Burn It ALL Edition
Last time on /ss13g/
>No rules week, though likely a joke, is still in discussion on the announcements section of the forums
>MoMMIs gone carbon can't keep a good grip on their tools
>Wheelchairs can be lethal, make sure you have a driver's licence before operating one
>Nothing of significance
>What is Space Station 13?
>New player guide
>BYOND client
>Pomf Serbian, main Veeky Forumsstation server, running a vote script to change maps at round end.
>Test server
>Public server list
>Forum, ban list and logs for vgstation
>How do I connect to the servers?
Hit the cogwheel in the upper right corner of the BYOND hub and pick "Open Location"
>Map renders collection: updated nightly
>Coderbus, here!
@rizon #coderbus @rizon #vgstation
>SS13 booru for all your SS13 images!
>How To Install BYOND: The Video Tutorial: The Movie
>OP Pastebin
/ss13g/ Spessmen on a Spess Station General
Other urls found in this thread:
Is it just me or is the Goonstation server filled with circlejerking shitters?
Are there any other servers where guns aren't absolute shit and a faggot with a gas mask is not invulnerable to shots in the face?
Trying real hard to like this game sometimes.
3rd for raping waifus in no rules week
#rd for you won't be able to rape waifus or anyone because everything will go to shit and you won't have any fun In the grief fest as everyone gets their maximum murder boner on. And
>implying they won't just suicide succumb
>hope you're into necrophilia
>Nekotoxin bomb
>Affected are turned into cute neko slime girls
Cant suicide when handcuffed
Hold breath.
>implying they won't just suicide succumb
If they ghost, they can still see what happens to their body. That's good enough for me.
you have to code it first lmao
Just doing my spessmen duty since I used go play here
Rev up the bunker if it's still a thing
Also I miss pomf
nah our playerbase has been shit lately and we need new blood
>nah if you join and press F1 I'll answer your questions.
Admins did this
Do you want this fate user, sprites are a go and the chem reactions are copy paste of stuff we already have. The only part that would need consideration is how would you get the cat slime. The hardest part would be getting off my ass and doing it.
we need another
Why does footguy want Megurines feet? That is a bit out there.
Of the sec waifus, she's the one that runs around the most
yeah what a crazy and infamous figure this "foot-guy" is am i right?
Triggered to this day by those numbers.
How do I crack the safes like the one in the vault?
I know you need a stethoscope but I dont know how to open that shit.
Why should I tell you?
get a stethoscope and pray.
Wow such helpful info.
I just want to know what sound the thing is supposed to make when you're supposed to rotate the knob the other way.
I am Meg. I was just wondering. I just know I am grabbing the chain of command and tying people up in my dungeon, the brig.
Yo guys, since people in game said they want to be able to fund coders to code their pet projects or new features/systems.
This is actually a really easy thing for both sides to do so I'll put this up here
for both coders/players to see, all you need to do is make a github issue describing your idea-guy project and then put a bounty by putting the issue link on that website.
If nobody uses it, oh well no net loss compared to where we are now.
Capitalism Ho! Finally people can buy into their weird and disgusting fetishes!
what if the idea is shit and or the code is shit and gets downvoted and closed
>patreon for coding
Golly gee
I'd recommend you make an issue and actually get people to agree to whatever idea before putting any money down
I like transformation above all fetishes, get that right.
But I chose Meg's feet because that was a named that just popped into my head.
you shouldn't have touched that bounty with a foot long pole
Fair enough.
>Megurine will never shrink you and play with you with her giant feet
feels bad
Fuck, maybe I'll write a lewdfic about this and upload it to the library.
When you bounty it
How much shekels would it take to get rid of hypothermia?
What's the best way to explore space?
Someone said tele beacons but I dont know how the hell you would get back if the teleporter isn't calibrated to the station
That's not a bounty that's a bribe
>offering 5 billion dollars to cure cancer is a bounty
>offering 5 bucks to cure celtcancer is a bribe
Wormhole jaunter,a space pod and a bag full of hicap
I would say grab a jetpack (from EVA for example), fill it up, and take a GPS to keep track of your z-level.
You could also build a space pod, there's a guide in the wiki.
Teleporters are kinda meh unless you know exactly what you want to do. You can use the derelict teleporter to get back.
Just so you know there's a /v/ thread up but it looks like it's not shit, the rules were pretty clearly stated in it
Can you stop shilling your own thread?
Nah man, I wouldn't say anything about it if I was trying to do that
I'm in that thread trying to tard wrangle newfags and I'm having a stroke from how fucking spoiled these reddit-babies are.
Why do we have stupid cat beast instead of proper cat grills?
We do have proper synthetic cat girls.
Some say if you go to medbay after 12am youre greeted by big fat cat tats
Is sec still a good place to get your valid salid?
Probe is trying to get more babbys in, and luring them with TG and reddit memes
Get back to polaris/vore
t-tell me more friend..
