and I'm hiding behind a tree while it chases me down.

What do /TESG/?

I still feel like I didn't make a waifu good enough for not ending up on the Skyrim wheel after making it on the Oblivion wheel, haha. Oh well. I'm grateful I ever got any doodles in the first place. I wish I still had that drawing that was done of Bryn in the barmaid outfit, but it was on my old hard drive that is dead.

I just genderswapped him lol. But the female version is flatchested so I can just pretend we wears womans underwear like the bitchboy he is.

ver. 2.1

didn't put much effort into this shot but I just like how this is all coming together.

*he wears

I love the Thalmor at the top.

I'm assuming there's an ears mod that was supposed to be used with it, is it anywhere on tesgen?

Did you try reinstalling the mod?

>akavir would be refreshing change in setting
>asian nords
>huh fucking tamrielfags trying to take our land
>muh honor of the snakepeople
>Ninja magic
>Akavir Ulfric
How refreshing.

Sure didnt look like it, looked a hell of a lot like High Rock to me, senpaitachi

I can assure you it was Cyrodiil, friend.


Requiem any fun?
Does it play nice with sexlab defeat?

None of that sounds bad

Nah, something seems off here. I aint convinced its Cyrodiil, friend. Nothing like what I heard it was supposed to look like.

What's so bad about requiem?

I'm curious, how did you end up remembering all this stuff? I wish to have a databank in my mind composed of the TES lore, but have no idea where to start.
Morrowind books I've tried, but most memories seem to falter and wither away. How did you start?

>None of that sounds bad
I literally just describe Skyrim though.

I dunno, I just read shit in the games. I have a pretty good memory in general, and the stories are interesting to me so I retain them.

I like it a lot. Then again, I'm a bit of a masochist when it comes to games.

I imagine it does ;)

You were told lies, probably.
That was definitely Cyrodiil, as Talos intended it to be.

Reminder that Tiber Septim is a wuss for using a giant God robot powered by his battlemage's soul to unite tamriel instead of a glorious conquest with Imperial legions.

Ah, I see. I may just have a case of bad memory then. I'll continue reading.
Thank you for the quick answer.

Reinstalled and checked twice now, still missing ear texture

What is the best morrowind mod and why is it The Morrowind strut?

Yeah then you need the ear mod. Whoever made the follower obviously can't into CK. That should have been included.

Are you going to do me a favour and visit your nearest euthanasia clinic soon?

shut up faggot

The mod is just one of the followers on the /tesg/ site, no alt page, just a zip file and a readme with no other info on who to contact for troubleshooting. I only started browsing these threads a few days ago but I assume it was made by an user that no longer browses, I guess I'm going to abandon this one for now unless somebody comes up with the ear texture that was used with anastasia

You should get followers made by active people anyway. Honestly they should be sorted by relevance instead of alphabetically. A lot of those characters were made by people who were only here a few months at most.

>checks the booru
>no ewa or loli cumtears lewds


How do you even get ewa nude? I could never figure out how you swap the nevernude body.

Alright I've added links to most of the mods that didn't have one and made them more obvious to spot in general, thanks for the tip. Need to add a few others still but need to figure out how I want to do that since that portion of the document kind of sloppily mentions a bunch of tree replacers at once and I'm too tired to reshape it right now lol.


violating ewa would require violating the inherent trust that comes with community building. :3

Nifskope and photoshop?

>uninstall ZaZ AP
>takes 2 hours and 20 minutes

Just unpack the .bsa and replace her body texture with the unmodified texture. Next you're going to ask which texture it is, so I will tell you that it's milkdrinker (mega I think).

I finally figured it out.
1. create female Adaliz
2. load male preset on them.
They are now maximum female aaand the textures match so there is no neck seam.
3. start game as fem-Ada
4. use ~sexchange command to change gender to male.
5. ~showracemenu and save the female preset, edit body proportions so they are back to normal.
For some reason, doing this makes it so that the head and body textures are the exact same, eliminating the neck seam, and if you save the sculpture preset and load it back up, the female head mesh will remain the same as well.

This is the end result.

Who is the Objectively best waifu?

Cannot vote for your own waifu.


Is that literally it? No fiddling around with the esp or scripts?

You've gotta post nudes, or else no one knows what the result was.

I would say Ylfa but it's such a pain to get her to line up properly in certain animations. So I'll just vote Ilx.

But then I'd be a liar.

I never tried it but that should work unless Ra worked in some super-secret countermeasure.

>Make male
>Put any male preset on them
>Start game
>~showracemenu and do the actual customization from there/load a female preset
Is that correct?

>tfw have 3 Honey doodles


Who was that again>?

also, what outfit

N-no he has no nudes because he is pure


What were you thinking when you did the cheek dots and bruised eye? Did you seriously look at that and say "that's good"?
You deserved it.

Post it.
Come on, nothing impure about male nudes.

You are a sculptor. This is your David. Show us your art.

Give him functioning parts now, just for completion's sake.

And I was right, as usual.

Lemme guess, you didn't give him a penis yet?

Uh, the long way is more like this

Make male character

save as preset

make female character

put male preset on them

pretty them up

start game

~sex change


fix any weird proportions on the body

save head mesh in sculpture tab

load mesh in sculpture tab.

do not edit the face or you may lose changes and have to start from step one.

the neckseam should be gone and your dude should look fab.

This works if you are making a Skykids-based trap but it may be useful for whatever you are doing as well.

fuckin hell

If it's so good then why doesn't current Ruru have them? She looks better now and it seems less like you're desperate to make her a special snowflake waifu, like Eiries' waifus only with less effort.

Because she's not that character yet.

Thanks mate!

Now to reinstall MO after nuking it.

Oh, so you haven't improved in taste yet. You had my hopes up there for a while.
Also you ruined her caboose

He doesn't have a penis yet because despite being proportionally an adult he still was created using the Skykids race as a base and in order to dongerize him I'd have to download a mod that adds dicks to children and I do not want to go down that road. However, here is the lewdest pic I can make of him with what I have available. Enjoy.

Couldn't you just make an adult and scale him down?

how horrifying