/domg/ - Dominions General

This will probably die edition

Previous Pankoman Dominions is a fantasy turn-based strategy game created by two dudes. One of them is a teacher.

The game combines a simple presentation with an extremely wide array of strategic options, including over 2800 units, 800 spells and 300 magic items. Turns are resolved simultaneously, with players planning battles rather than directly controlling them.

It has simplistic graphics but is easily moddable and extremely deep.

Basically, it's an autist’s wet dream of a strategy game.

Join the steamgroup for multiplayer

>Group chatroom

>Our work-in-progress wiki

>Our pastebin

>Dom4 Manual

>Dom4 Inspector
This is a community resource that has every unit, spell, and item in the game in an accessible database.

>Play by email guide:

>Debug Mod:
For testing battle formations and spells

>Where do I get it?
It is available on Gamersgate and Steam. Desura is kill.

>Read the manual
>Read the wiki
>Read the pastebin
>Watch some LPs by Maerlande or NuclearMonkee
>Start playing multiplayer games

Submit completed games here:

Results Here:

First for twiceborn.

Second for memes

Third for ded.

Fourth for I can't keep this thread bumped on my own.


5th for VirginDisciples will never start and AllTomorrow will never be full

>Use an ability called Inner Sun with the description "light shoots forth from the body of a mage upon death, slaying undead in the vicinity"


>Stop playing Dominions due to lung cancer
>Dominions is dying along with me

Why is /domg/ dying?

Its europatime, and most of the people here are from freedomland.

Xth for Malakal is actually a female

Literally who.


If only gift of health was real user...I'm sorry

Are you new? Do you even play this game?

A Steamshitter.

>tfw depression
I wish well of misery was real

>tfw no qt Chinese gf

Hi user :3


So let's say its late game and you have a lot of air gem income.
Are there any elite summons i can get for it? Someone told me draconians, but they have 1 attack per square, which is awful.


Focus on in-battle gem spending and items. The 'best' air related ritual summon are storm demons, which cost blood.

What border agreement, burds? Remind me for I do OCCASSIONALLY sign such things at times when I can't make memories.

Like boots, casting fog wariors/thunder fend/arrow fend. And then what?
My national troops are mediocre and i'm geting around 25 gems per turn.

You can raven feast the gems into D, A has no really good summons.

You can trade wind your big income coastal provinces to exchange A into gold if you want.

You can storm, fog warriors, living air, conjure air elemental, wraithful skies, phantasmal army, arrow fend, thunder fend also that big evo spell forgot the name.

If you really and desperately need A summons then spring hawks arent bad in certain situations.

Oh right, and great eagles are great for sieging shit or patrolling and also can fight at least decently.

You can also seeking arrows spam thugs with low hp or enemy armies with low hp mages like Xibalban bats.

The thing is that even if i have air casters, none of them are nationals.
So i'm not very likely to have more than one or 2 fairy queens in any big battle, and they will be casting fog warriors, storm, arrow fend, thunder ward and then both of them will be fatigued already.

So i'm not going to be able to cast living air or evocations, since my only air casters will be busy with air battlefield spells.

Spring hawks sound like a good idea. With army of X + mistform+ quickness they can probably do great. Also they are storm immune, right?

Well then, empower a queen once, forge two boosters and staff of storms, dont use empowered queen in battle use normal queens with helmets, use the empowered one to summon.

A3 base plus a helmet, summon stormpower from a staff is A5 and thats enough to cast a lot of big spells with a lot of gems.

shame malakal will never be cute

Unlike me desu

Living clouds, wrathful skies, shimmering fields.

Bags and hats in terms of items, as well as storm staves.

you can't even put on a dress and rule a squid empire

But I am wearing a cute short black dress right now. What are you wearing, user?

Faded jeans, a bright orange T-shirt, and a polo jacket since it's cold as fuck where I work even during summer

Not bad, I guess.

thanks now post qt-pretenders/dresses or leave



Why is domg so gay now


we've always been gay now put on that W9 like momma taught you



are you a squid or a kid?

I'm a kid now

I like the way this game is going now, hopefully it ends soon

That explains so much


Stupid Sexy Skeletons

>tfw no skeleton gf

I'm the squid.
What's going on.

shut it down


I learn the joys of 12 gem cost Liches.

Which spell?

This thread, like the gods, IS DEAD

I scripted the thread to cast revive itself but it went offscript

So what are the most notable crosspath spells? EF has the magma line, EA has rain of stones, DF has banefire but I don't really know much else about cross path spells, especially combat spells.

There's also WF for acid evocations and vitriols, WD for Stygian water, and ES for crystal gear and gifts from heaven.

DA - wailing winds, winds of death
WN - foul vapours, can be rather useful
SD - Nether darts, soul drain
ND - Lamias
NE - Gaia's blessing
Err, that's mostly it as far as useful spells go.

B/D, B/A, and B/E for vampires, storm demons, and demon knights/blood stones respectively
D/A for Winds of Death
S/D gives Nether Darts
N/W gives Living Castle, the only way for many nations to build forts UW.


So is there any game looking for players or maybe subs? I have put in my sp hours and want to get into mp i've been reading this general for 6 months and want in , I keep checking the steam community board but if there is a game there is fills before i get in or does start what one is /domg/ waiting on?

Staff of storms is pretty great as it can shut down flying enemies automatically.

Not at the moment, since some games started a few weeks ago and they generally come in waves as games are finished and people leave.

You can always start your own game on the steam forums if you want a newbie friendly game.
they usually fill up pretty fast.


What is the Memest of meme nations?

just let it die


Don't listen to R'lyeh is based and not meme at all. If you want a meme nation yomi is the one.

Agartha, did you read my mp?

This may be a stupid question, but does the Reanimation spell require fresh corpses?

If it summons soulless, then yes. If skellingtons, then no.

Probably Lemuria on meme maps

Yes I agree

Not mentioned is B/N, which has a great booster and rain of toads.

E/S is great for gifts, crystal gear (including matrices) and golems.

W/D has the invulnerability chain, which is good if you're a nation with magic weapons (atlantis) or otherwise rely much more heavily on magic damage.

S/F gets eclipse, which is a poor-man's darkness.

somehow, nobody has mentioned S/B which gets you horrors.

Some pretty meme things have happened. Also I'm sad Mictlan that your patrollers caught Scout Force #2. Was really hoping at least one of them would slip by.

New TC, if I teleported/wizard's towered a ghostly army into your lands with a Gatestone to serve as an advanced scrying position, what would your opinion be on the matter? Cause Astral Window just doesn't have enough Range for my purposes.

There's no need for the thread to be this fucking dead

Where the games at

When you make them.

C'tisssss u ssending your turn today?

what a bully


Maybe, you neurotic fuck.

I'm going to be level with you: it depends.

It's okay, you only need like a quarter of a lung to live anyway.

A bathrobe and nothing else. Just finished my shower after a nice anal masturbation session.

Nothing gay here, bro.

New turn you guysss!


Have you ever tried not having lung cancer?

What kind of lizard is that?

>W/D has the invulnerability chain, which is good if you're a nation with magic weapons (atlantis) or otherwise rely much more heavily on magic damage.

I'm not quite sure how this parses? Seems like it should be good *unless* you're fighting a lot of magic weapons. Shouldn't really matter at all what your own units have, unless you're worried about friendly fire.

sum1won is so moe!

Stygian rain affects all living units, including your enemies.