That's because we don't want to attract furries.
But as mentioned, you can buy neko girls for five bucks now please don't
Sure, why not. Antags are valid, there's literally no reason for putting them in the brig instead of cutting their head off.
The bounty system doesn't mean a feature will for sure be added/removed.
I want to lick Hime's armpits!!!
>playerbase is the problem
>not no new features or anything added to help out the old players have more fun
>old players complain they don't get new features
>meanwhile open source they're completely welcome to add them
I'll do it of it'll shut you up nerd
Honestly asking, if I will play 60$ to a 100$ bounty for a new game mode will coders do it?
>no new features or anything added to help out the old players have more fun
Please no
I'm an old player, and whenever I find time to play a round, there's a shitload of new features I don't know about.
I just can't keep up with you autists
no change from the outside is going to bring an old player the feeling of wonder as when he played ss13 for the first time
the best we can aspire to re-live it vicariously through newbies
Are you retarded?
If you played at least a year ago almost nothing got added.
Or we could try to build a new experience on top of that...as in enforcing fucking medium rp days so that at least on some days you can enjoy station at it's purest without metamemeing cucks and horrible shifts, where people would actually talk to each other.
A coder would probably make a gamemode from scratch for $60 to $100
>Are you retarded?
>If you played at least a year ago almost nothing got added.
Sorry, that's just plain bullshit.
>enforcing fucking medium rp
were you even there for medium RP?
Why don't you just go to a medium RP server
Because I don't want "medium rp", I want something that is not going on on any server, actual tabletop like proper roleplay.
Just simple rule, character has backstory and you try to stay in character as much as possible.
So... High RP?
>tfw you pick assistant just to run over and get borged, using up an assistant slot
that's what medium RP is you dingus
I remember one of the Medium RP weeks, we had a Kangaroo judge for a case. Then I think we had a mouse with a robot translator. Good fun.
>would be assistant picks another role and just greytides with more access
>would be assistant eventually gets banned/jobbanned for wasting real job slots
>lose mesmerizingly good tator round best round i had in ages to be honest
>it ain't me starts playing
High RP and medium RP terms don't actually mean shit on space station servers. They equate to autism and autism with ERP usually because, and I know this sound fedora tier, but most communitiesare not "no bullshit" anti-hugboxes like Veeky Forums board communities.
Veeky Forums server preferably run on Veeky Forums code where people actually roleplay is all I want, no high RP or medium RP or any of those pretend terms, people just actually fucking roleplay.
On that note, I'm a new player, and I've made multiple chars for different jobs, is that weird?
I don't have much of a backstory for them, mostly a different speaking style.
No, that's what a lot of people that are not shitters do.
But I believe that actually having backstories and character to get immersed into will help everyone.
The radio transmitter got a lot more harm done than I expected.
>sucks on some lemons
there are much better places to RP everywhere else
You don't have to. Some people random name every single round. Some people take it a step further and random body every round as well.
Some people static name and play the same character in every job.
And some people do what you do.
It's entirely up to you.
I want to doorcrush the unrobust!!
I want to space their bodies!!!
>"no bullshit" anti-hugboxes like Veeky Forums board communities
Are we even browsing the same board?
>wizard will never be fixed
If you yourself engage in good RP, then other people will inevitably join you without being forced. I think that's a good solution for everyone on this server.
If you want more, that would literally be exactly what a "high-RP" server offers. And the bay code was pretty similar to Veeky Forums, last I checked.
what needs fixan
In what fucking world? I always see people waste slots and do fuck all even with assistant slots available.
Fireball, add channel to it and its golden.
But they are shit and have fucking furry fuck ERPers.
I want Veeky Forums server that is good at roleplay and uses not shit code.
I absolutely hate the idea of roleplaying so I mostly stay quiet in game, at most it's "help being attacked/dragged/fart raped"
But why?
What kind of autism is that?
Blink can't take you through walls any more if you can't see the other side
Mind swap doesn't transfer your mind completely so spells that pick targets only do so from your original body
Being unable to cast certain spells on z2 means you can't cast them on the emergency shuttle
If you're in jaunt form when the shuttle takes off you're left behind
Magic missile projectiles don't work most of the time and knock people out instead of stun
Fireball is shit because it doesn't blow up on the tile that blocked it
>Veeky Forums
>good at roleplay
Can't have it both ways. This is not the right crowd.
Don't forget spilling your spaghetti when someone asks you something and putting on scrub gloves when anyone is within 6 tiles from you
There's a lot of people that just want to build their autism forts and get really pissed if you disrupt them.
Been mostly inactive for years now. Did anyone else ever find out that you can use canister+the station's piping to set off a near unlimited amount of canister bombs at once?
I can't get into roleplay unless it's ERP.
I spend most of the time doing my job, building an autism fort, exploring spess and waiting for something to happen so I have a reason to shoot something.
>There's more than one person in the workshop
I always click another job when I see Mechanic (1)