League of Legends General - /lolg/

Another Riven Thread

Cutest and Best Girl Edition

Old: Eyosongive.us

Other urls found in this thread:


xth for kys

>Land a crit
>700 movement speed


reminder i called every single mage update change correctly except for malzahar who i didnt think would be SO overpowered

reminder im the best theorycrafter in lolg

yeah, just like zilean bombs detonating

face it man, you have no idea how this works

anyway vlad is prettiest

>if you're swainbro please say so

>buddy wants to be good at the game
>doesnt even play the game exclusively
>doesnt even play at the minimum 10 games a day without tilting beyond belief
>doesnt watch streams

why do niggers think they can achieve something without investing anything into it?

fugg riben

syndra a best
and my wife.

while you may be autistic wiafu fagging thread OP's with riven at least you don't fuck with the eyson link like the lizz fag

>yeah, just like zilean bombs detonating
what the fuck does this have to do with anything
are you legitimately retarded

Xth for worst jungle
>43% winrate and dropping

How is that shocking?

10% of the champs in this game are the good ones
20% are what you pick if the good ones are taken/banned
The last 20% are forgotten trashbags played only by shitters and/or people with autism.

how the fuck is owg more alive than us

their game isn't even playable right now

That detonation does not imply the timer has to run out and hence examples elsewhere in the game.
>reading comprehension

I'd fug Riven

small indie company

>its new
>its casual shooter

>league is 5+ years old
>everyone is silver in /lolg/ and on the brink of giving up
gee i dunno boss

the new Sion is so much fun, but I kinda miss the old one that cumshield deleting enemy hp too.

Go full crit now. ER>IE>PD>Shiv>Swifties>Mallet

>People still argue that Riot aren't run by autistic lesbians
Pic related.
The last really cute girl riot made was Nami, back in 2012.
You could argue that Jinx and Vi are cute, but I disagree, as their design's are >Autistic lesbian and >Crack whore.

Quinn is a hunchback.

Kindred is pretty cute if you're a retarded furry, so there's that.

It was support Lux, and I'm just messing around and testing it in low plat?
Why are you triggered by me building an item?
Jesus, relax.
Your opinion is shit too, since it's amazing on her.
You know, just, like, dude, land the skillshot.





If I remember correctly I said he was undertuned and will underferform while you said he was overtuned senpai.

im not furry and i find kindred aesthetically pleasing

not in the "i want to fuck this" sense but in the "this is nice to look at"
but im a sucker for that kind of theme

Because we have better waifus

>not cute
Opinion discarded

Because people are still falling for the post-WoW Blizzard hype machine


that name will never cease to make me laugh

Pink ward will probably afk


I said he was utter garbage and riot gave him a gigantic nuke on E to try to fix it, an E you would never land against good players. Then I said his kit was flawed and would most likely be garbage.

Lo and behold, he gets released, his E is still a ridiculous nuke, he can't land it on anybody with a pulse. Riot gave him EVEN more damage on his E, he's still garbage.

His problem is not something that can or will be fixed by adding numbers. The rework is a failure.

>tfw they turned my favorite item into a fucking support thing

RIP Athenes, I'll miss you buddy.




It'll die down when people realize how bland that game is. Right now it's new.

Im not triggered, i was just stating facts, im more triggered about you being all upset now because apparently i was addressing your garbage itembuild.

Also you didnt mention you were playing support lux, so i was asking myself why you would gimp yourself (on mid) with a support item when your shield is a skillshot.

Guess you are the typical namefag, bad and garbage to argue with.

I think she is cute

>new game
thats why

it happened with GTAV, Sims 4, Artificial Academy 2, etc.


Its new.
Give it a few months and no one will give a fuck about it. It isnt like memestone where you don't need a team.
Diablo 3 and SC2 had the same fate.

Warrior or Bloodrazor with Yi? I'll probably get a bork if they have tanks.

If we're talking aesthetics then Liss should also count.
She's not my cup of tea, wouldn't call her sexy or cute, not into milfs, but she has a pretty aesthetic design.

Hey man, she's pretty disgusting, but would get high with her, to be honest.

>playing yi
Should we tell him?

because pharah is cute

You also said he would get nerfed. No such thing in sight.

I mean yeah sure believe what you want.

Meanwhile I'm doing great with him so hot buffs on my sculpted chest are welcome.

Riot wants you to build Bloodrazor. Take that as you will.

I know he is shit right now, but I just fucking love playing Yi.

Name three things more pathetic than Ekko's AP ratios

Shut up filtered

>Jungle Warwick
>Every game in my match history for the past 2-3 months has been jungle Warwick
>Pretty much all victories
>Normal blind pick
>Oh god why am I doing this
>My team instantly start bitching at each other
>Support and adc are obviously premade and are on something like skype
>Top Quinn "Don't worry guys, she's a viable top, just wait and see"
>Mid Nidalee
>Bott Thresh and Tristana
>Quinn gives first blood at 3 mins
>Nidalee fails constantly
>Thresh can't land his grab for shit
>Tristana feeding
>All turrets pushed
>Inhibs down
>Everyone dies when they go to check Baron
>They didn't wait for me
>Only one alive
>Oh fuck this shit
>B and grab Warmogs
>Jump onto Ez with my ult and activate Hydra
>Rape his ass
>Kill Katarina
>Singed throws me away
>Flash towards him
>Kill him
>Lulu and GP start to run
>Hit Lulu a few times
>Passive activates
>kill GP
>Kill Lulu
>Destroy 2 mid turrets
>Head cos low health
>Finish build
>Team now think we can win
>All push mid
>Inhib down and in base
>Enemy team start to spawn
>Fucking killing time
>Kill Ez again
>Holy fuck what have I become
>Rape last 2 turrets and Nexus
>Holy fuck WW GG
>GG wp WW
>5 honourable opponent
>4 teamwork
>6 friends requests
>2 game invites
Regularly get pentas now, silver 1 and about to head into gold league. Warwick is a fucking killing machine with the right items.

