/hotsg/ - Heroes of the Storm General

"Oh, you" edition

>What's new
Bunch of shit announced. Have some links you fucking faggot:

>where do I find you panda-loving faggots
/join Veeky Forums

>Do you have a discord?

>What hero should I buy?
Find the ones you enjoy playing and buy those. Don't buy cheap heroes just to get into Hero League, it's not worth rushing into.

>Links nobody visits anyway
Official Site: us.battle.net/heroes/en/
General News: heroesnexus.com/
Tips & Tricks: heroesofthestorm.github.io/tips
Hero Rankings and Statistics: hotslogs.com/Default
Talent Calculator: heroesfire.com/hots/talent-calculator/
All of the hero voice lines: rpboyer15.github.io/sounds-of-the-storm

>Previous thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


Just blind her

>Garden of Terror matches already take forever
>"Hey, let's take out the ability to apply siege damage to buildings for free!"
What the fuck were they thinking, man.

What ever happened to the arena?

>le "maybe next year" man

They were thinking the same thing everyone else was, 'chasing the terror is fucking stupid'.

They should just buff it's health and damage again so things go faster.

They are changing it into a rotating mode with some specials rules, like hearthstone's tavern brawl if you are familiar

Really? Is there some source on this? This sounds like what League did to their game modes, are you just baiting here?

That guy is talking out of his ass. There's no source for that. Blizzard hasn't talked about arena since blizzcon.

There is a source you stupid fuck do a little research before you open your mouth

Then please provide it. I can't find anything.

From what I've found, the rotating rules and shit was part of the original pitch for the Arena mode. So nothing's changed, basically.

really good half hour

That one fucking game where everyone on your team is a retard, is never where they need to be, runs from fights when the outnumber them, wanders off during team fights, kills mercs instead of doing objectives...

Holy fucking shit, that was the most irritating game ever.

Why would they add unranked draft mode?

Matter of fact, why are there any unranked modes at all?

Where the FUCK is Maiev????

There needs to be unranked game modes so you can "practice" with actual people instead of against the AI. Unranked Draft was probably done to introduce new players to the system before they go in to ranked and act like an idiot.

Might be for the best.

QM rando-comps are a bit of a turn off for the game in general, but at the same time I don't think I am good enough to play ranked matches. I'd just drag everybody down and I expect they would be all serious and no fun allowed.

Not really, when they announced it they said you would alternate between "small, single-objective battlegrounds" but other than that the only difference with a normal match was that you didn't have any talent, just your heroic

>page 10

>I'm nowhere near rank 1
fake video r-right guys? Browder can't be a bronzie

He obviously doesn't have enough time to climb because he is constantly working on making the game better desu senpai

Maybe he's too anxious to play ranked properly.

>dislike the moba community and esports shit
>want to play this because of blizzard characters and it just seems like a fun game
>pretty much suck at multiplayer games

Boy, hope I don't get too much abuse.

Just use the Mute Everyone button friend ;D

Just play against AI, like 90% of the playerbase.
And I mean it, regular games are stressful and require a lot of concentration, in AI you can just fuck around and enjoy miniscule things like graphical details on maps or hero interactions. You'd never have the time to appreciate those in an actual PvP match.

Spotted the rank 50 shitter

>Regular Hero of the Storm games are stressful and require a lot of concentration

Khadgar added when

>first pick instalock silenced player TLV
i'm sure we'll win this
>he joins 1 (one) teamfight the whole game
>stacks up with everyone else, spreads living bomb
>leaves the game right after
>logs back in two minutes later, stays AFK in base
I sure love playing with silenced players

Pff, if I were rank 50 ranked would be literally easier than bots. Smartass.

soon, user. she will be an alt hero in hearthstone this week too, mark my words.

Hopefully soon

How do her ears even fit in that helmet

Holy shit I just realized, imagine all the Quest talents that he could have

they go in the owl horns obviously

>enemy team picks illidan and chogall
>tyrande and brightwing on our team
lmao they got cock blocked no matter what they tried to do

>enemy team first picks chogall
>i pick raynor
>"fucking idiot noob with your shit raynor pick"
>"they nerfed him you fucking inbred"
>he instalocks gazlowe
>our kael: fuck you i won't play with retards like this
>he queue dodged
I dodget a bullet, but... evil has triumphed today.

Twilight calls, user

>raynor instead of tychus
it's like you want to lose

>johanna and xul free week
>diablo map 5 times in a row (immortals and punishers)

jeez blizz stop already i wont buy your non-christian game...

jk i actually will what class should i go for

Is hotslogs bugged or what? I doesn't show so many of my games and the stats are wrong because of that fact.

