PlayStation Vita General 2594 - Scale Edition

Previous Thread: >Vitagen Website (News, Translations, Guides, Wikis and more)


>Gundam Breaker 3 first DLC launches June in Japan

>Mary Skelter voice cast announced

>Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana Japanese TV spot

>MMORPG Angel Senki coming to Vita

>Tower of Samsara Returns the Vita Love By Ditching the Stretch Goal

>One Piece: Burning Blood – Advanced Gameplay #2

>MeiQ:Labyrinth of Death coming west this fall

>Nuclear Golf Explodes This Summer

>No Afterbirth for PS Vita

>Uppers Object Blow Away and Great Power gameplay videos

>The Drop: New PlayStation Games



>PS+ Current Offerings

>PS Store Updates

>PS Store Weekly Sale

>PSN Friends List

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I love you guys!


I love you guys too

Anyone know if I need a certain ship set-up to get to the boss on this stage? It never seems to let me progress to it, and I feel that bad luck shouldn't persist through 12 tries.

Same here, no homo, you guys are really great!

Are you sure homogen hasn't arrived on the scene?

I meant it in a friendship way, not lovey dovey fucking retard

And with that question asked, I'm going to sleep.

Goodnight, vitagen.

This reminds me that I took this pic for vitagen in one of the Akihabara shops.
Nep has never looked more delicious.

Dunno if this pic has been scanned or something yet though.


Good night and have wonderful dreams!

Wait this is better.

Are we ever going to get another exclusive?

Does akihabara still have maiden cafe, I don't wanna go there and it's replaced by cyborgs

E3 June 14 at least 1 exclusive

Eh, fucked up the screenshot. It would have been black screen anyway, so whatever.

Game was fun and seeing all the endings was worth it. Though going through the intro everytime sure was boring. Going to buy MeiQ since it's the same series and all that stuff. And I kinda like Idea Factorys games that aren't Neps. Next one from them will hopefully be Moero Crystal.


What's everyone playing?

This is nice

I was playing fighting climax
But i will sleep now

Maid Cafes?
Yes there are like 3 [cute] fucking maids on every goddamn block begging you to enter with fliers. Even in the rain and extreme wind. They must have it so rough.

About to start playing some Punchline again. Can't wait until I get to the bits passed the anime.

Where is everyone? I'm scared when I'm alone..


Playing Uncharted 4 and occasionally Golfan Waifus

Meme in meme city
Meme Rorona memeist of memerland
Hot Meme Golf

Depends on how I feel

This gif is the only good thing that ever came of this show

>finally ordered Cold Steel

Is it any good?

You should ask that before you buy it

I like it, even though I'm going full autismo and farming these u-materials even when I don't really need to.

Just finished this game, did I like it?


Did you get anything today, Vitagen?

I love you too sweetheart
Anime artstyle in sword city
Cyber Sluts
Freedork Wars
Atelier I want to find my mother
Hypertrash Neptune Reshit 2
UnNormied Golden shower

>playing 6 games at the same time

Only more suffering.

Actually it's 8 if you include Gravity I don't even know what I'm doing and Trails of Edgelord

>still waiting for mine to be picked up from LRG by USPS

yuuko-chan kawaii desu ne

Kishibe x Cross dressed Yuko rape doujin
god fucking when

You're awesome.

Can someone show me start the zombies look like in blanny fanny?
I looked up some gameplay and they were just fighting dragons or some retarded shit.

Operation Abyss New Tokyo Legacy.

>party-wide AGI increase
flat chests are OP, please nerf
I wish it worked with main girls too



>no one can show me the zombies from a zombie game


I wonder how many people have even heard about the game in here. Or platted it. Should be a pretty low number.

Pic is Mammon ending, it wasn't as good as I hoped.

One question, I've just unlocked the Divine Training. Is it worth, or should I just focus on the various other trainings?

>I wonder how many people have even heard about the game in here.
dis nigga serious?

Is the PS4 region locking the same as the Vita with its any region disc works but the psn store is region dependent?

Yes, but there is no problem as you can have more than one account without any problem

Are you on your first go? It's pretty good, though I would mainly use it only when there's some doubling going on since it does do more fatigue to you. And getting those training medals is also important to get some good things to your weapon. But after your first go you should probably look up some guide, it makes all the training pointless.

Do what you feel is good, how much HP does Trillion still have?

In Finland I meant.

>without any problem
except for having to use another expensive, proprietary memory card and having to reset your Vita every time you want to switch accounts, yeah, no problems

That's what I've been thinking, as well. Haven't seen any sort of news or discussion about it, other than one measly article about the release date on some site. And the general lack of reviews for the game (and ones that actually get what the game is about) is saddening.

We were talking about ps4, you dingus
Around 192kkk left, just started Ashmedia

I thought he was asking if Vita is the same as the PS4, otherwise, why wouldn't he ask this in ps4gen?

Crows when?

It was actually nice to see that IFI released a title like this on west. Do you have a link to a review that doesn't get what the game is about, those are sometimes fun to read after you've played the game.