>play in the recent beta
>had the pre-order so i was playing way before a lot of people
>it's a nice experience, lots of players knowing what to do, lots of people who actually know how to play games like this
>open beta hits
>it turns in to a group of level 5s vs level 32s and just becomes a stompfest against the level 5s
>suddenly hits me
>it's a casual shooter that wants to pretend it's an esports game
>Penalized for leaving games
>next game you win you receive 75% less xp
>it was a little buggy and would stick with you until you relaunched the game
>penalized for LEAVING A CASUAL GAME

Bland game. Only thing I ever see people talking about is "OUR WAIFUS AR BETTER!" and that's it.

Mei is Bae tho.

Reading the new twisted logic of doublecultists about why TSM is doing shit and CLG is doing well that don't have anything to do with Doubleshit

This is the post you replied to.
You're literally dumb LMAO.

>I can't hit a skillshot so it's bad.
ok man.

He's just now filtering me

Wow, new.

y-your mom?




This post and the poster.

Riven Waifufags
Riven Players in General

no one is going to read that whole thing, just say
>pick ww

also nice game lolbabs

>not cute

kys tbqh f.am


-dabbles in time magicks-
-comes up with new scientific theories-
-creates time traveling device-
-witnesses his friend die-
-goes back in time-

alright user, i'll try to keep it shorter next time

>silver 1

Should've started with this.

>This is the post you replied to.

I replied to which didnt state anything about it.
Stop trying to winning an argument by twisting things your way. You are garbage dude, massive garbage. I can understand why /lolg/ is slow, because of retards like you.

this too

She is indeed


>I can understand why /lolg/ is slow, because of retards like you.
top kek

I kinda meant in game but ok this works too

xth for Cute Vi

Riven Edition

cute butt user

Uhm ok, but that post replies to a post replying to my post stating it's a support build.

Also, that direct post you replied to stats that I was just testing it to see how it works, I also compared it to Sona, who is a support.

All you're saying is that your reading comprehension is "garbage, dude, massive garbage" and that you're new.

But just to trigger you more, have a game where I DID go mid with Grail Rush.


I said maybe he would get nerfed but I placed way too little trust on the League playerbase to be able to just move off his E, which apparently even silver players can do.

His E damage was overtuned and it's still absolutely overtuned. That thing hits for close to a thousand damage later on.

I also recall you saying he would be able to survive mid, that his E wouldn't be so hard to land and that his sustain was OK and as a good as before. And would you look at that, Riot is targeting his sustain for buffs because he kills himself, and he has the third lowest winrate in the game mid (with the other two being champions that somehow are even worse than him).

I'm sure he will be fine in your silver games, however. But the only way to make him viable in slightly higher elo will be to make him not the most telegraphed and kitable mage in the game, and that will require another rework. But it's a Stashu design, so that's a given.

Thanks for proving my point.

You are G A R B A G E.



we sanic, bby!!!

Of course not, Eyoson is the mother page

Also please dont post lewds of my waifu, tyty.

What waifus are ripe for eating out

ifc all that QUALITY anatomy

what exactly is the level 2 Lbonk cheese combo? I know ignites in there somewhere but what does it entail? Also what are some tips for lbonk?

>ad hominem instead of argument

Wow cool I won a debate on /lolg/

What's my prize?


>Cassio and Vlad posters are the most annoying in lolg
>Some Swainfag also appeared lately and he's also rather annoying
>all three butchered in the rework




also her lv3 combo is the instagibbing one, just land everything, flash behind the enemy if needed and ignite. dont forget to rightclick

at level 2 you want to soften them up for the level 3

Pic related.

God, the things I would do to pleasure this 2 dimensional girl.

>>ad hominem instead of argument

you build a support item on a mid, there is no need to argue, you are trash, and if it makes you feel better

you are trash in MY eyes, so others might think you are good at something


q+e+ignite+thunderlord proc all in
remember to poke your enemy first to at least ~70% hp
should be enough

Hi nigger. Both my smurfs fucked by Riot.

Do you still play on NA?

>tfw Snaketits and VladxVayne OTP are your friends

leave them alone you big bully

xth for wanting to hug Renekton and calm the anger deep inside him

I like waifus with vagina.

Hopefully all three of you get in the same car and die of monoxide poisoning, making both lolg and the world a better place.

user we need to sit down and have a serious talk about your abusive relationships

>I only build what my mobafire guide tells me, guys!

Dude just stop.

Nah, ping too annoying.

preach it.

What does /lolg/ listen to while dumpstering on kids?

I recently discovered the Touhou games and their pretty great OST. I'm making my own hype playlist.


top kek
not even him but snaketits is literally fine as long as you don't try to trigger him with shit like "cassiopeia is fine"

Ahh i see, that makes sense. Thanks for the help! I was wondering wether it was QW or QE, because the stun would also be useful for landing ignite. Also tell me, does LB do well against yasuo and other midlaners like him like zed and their ilk?

Best one's