Depends what you want to play honestly, all classes have several different builds that can work. I'm personally a big fan of the Witch Doctor because I love the aestethic and was a big necrofag back in d2, but really all classes are fun and well defined.

They might have a large backlog to go thought. Lately it's been taking at least a day or so for my uploaded games to show up in my match history.

>Just. Cut. It.
So this is where this meme comes from.

I'm not even talking about recent games, it says I only have 11 games with Nazeebo when ingame it shows I have 20. And thats just one hero, imagine how many more games are missing.

Is it the site's fault being shitty or is the Blizzard API crap? Because as much as dota2 sucks, dotabuff is absolutely amazing and quick.

you'd better be caught up on your elemental runes too

>Find the ones you enjoy playing and buy those

Yeah but can you recommend me some for a beginner? I got some money to spend. I don't want to play a hard or bad character.

I played a little bit some months ago and I enjoyed Uther, I'm a paladin in wow too. Is he ok?

>is the Blizzard API crap?
Hotdogs works solely through uploaded replays user.
They don't pull data from an API unlike dotabuff/yasp does in Dota 2.
If you or someone in those games have not uploaded the replays, there is no way for hotslogs to know of their existence.

Alright cheers for the info mate. Is the uploading process tedious? And can I upload games from the past so I can get a full picture of my profile?

>battlefields of eternity
>we get sylvanas and zagara
>enemy team has no specialist
>our ETC goes full retard, splurging in chat that we have two specialists
>tell him we both do good hero damage
>"I won't mosh until you maw"
>"even if it's a 5 man mosh"
>wow what a fucking retard, whatever
>my first maw is a 4 man maw
>he doesn't mosh
>"u didnt catch tyrande"
>her stun was on cooldown, she literally just used it to zone from the maw
>next team fight moshes first
>he catches a johanna while she's unstoppable
>sylvanas says "dat mosh, wtf"
>"it was a good mosh, full duration"
>he continues to bitch about the two specialists the whole match
>meanwhile both me and sylvanas have much higher hero damage than the enemy tracer and thrall
>our silenced nova player picked triple tap and is doing about one third of my damage, constantly misses snipes
>ETC: all report zagara for troll pick
I have never seen such mental retardation in a video game, from a person who can form complete sentences

At least the ruskies have the benefit of not knowing the language and being a generally retarded peoples, but what the fuck is his excuse?


Upvote and give reddit gold plz

lmao is that you

EDIT : Are you asking for a ban? Is that what you're doing here?

I wonder if people will continue bitching about specs once Blizzard updates their icons, confirming them as bizarro assassins.

b-but specialist hero is very different from assasin! Your only purpose is split push one lane the whole game b-baka!

Is he going to make the Scourge again?

>Is the uploading process tedious?
Nah, they have a little app that automatically uploads all the replays that aren't on the site already.
Or you can individually upload them yourself on the site.
>can I upload games from the past so I can get a full picture of my profile?
You should be able to, although there might be a time/patch limit to it that I'm not aware of.

New guy here, how is he in the game?
Probably my favorite warcraft character, I want to get him.

Below average currently, at the very least decent in the following patch probably top tier in hl I dunno

Pretty underwhelming, however a rework is coming next patch, and said rework is currently crazy strong.

feels like a semi assassin with bigger health pool

Where's Kilrogg?

why do I even play anymore.
Thanks, greymane.

Can't wait for new Arthas desu.
>One of most important characters of WC3
>Most powerful warriors on Azeroth by the end of TFT
>Doesn't do anything post TFT
>Literally killed by a bunch of adventurers and Gary Stue in his own home
>Reduced to being bullied by every new hero in their trailers/previews in HotS
Why did Blizzard start hating him so much post WC3?

Eh, I thought he was badass in wotlk.
But I am a wow fag.
Actually, I guess it should be was, as I quit.
Just got bored.

Because he is and was a huge asshole, he deserved every single bit of humiliation he received.

why does this game have a general, every time i log on its dead as fuck

We like it. We talk about it. There are pretty frequent changes.

Is Nazeebo really good am I just lucky to be playing with morons in QM. He has insane medium ranged, semi aoe, super spammable damage with the toad build, is immovable from the lane and can push quite decently. He was the first hero I bought and I am 16-3 with him. Why isn't he played, what are his weaknesses apart from no mobility?

He's one of the good specialists. His damage is good, but it doesn't exactly burst people down, so it is fairly inflated.

