/ssg/ - Soccer Spirits General #256

/ssg/ - Soccer Spirits General #256

Ardor Edition

Android: play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.com2us.soccerspirits.normal2.freefull.google.global.android.common&hl=en

iOS: itunes.apple.com/us/app/soccer-spirits/id808137814?mt=8

FAQ: pastebin.com/wNX2ME3E

Friend list: ofo.jp/j/OgjO

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>tfw I forgot to make a thread and Jcuck did it

Another patch
Another disappointment

You are absolutely correct, but this is how BB words things in their translations and such.

Another patch.
Have another Silla.

We just had the legendary rebalancing

Can't have nice things all the time now, can we?

kyoot DQ

Who /silla/ here?

Another day without Silla

fucking yay.
meh patch otherwise

0-2 Draw
3-5 Wait
6-8 Buy a skin tomorrow
9 We'll get a free legendary S1-S2 Box for next patch

k e k

>tfw no silla

>main character
>not sam
Stupid waifufags.

>BB shills completely missing the point why they community watch and not prioritizing their game's main character.

Justice for the girl's Soccer Team when?

Draw Milky Way.


Literally no one wants to use (You), Sam.

Imagine the butthurt if we get S1 legendboxes and you draw already maxed legend.

>you will never get silla

whats the point in living...

Idiot. Stop your retard spasms Noautist. Go back to your hole and draw more Noa.

another day
another day without silla

>tfw no Duran or Jin

I'm not butthurt if that happens. If anything, I hope they won't give out any other legend boxes.

There's way too many legends already.

that's why it should be s2, but that would never happen

I only have one legend so the odds are in my favor.

Why won't Silla come to me..

I would be okay with S1 Legend pick. Game's already fucked up because of the legends, so let's level the field a bit.


You already have Maki

Did they ever fix the problem with Sharr dealing more damage to WW?

No, I hope she is also nerfed on the top of it.

t. Black Tortoise player

But I want Silla

That's not a bug ya dumbfuck.

But you have Maki

Would changing one of Ronald's stone slots to light be better than green or thunder?

Reminder that Sharr will be cancer again next season with all these new crit resist units.

How do I register for Jap version?

on discord

Why does Kirin say "I'll show you the power of thunder,"? He's whirlwind.

He paralyzes them with lightning

Because the thunders BELL is his bitch.

He lost his way along with v.bird

Please user tell me
I regret playing for e-sports on Global.
I need to aim for waifu now

I'ts not seibah fault,BB makes their staff write the descriptions very specificaly to avoid confusion, it actually better that way specially when english isn't your native tounge

>be ww
>raped in the ass by ardor
>bitch slapped by thunder in the face

Daily life as the underdogs.

>BB shills tripping
>not secured

Is lurk more no longer a courtesy in the god forsaken internet?

Just notice that Silk didnt get ace skil rename. She didnt get ace buff?

>Literally the best backline
>Meiran - Neraizel literally goes head to head against thunder mids and beats the shit out of the rest

Why are WWniggers so obnoxious?

>bitchslapped by thunder
Well aren't you a faggot.

>he can't tell when it's the real seibah posting

>CA'ed by the 2k reflex lynia
>the backline units have sub par 1,3k reflex due to godventor's 30% reflex debuff

>nera - meiran combo only works 1 time while thunder mids will stuck their dildos up your mouth 10x in a game

Obnoxious they say...

keep crying bitch nigga, your backlines are as cancerous as their mids

Thunder has good mid AND frontline

Honestly both mono WW and thunder are trash without their legends.

>crying about the element they're strong against
wwfags need to be gassed

but still superior to every other element

Yeah you're right, ardor too is nothing without their legends (Choi, Lucian, Sharr)

>no william
>no victoria
>no jacob

>Thundercrybabies and WWniggers falseflagging as always.
In the renewed era of Sharr?
After the ass nerfs?
Even mono ardors forsake this faggot

Ardor buffs when?

>use ww

>lose to thunder

Whatever shall I do?

Use silla ace obviously :^)

After Uriel buffs, senpai.

>needing buffs

My favorite /ssg/ meme.

The only buffs ardor needs is a skin make over to make everyone eligible for the Girl's Soccer Team. Except for strikers. Only Noa is allowed to be striker in such a team.

I wonder what other players are getting buffs.


Next patch EE

>Silk gets a boring as shit EE
It sucks literally everyone with a stacking buff is doomed to get the most boring EE ever.

>download line
>go here and click on the pic of willy boy and shu
>scan qr code
>accept penguin

then click on the pic with erica and sharr, and click the pink button and sign up.

>installed Line
>go for the Qr code
>open link
>ask to open line

it worked for me on the the download from US, try again?

I love Yuri's smile. It reminds me that some things are worth fighting for. Some airheads are worth fighting for. And it reminds me that it's okay if a girl is a bit dim-witted as long as she's cute.

I see, I'm from EU...I'm going to try again with my phone and then Droid4x thx user

Meiran Neraizel mid vs Vic-Meta-Duke = not a good time

line has it's own qr scanner, use that

I'm from EU and it worked for me.

Season 1 players without EE

>ardor - erica, sage, sue, elise
>whirlwind - saramir, magnus, elizabeth
>thunder - vann, butcher, jury
>light - cassiel, mariel, celus, milky way, muspel, ustiel
>dark - orses, gerrard, lab rat, alkyde, fontus

Place bets.

>I needed to do an Qr code update to made it work
wew Thanks guys, I may probably be a Bora-fag there, see you soon.

anyone that was on that poll on the forum is a safe bet


>people complaining about Silk EE
Her kit was already strong and with the healing buff she now heals half her health in PvP. Now she has her stats back and you can throw her in front of the striker to get free CR stats and she'll heal herself so you'll almost never have your goalie get shot at solo. Meanwhile Lynbell and Orses are still fucked with no recall.

Why does she have so much bad fanart?

there is hope for Lucid, right?
she just need eclipse to be activated with a shoot not with a pass....


Her legs are fucked.

that's a neat idea.
try posting that on the suggestion forum

Looks like a female Vonchi

She'll get buffs and EE in the "major" patch
>Yahweh's protection
>decreases dmg by 75%, recovers spirit by 75% with an attack and increases attk pwr by 75% with an attack

I haven't played for at least half a year, is there anything major that changed besides all of these new skins I noticed and the censorship on hilde? What are the top strikers these days?



>reddit's waifu
Nani did teme expect?


>gains 75% as and 150% pass effect after shooting
Same shit.

or make it passive... that skill just need to be active so she can be viable in pvp...


Is this a joke? She was always just a cute cheerleader, healer at the back at best. What about Hiro? Is she at least decent?

Also did they announce anything about the censorship or just sneak that one silently? I'm not complaining Hilde actually looks better now.

William, Leventor and Vitos are powerful as fuck
Kirin paralyzes your backline then strong waifus like Bell, Metatron, etc bully you to death
Vonchi is the bestest striker after third shot
And Latios...

I dun messed up

What color dominates the game nowadays? It used to be thunder when I played.

It is the era of healing cancer now.