/dsg/ - Demon's and Dark Souls general

Disbelief of Farron edition

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>Essential PC mods
>DSCM - manually connect to specific players




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need memes

>he doesn't buff his weapons with WoG




>Get cursed on the way to fight Gaping Dragon
>Have to fight my way out of the depths run back to the merchant who sells Purging Stones to get my HP back
>Have to fight my way back into the depths to resume my progress from the bonfire
How did anyone stand this shit?

Fun FC fun times where had good fun

Next event is pretty much confirmed to be Cosplay, any preference on this weekend or next? I can make a poster in either case, and can host on PC.

Going to need to find a cool spot since I'm at Cathedral atm.

>mfw my simple cosplay character is my best character yet
>won every pvp match so far and blew threw NG and NG+
>only using a Hand Axe and pitchfork

>getting cursed

>divine pillars is the faith version of chaos storm
>never ever hits people


That was tight as shit Guts, god damn.
Never had it that close before.

Any webms of the JOUST day 1 / day 2?
I missed out.


Anyone want to do a fight against me playing as Nameless King? Working on health values, resistances, spells, etc.

>stuck on NG++ edgewatchers
I just want to get to the Cathedral.

Cleansing Chapel FC was one of the best times I've had in a while.

Is this just me being bad or do great swords suck in PvP?
Slow, not enough reach and no hyperarmor. It seems that straight swords and UGS are just the way to go.

the password system was a mistake

I'm still sad that I missed out on the FFA jousting.

Funny bit is that I haven't moved from Cathedral, so I can still host a FC on the bridge/rafters for those who missed it.

The duels or FFA?

You wat Shamwow, You need to kill Crystal Sage to get to Cathedral.

You tell me

not getting cursed is easy as fuck and half life means nothing when gaping can't hit you. blighttown would be a problem though. the first time i got cursed i didn't know about the stones so i had to run to ingward. the terror i felt doing that has yet to be surpassed, it was just great

Anyone elses cpu getting fried by ds3? I had to stop playing earlier as it was nearly 100C. Normally 60 max under load.

You watching any good let's plays user? I'm watching epicnamebo's and been hella f*cking epic so far.

This one.

Man fights go quick when you're both using UGS's.


Yo is that Afro when he did that cosplay?

Tell me about it.

PS4 guy, I'm going to do a few more fights then eat some dinner.

No, love, the type of FC. We have two now.

Yeah mate.

>he doesn't kill edgewatchers, then do crystal sage + cathedral, then do catacombs

14 proofs to go

who are edgewatchers?

No problem man,GGs.

>he wasn't there

>That name
I'm gonna fuckin eat you Vince.
Is there a reason to do them in that order?

Hurr durr

Who /pugilist/ here?

I was farming the heavy crossbow on the rafters in cathedral of deep.

I opened front door and raised all bridges.
Patches is not by the bridge.
How do I make him appear?
Have not killed deacons yet.

post your most recent character's name and build.
>The Ash
>Greatshield, heavy armor and mace

It's how I roll.

And I also do it that way because there's no point in finishing area after the Watchers without doing the Cathedral, and I'm too impatient not to do the cool fight of the Artorias fanclub.

Got to talk to Siegward in the well

Kill me

>Princess Irene
>Dagger and dual daggers.

Kill Deacons and reload into the area, he'll be there to greet you after that

GG. I think that'll be the last one.

I need to pick a weapon I like out of the 20 upgraded ones I have, but only the Lucerne and warpick feel good for me. I really like your fashion, too.

>Crusader Vincent
>Avelyn/Dragonslayer Crescent Axe/Bloodlust (for sudoku), lightish armor that looks neat

Literally nothing wrong in being a co-op ghost.

>Paladin Alys
>Sleeker plate armour, 'elegant' large weapons
>Mushroom hat

Fucked up and went Warrior instead of Knight, but how's this for an SL99 quality build?

>red tries to sit down
>gets blasted too
>you can practically hear the wizard shouting the the alive red that he's coming for him too
why is this so funny?

Oh neat.
Also, amusingly Lolitus is the name I used for my Healslut male character, so the number is pretty fitting.