>192kkk left
Well, it seems you got things mostly under control anyway. In my first run I had way worse stuff going on.

So will my remote play experience suffer if my internet is shit?

Just search the Destructoid review of it. I honestly raged a bit after reading it and seeing how it affects the Metascore for that game. And I fucking hate Metacritic in general, how it devalues games that don't happen to cater to mass appeal. And Trillion is like the epitome of that.

Well, I figured getting Final Sprint since the start would've been a good idea, and so it was. Thankfully I was able to not waste any Overlord, making each doing their best - Perpell defeating first form and sealing second's tail, Mammon defeating second and sealing third's torso and Levia almos halving its HP. Hopefully I'll be able to end it with Ashmedia


Yeah actually reading that stuff right now. That reviewer have probably never played a raising sims or manager games that involve this kind of number stuff. I like that stuff very much, always have. Well, it's his opinion and not everyone likes this stuff, I can see that.

That said most people who actually play these games don't give a fuck about metacritic or scores in general. At least I don't, it's just fun to see after you've played the game what scores did it actually get. Too bad this crowd really isn't that big here in west.

Yep, that skill is probably the most important there is. I'm pretty sure you will clear the game soon enough.

Most frenetic game on Vita?
Already played:
Ninja Gaiden


Same shit happens with movies and music all the time.

Ever read a movie review where a guy starts talking about irrelevant stuff like crowd behavior or how sore their ass got because the movie was too long?

Same shit as sjw-site reviews where they start trying to push their agenda rather than reviewing what's in front of them.

Muramasa dlc

Yep, it's just a shame how much influence those kinds of reviews can have. Some asshats who don't know a single thing about niche genres giving low scores to games because they are "just menus" is infuriating. And seeing how the business in general decides many things based on Metacritic, it sucks that the effect isn't really going away in any way. Of course it doesn't matter for the ones who actually care enough to find out more about the games in question.

If I would never read the actual things and judge games only by their final scores, I wouldn't even consider getting the game. But actually getting to know what kind of game Trillion is made me feel extremely bad for not getting it Day One, and now I'm torn between paying the shitty price for the LE and shipping from Iffy's store or just waiting a sale for the regular edition.

>Ever read a movie review where a guy starts talking about irrelevant stuff like crowd behavior or how sore their ass got because the movie was too long?

Holy shit, does something like this actually exist on some site? Like, currently and not having been taken down?

It's probably not considered a lot, but I've seen some stuff about the game on Twitter in March. There's info released by IFI via their Playstation Blog and YouTube vids. Siliconera also had someone put out some info for what to do with your first Overlord, and IFI also retweeted an interview.

Do you buy vita games in stores or do you just have them delivered to your house?

>Muramasa DLC
>tfw can't finish the farmer's alt ending cause I'm always poor and can't afford to buy ingredients to make food so I can get through boss fights.

I wish money wasn't so fucking tight in this particular DLC. I never had this issue with the cat or snake waifu DLC.

I've bought everything online.

I download them, its way more convenient.
I personally don't need 35+ cases to find a place for.

Try leaving your xp at a point that you'll level up mid fight against the final boss and recover all your hp.

I only play JP games, so it's pure delivery for me.

Since I'm JP games only now, I just download. Too much of a pain in the ass not to.

You have a nice collection, user. What else are you buying this year?

I haven't bought a game in a brick and mortar store in 7 years

Only online stores and mostly abroad.

I already have IA/VT to add to that collection, but lets see:
Cold Steel 2
God Eater 2
Zero Time Dilemma
Muv Luv trilogy
Moero Crystal
Miku PDX
Root Letter (if it gets physical that is)

Those were only physical, I get a couple more digitally since that's the only way.
Everything online
Well, a good 99% at least

pls respond


It will

So long as you're not using Dial-up, literally any broadband connection will suit just fine for Remote Play, since it's just streaming from your machine to your handhold in the same room.

Don't listen to or they're trolls.

Only time I buy games in store is if I have work the day they are released, in which case I'll stop by akiba on the way home from work.

Otherwise having them delivered is much easier, since they arrive the next day anyway (or I'll be in to get the game when it arrives if it is a pre-order).

Thanks. I think I'll pick up a Vita for streaming vidya from my PS4.

Might need to pick up one of those L2/R2 trigger grips, tho.

Nyko used to make some decent ones that had built in batteries that helped the Vita's own batteries last longer, but I think they went out of business or something, so you can't get them anymore unless you get lucky on eBay or someplace.

That sounds nice just for the battery.

Yup. They were called Nyko PowerGrips. Again, you might get lucky on eBay. Good luck user, and have fun.

>preorders of GE:R at RiceDigital
So can anyone tell me whether God Eater Resurrection is physical or digital-only now?

Does anyone still play Freedom Warts?

Time will tell, I guess

On occasion.

I bought my vita in store at EB Games and the cashier was telling me that he got a vita and took it back the next day because it was shit.

What's with the hostility, boys? Mad that your precious little handheld has been reduced to the PS4 equivalent of the Wii U gamepad? ;^)

>my country
>vita or 3ds games in store

Where do you live, Chen user?