/wpsg/ - WoW Private Server General

>waiting in a fake queue to eat shit
>paying to skip a fake queue and eat shit

/wpsg/ guilds:

- Vengeance, Alliance Instant 58,1x

- Theatre of Dreams, Horde 2x

- Atlantiss, Alliance 1x

Lvl 255 memeserver

>Where can I get game clients?

>How do I connect to [server]?
1. Register on a private server that hosts the same game client you have.
2. Copy their realmlist URL. This can usually be found on the main page of the website or on their registration page.
3. Look for a realmlist.wtf file in your WoW folder. This may either be in the root folder, or inside Wow/Data/enUS/
4. Open the realmlist.wtf file in a text editor such as Notepad and paste in the realmlist settings of the server. Make sure it starts with 'set realmlist' followed by the realmlist URL.

>I have set the realmlist correctly but it still connects me to XYZ server/says invalid login info.
You will need a clean wow.exe and dll files if you downloaded your WoW client from XYZ server. Check the clients section above.

>How do I stop my client from auto-updating?
• Start the game with wow.exe - not launcher.exe
• Don't use your email for logging in, use your account name.
• Find the patchlist file in your installation and remove it.

Previous thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


add the rebirth, my man

Fuck off /krog/ faggots youre not /wpsg/

Don't forget on excalibur.
The best tbc guild on a server that actually works!


no need to get buttblasted, my acquaintance

Reminder: Don't believe the Lordaeron lies.

Its not a /krog/ guild shiter. /wpsg/ isn't a wotlk only general


Friendly reminder that we're waiting for on ToD.

Why can't I connect to any wotlk pservers with the client from the OP?

threadly reminder

>rebirth guild should be in kronos general

are you fucking retarded?

theres a level 255 funserver in the OP that literally no one even plays on and you're crying about there being actual guilds included?

kill yourself my man

What classes do you need? I was thinking of maybe starting on a wotlk server as paladin/warrior/rogue.

And the 225 server has wpsg people in it, inactive or not.
Youre literally full of /krog/ people who are waiting for kronos to come back.
You're not /wpsg/ so fuck off, make your own general if you don't like it.

full on rogues, full on warriors

Can we finally make a L4G Guild

There are People from here playing on it, some are even 70


Paladin is your best bet. We have a lack of every spec, i think we have 1 holy 1 ret. Warriors/rogues get rotated out because we have a lot.

>Youre literally full of /krog/ people

Are you seriously saying if you use another Veeky Forums general that you're not allowed in the secret /wpsg/ club?

Shut the fuck up newfag you don't even know how OP guilds work you babbling idiot.

If it's a Veeky Forums guild consistent of only Veeky Forums players then it goes in the OP. Kronos general is for Kronos and /wpsg/ is for everything else. Just because some janitor decided he wanted to shit-post /krog/ to death doesn't mean we shouldn't try and fix his incompetency.

Are you autistic enough to stand up to tyrannis and generics? If so make it.

let go dude this shit is controlled by weeb avatar faggots on discord that will thread war and report other OPs until they win and only their sicrit club guilds are in there

>some newfag who came on the nostalrius train trying to say how /wpsg/ works

Just fuck off back to your containment general, /wpsg/ is for /wpsg/ not for other generals. We aren't for /krog/ guilds just like we weren't for /nosg/ guilds
Again, if you don't like it feel free to fuck off.

>charge a mob
>fall through the map


"I'll take /wpsg/ servers for $300, Alex."
"Alright user, let's play! The answer is: One of the most populated for World of Warcraft's first expansion pack, this private server hosts a fresh /wpsg/ about to break into raiding what is known as Tier 5. Well, user?"

Not this again, we had weeks of webms. Everyone knows tod is stock azeroth even the shills admit it.

/wpsg/ guild* ehehe

>/wpsg/ is for /wpsg/ not for other generals

Kronos general is for Kronos not other games.

/wpsg/ is for all private servers.

You have yet to present an actual argument with any substance beyond "I DONT LIKE UR SERVER SO I WONT LET U PUT IT IN THE OP!!!!"

Please tell me more though about how you're going to cherry pick expansions and guilds you'll let into the OP though.

No, the op is literally for people who are in a guild with only /wpsg/ players
Sorry newfriend but you don't have any argument here better take it back to krog

Ok Trumped here on L4G.
Let's make a guild on L4 G Fuck these vengeance and ToDead server faggots.
If you are interested just reply to this message

>get re-spawned in a completely different zone


I think its the default drop zone when you go off map.
I know alliance get put in westfall for example

What is

Don't do it. The server population peak is 100. No one to level with no one to group with. Server is fucking dead and in polish.

hi tyrannis

vengeance didnt work out huh?

Cuckme here friend

what classifies someone as a /wpsg/ player? I'm in /wpsg/ right now and playing on a private server with a guild that consists of only Veeky Forums players.

What other criteria need to be met?

I'm waiting.

Browsing or posting here, which most kronos 2 fags don't do.
Youre not a wpsg guild its not complicated

Not who ever that is, I am Trigglypuff on kronos, or am also happy to pass off guild leadership because I have no clue how to lead and my artificial hand makes me shit at wow

>Browsing or posting here

I just went and asked each individual guild member if they browse here from time to time. They all said yes.

There we go, can't wait to see you in the next OP! Don't worry, I'll make it to save anyone else the trouble.

Thanks for the cooperation.