>Sister Sybille
>Str/Fai paladin waifu wielding Morne's GH

>invading as red
>blue shows up
>suddenly 3 blues spawn in once i kill him
>floating things everywhere
what just happened? I ended up killing for blues (with npc help)

Check out this Lost Girl watching fag.

whats the weapon brackets? 0-3 4-7 8-10?

loli queen
dex warden twinblade

>Sharp Fang
Fucking emo kid wielding a weeaboo sword
Bonus for dark make up and long hair

Thanks man. You should stick with the Lucy. You fucking pounded me with that thing.

Seems like a lot of vigor.

About to start DaS1 on PC. I've already beaten the game before on PS3.

I just want a stable experience, no bells and whistles. That means DSfix and FPSfix, right?

Boulder Heave is so much fun in PvE. I just pancake-locked the Abyss Watchers' second phase. He could not get off the floor for more than half a second.

Will I be able to connect to the FC from Australia? I don't want to teleport around and ruin it for people. I just want to improve my skills.

What should I put into instead?

Would the Smoldering Iron be a fairly dangerous weapon for low level areas?
Where people have far less equip burden to play with and even less sippies

I think it's -2 and +2. If you have a 4 you'll be matched 2-6

Some people lag. Give it a go.

dsfix and watchdog
4 can play with 2

> Alesand of Astora
> Claymore + Demon Fists vs cool kids, Astora GS + Demon Fists vs meta, long reach shit that the claymore can't trade against

Webm it m8

Yea, holy shit haha.

GG m8

>cleric starts with 13 luck
god damn pyromancer is a better starting class for faith build isn't it

Luck/Dex with light weapons.
Currently using bandit twin daggers, please kill me.

Catacombs pyro invader


This game is a joke, no idea how or why you autists take PvP in this game so seriously when it's utter garbage.

A fucking melee orientated action game where positioning doesn't matter.

I am fucking happy that I got past this bullshit
x2 because I was a stupid cunt that decided to finish the "All Miracles" achievement on my cleric only to be reminded that my main char had the most rings and I couldn't be assed to collect all the rings on my cleric.

Fuck that shit.

Undead Settler
Plow, Handaxe, Picckaxe torch and wooden shield.


Also cleric is one of the best classes for anri's straightsword, which scales with luck, faith, strength, and dex.

>all these pseudo-namefags talking to each other like it's their personal discord
>some of them are starting to actually use trips now
>mfw i called it

I love it when i'm right. Remember to keep us posted k. Wouldn't want to miss each and every snowflake :^)

You're all adding nothing to the thread except circlejerking. Not like i'm adding anything to it either with this post.

Considering I just finished dueling a bunch with a dude from Australia(US res) and it was pretty lagless, you should be fine.

You could get your dex and str up a little more. Maybe even a little more endurance.
I'm not an expert, but I'm at sl 120 with 27 vigor.

r8 my fashion m8s

Use Knight
Cleric or Thief

Does the Red Sign works with passwords, to pvp with my mate? If not is there a way to do that?

Just talked to Siegward and he didnt appear.
Will attempt this now.
Makes me nervous, I know nothing good comes out of quest lines when you kill the area boss.

what the fuck? are you quality pyro or something?


With the Knight and Hunter+Milkring both Str and Dex get to 40 though, or is 40 not the softcap?

It works with passwords.

>Is actually cosplaying Guts
What the fuck is that bullshit, where is his darksword

So decided to test something for those wanting patches at FS in NG+ or higher. You can toss Siegward a spare set of catarina armor you have on you then go trigger patches at FS without having to meet him in Cathedral

Solid but I won't be surprised if you upgrade to Black Hand Armor in the future.

Just watch, Ol Patches will be there to greet you after killing those cleric bastards and teleporting back into the church

The best part about this post is that the guy using a name isn't even using his name, he's actually using mine to mess with me because of how often people misspell it.

Checkmate, nerd.


I wasn't sure what you wanted to wear for rings, but if as long as you're hitting 40/40 anyway, the build is fine.

You're not even good enough to be my faker

yea real guts would've finished the fight with estoc running r1

What's the point of luck if I'm not doing luck weapons?