Dodging and escaping walls is easier than it might seem.

If you like wow muradin is a good cheap hero. He's a tanky stunlocky hero. Being a tank teaches you a lot about teamfighting and when to engage etc.

Uther is fine too. He's a support that balances healing and stuns. Most of the cheap heroes are easy enough to play decently and not bad.

Honestly the worst thing you could do is play abathur or nova or lunara without understanding how they work and just being dead weight. It's hard to misunderstand how to play lili or raynor at a basic level.

Place your bets

>Aim Uther's W predicting allies' movement
>They dodge it for whatever reason
Why does this keep happening? What's wrong with people, damn.

Red team clearly

>Hammer on BoE
Not even a contest.
On another note, your lineup is one of the weirdest I've ever seen.

so hotslogs mmr is total trash unless you've been updating your own since you started playing.

I checked mine for the first time and less than 20% of my games have been recorded there...

Unless they go full retard Red Team should win this easily.

How accurate is that MMR anyway? Is it calculated from hotslogs or from the game? What is considered good or average?

Well yeah, last two guys picked support to troll

mmr is calculated from matches updated on hotslog. So if someone in your party is on hotslog, then that match is uploaded and used to calculate your mmr.

Blizzard has their own mmr system which isn't shown anywhere apart from the ban phase, which only show who has the highest mmr.

a reddit thread from a few weeks ago said 2200 is about average which I think would put you around rank 20ish in Hero League.

But if you've been playing for a while and never used hotslogs in the past, the mmr they show will not be an accurate representation of your mmr since it's missing a heavy portion of your games.

>-100 points for this forced loss
I feel like just not bothering trying for rank 1 with people like this

Thanks for the answers, I have like 90 games, hotslogs says I have 60 and 3400 MMR, so it looks I'm not that bad after all.

60 games is a really small sample size, so it is likely inaccurate, but Christ, 3400 MMR after 90 games? I am super jealous.

Did you play other MOBAs or RTS games?


>Abathur and Zagara on enemy team are in a party
>Abathur puts global mines behind our forts
>Zagara uses Nydus worms and Abathur clones her
>Fort goes down before we have time to Hearthstone
>If we stay in base they win all map objectives
>If we leave her they take out all our forts and eventually Core
>Even if we try to fight her she can escape instantly and do it again right as we leave
>Xul doesn't want to push after we win a teamfight

I lately have been blaming a lot of my loses on cheese like this.

I don't know how much of a bronzie that makes me. I feel so helpless. Like against Aba Ili in HL.


I wanna get the rewards in time but I never took the time to grind for rank 1, and I'm like 7 right now. What are the top bans/picks currently ? And is there a specific way to force your way to rank 1 as fast as possible ?

>tfw I already know im gonna lose cos our team gets the 1300er

fuck blizzard matchmaking

only difference between 7 and 1 rewards is like 500 or 1000 gold. Who cares senpai

There's the rank 1 portrait or some shit like that. It's just what I do on any competitive game, I try to achieve the highest ranks I can, and rank 1 can be easily achieved. So do you have any idea about those picks my mane ?

>tfw rank 8
>team choose a bad comp and bans are stupid
>other team bans meta and have a good comp
>check and they have better Mmr than us
>tfw we already lose
>dont giving shit and pick gazlowe
>team starts to freak out and calling me shitter
>hoping that they will call me autistic fuck, leave and dodge that bullet
>none leaves
>my team starts feeding early game
>going wombo combo eternal mana gazlowe build
>team starts a real teamfight while we're lvl 10 and they 14
>wipe them because wombo combo
>team starts saying that we can win
>lvl 20 both of us
>2 forts while they have only core
>my team go full retard and gets wiped because FOCUS CORE AND DONT GET OBJETIVE
>get objetive core it's left to 10%
>going for it
>other team tries to kill me
>wipe them all because goblin engineering it's superior to these pesky magic things
>get core and win
>team thanks me
>5 mins later all who were in the match adds me

>be rank 7
>almost everyone in my team is rank 1 and plays like a handicapped child

Every time

share replay or never happened

is zeratul just badnova ?
what heroes should i play to get into hl and carry games hopefully
was thinking about xul or zera/nova

E.T.C is a cheap way, zagara, nazeebro, tyrande, graymane, le mong

but you should play with your favs and more skilled heroes (if they fit in the meta would be nice)

because their mmr is low enough to b matched with rank 7, ur basically the same shit

How many points are there in one rank? Something like 500?

What if I'm not shit though ?

then u will get past them l8er