Now you're getting it.
you still won't be in any of the ops


The bells of paradise I heard them ring.

>you still won't be in any of the ops

Yeah, we'll see about that. Good luck!

>make character on atlantiss
>can take on 4-5 mobs at once at lvl 5
i'm starting to remember why i stopped playing in cataclysm

Alright. If I do go paladin would I be more likely to be funnelled into a tank role? I don't mind it just trying to get an idea what I'd be mostly doing.

Also how are you on locks?

Do you take NAshitters? I got a gnome warrior called Puddle, haven't even really started.

I think you could play whatever you want, maybe ask in discord to double check.
We have a good amount of locks i think though

Goodluck outsperging that autist

We have 1 retri
We have 2 holy paladins but one is about to fuck off and the other already fucked off, i never see him raid
We have 0 prot paladins

Please take shitnetics' spot so even when he returns he won't be able to play.

We will take anyone who isn't a name faggot or memes non-stop.
I have reverend a guild before and don't want to lead but the one thing I will promise is that anyone, regardless of race, creed or sex but I will boot anyone who shifts up guild chat with inane bullshit or memes for hours
If that sounds appealing let me know, we welcome all

Reminder, is on alliance side the rebirth


Which classes are the best all-around 1v1ers in 3.3.5?

Server is up, Message Trumped in game on L4G if you want in the new guild



Also I have never made a guild, can someone give me some tips? This is just a fun guild, and as I said if someone else wants to lead they can
I'm also need some name suggestions.

Rogue or dk dince you can burn a bunch of cds for 1 kill
Maybe mm hunter

Don't rogues get massively cucked by frost mages?

Hard to beat a DK that knows his class and others very well. But you have to actually be highly skilled to be considered very strong.

Frost Mage is still low skill floor high ceiling. Spriest is similar.

Rogues are strong against most match ups but if they don't get the jump on some it's an almost auto-loss.

Ret paladin is still very strong and the easiest melee to pvp with overall and do well.

Warlock is probably the easiest caster in a similar vein of thought. Easy to do well with, lots of utility and damage.

>/krog/ guild
That's pretty disgusting

Add how easymode hunters are to this and you're pretty much set.

is humbert in this guild?

No need to be buttdevastated, laddies.

Do you have any room for hunters?

We have only one hunter main, so yes, yes we do.

no one cares go fuck yourself

We have two hunters who raid, i know one is a main. There is someone leveling a hunter now I think so im not really sure.

>no need to be buttdevastated that I'm a fucking idiot that rolled on a server that's frequently held hostage


>talk to some guy on corecraft beta who's in a guild that's testing raids
>he said all raid testing finished 6 fucking months ago
>currently leveling 60-70 and have seen no bugs whatsoever


How does the instant 58 work on Vengance? The npc is just asking me for some code

We have two, only one main afaik, and two more leveling (20s currently)

critter pathing still off by 1 pixel

shiro doing maths research for legitimate pathing, iirc

other than the tiny population how's virtue arena wow? i've barely noticed any bugs myself

You gotta buy it.
Free on L4G and I am making a guild for us there now message Trumped if you want in

Where do you find this shit out? Do I just have to sit on the irc all day and hope I see some news?

i heard that the slime thingys in pools of aggonar still deal like 5 damage too much but no one can confirm 100%

Can I get some ideas for the L4 G guild name?

they are literally scripting all of the vanilla raids and dungeons to perfection

im not fucking kidding either

they spent months on that alone


No they didn't.

is this that server with 100 people online? whats the point of playing there?

just ignore those autistics
all true wpsg'ers are waiting for gummycraft

It's a Eu server, used to peak at 2k now around 1300. I think when ulduar comes out it will be at 2k again.
It gets around 200 during NA time though.

Its also the only low rate wotlk server that is progressing and has raids scripted well

Performance Artists


Can anyone help me with creating the guild on L4G? I just needs signatures, no need to stay but you are all welcome

They just means they haven't posted a new update, not that they've been working on vanilla raids for 3 months.

Our options are
perfomance artists
Who's Moot
anyone else?

Oh and if anyone can help me with Signatures I need them, Message Trumped in game if you can help.
The doc at the Va said something like this would be good so I don't need you guys to stay but I would appreciate a few signs please.

He has to quadruple check that every mob does exactly the right amount of damage and the pathing is perfect
I should specify, every mob in Zul'Farrak. Gotta make sure vanilla is perfect for your instant 58 BC server!

whats the fucking point of playing on l4g when everyone will jump ship to playTBC when it comes out, just like everyone jumped from vengeance to l4g

Vengeance went from 2k peak to like 200 peak

theres the option that ptbc is shit m8

>excellent raid scripts
>decent population
>good everything else
>2*25m wpsg raiding guild

what is not to love

Because it's fun and I like all of you. I just want to be with my friends but if you don't like to hats fine.
And if you think play bbc is going live after that shit fest you are fucking. I actually assumed the waiting for play tbc thing was a meme.
Big just miss playing with you guys, I like all of you I have met.
So if you just want to hang out with friends and mess around message Trumped in game on L4G

that jew bitch rih just que shitTBC and now there asking for donations lol.

All right, Habbo Hotel is live on L4G. Need 8 more signs I am Trumped in UC, love to have you guys

>jew bitch quit because the owner wants to earn some shekels out of this

idk man theres so much going wrong with this server even the jews there leave because they get more money



>go to playtbc.com
>its not a troll