League of legends General - /lolg/

Dotards get out of my thread edition.

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>implying this won't be deleted

at least you're consistent.

as it should be

So I'm just now finding out Riot banned 3 NA teams from LCS/Challenger. And they don't even have to prove why they deserved it. Anybody else find that fishy? I mean not that I don't believe these teams are run by incompetent shady people, but still.

Illaoi is cute.

>5% gain overnight
more lies from cassbuffs

Xth for Katarina
best girl

Primetime league about to start.

Friendly reminder a discord exists, come funpost with us all!


>But they were immensely successful from a marketing perspective, especially Jinx's music video.
>check youtube
>jinxs music video has almost 50m views
holy shit

Are they gonna talk about how much of a "success" their Mage Update was?

>Cassifag still has the audacity to incessantly bitch in these threads while my sassy space dragon go Galio percentage play rates is getting Rej'Sai'd in the nerd department

But you don't see me making a meme out of my suffering, do you?

lemme see if I got this right. he buffers EQ and then presses R right before EQ connects with sion, he then blinks to ahri and whatever the fuck the other enemy was, and the EQ (or maybe just the Q) connects with those instead and then they take the damage from R as well. is that all?

there's probably huge legality issues at stake.


Update when?

>First five minutes of the game Garen, Teemo, and Ashe are top lane because they all wanted top lane
>Ashe eventually comes to help me
>Garen asks why he's dying
>See his items after the game

xth for fuck off tomoka

You don't have what it takes, kid.

Why would you want to stake so much money on participating in LCS if Riot can just kick you out without even deigning to tell you why?

Cassbuffs doesn't care about balance. He won't be satisfied until she's pick or ban cancer

I really wish he'd stop. Cute girls don't deserve to be bullied like this.

I wanna hug Renekton!

>That shaco

What was the hot fix?

It will be about MSI along with a bit of comedy.

wouldn't that mean cass would just get banned all the time so she'd never be played either way?

Looks like a pretty standard support Shaco to me, fampai.

what exactly am I supposed to be looking at?

None of the teams that have been punished are even denying that the wrongful actions occured.
I think monte tried to say some shit like "I dinn do nuffin i aint even know wut wuz goin on" but that's pretty much it.
So it seems like Riot is in the right here.

what hotfix did she receive ?

what hasn;t she recieved yet?

I recently purchased cass and outside of her ridiculous mana costs, she was alright

Good ol low levels where everyone and everything stacks attack speed.

most shacos don't take flash if that's what you mean

they can't tell the viewers and players what's going on, the people who're at fault have probably been told multiple times.

Yes but that's not the point. He barely even plays this game, and when he does he plays Soraka. He just wants to look at her high winrate and beat off.

He had fallen behind in lane and didn't build any armor or attack items. At least, that's why I think he died.

placem and watchem!

Standard shaco support desu

Gib Varus script reccomendation

Yeah that shit actually blew up pretty hard. Had a friend of mine who never even downloaded league and she wanted to cosplay as her.

why don't you have thunderlords or deathfire? varus is more of an ad caster even when played in the bot lane

You don't either you contrarian fuckface, you just jump on whoever you think is underpowered and scream about buffs because you like the attention. You do the same shit in /owg/ threads with d.va.

Does any Yi autist know if it's better to go warrior instead of bloodrazor if I will build him with crit?

You lose

Also If I lose I'm playing Tree of Savior.
Also need music for trying to carry

Literally what the fuck are you talking about? I don't even play Overwatch. Are you stupid or something?

I know it's hard to believe but before the manamune meme varus was played like an actual adc.
and he was good

>Q scales off ad
>More AD = More damage from your Q crit
It's not rocket science

Warrior with crit WOULD be better if crit wasn't currently bugged on him

As it is right now I've been having success with bloodrazor and stacking flat armor penetration

I want to move Renekton to a hospice so that he can better deal with his memory lapses and alzheimer's disease!

I don't play yi but bloodrazor is so fucking bad that I doubt warrior is worse

cinderhulk. Not kidding. Only way yi is playable right now is to play tank


What runes are the optimal for top lane sion? With the recent nerfs to magic resist items his zz build looks great. I currently run ad reds, flat armor yellows and mr per level blues with ad quints. Should I invest in hybrid pen?

Then someone with your reaction pics is doing the same shit there, only with d.va instead of Cass. it's fucking annoying either way.

Late beta into Season 1 here fucktard.
No he wasn't, stop spreading lies. He was hot garbage.

too soon, user

>shattering all the trust your son might have in you just to make a joke

This is what's wrong with the world.

Yo lol overlords what do i max as Viktor now?

Q or E?

sounds like someone forgot that brief period where he was a top 3 ad carry before they nerfed the fuck out of his E

Hi late season 1.
Yes he was played as an adc, because he was released as an adc, with the purpose of being an adc.
Go play him as a normal adc right now and you'll see he's just fine, as he always has been.
I know varus sucking absolute ass is a pretty cool meme for most people but it's okay to try things out for yourself and make your own opinion.

What game are you jumping to now that LoL is dying? Is Overwatch good?

>That smog in Shanghai

Jesus China


Varus was never played mid despite the champion spotlight... until he hit that FotM mid with manamune in the past two years forgot when exactly

he was always ran in that shitfest duo bot until that point

>win all teamfights even though our ekko has down syndrome
>still almost lose solely because of yi's faggotfuck backdooring and how none of us can 1v1 him so the team can push
>we literally won that game with less than 100 hp on our nexus

Fuck yi and fuck riot for shitting on zhonya's so swain is strictly weaker now. Why do I still play this fucking game.


It's fun but not worth the money.

>Is Overwatch good?
Just play TF2 for free, basically the same game

No, his E got barely scraped. His Q was very good, but not top 3 ADC.

No, I meant he was hot garbage. Not that he wasn't played as an ADC.

Okay you're right user, let me know how much MF sucks ass right now in a year.

>Delete Lux folder with over 1k pics
>Gonna spend the night refilling it from scratch while listening to chill songs.

This is how you spend a night with the waifu.

Varus was not garbage on his release, either
never really has been, people just play pussy champs most the time anymore

>Singed on your team
>loading screen pops up and he doesnt have level 5 mastery

that doesn't even look like her

I'd play it if it were F2P, it's not worth spending money on.

>vayne on your team
>loading screen pops up and she has level 5 mastery

Right, and I was saying that he's never been bad. He's just one of those champions that people like parrot other people's opinions about without ever actually having played them

>tfw I preferred the old Malz

>she still goes 1/6 in lane

>Cass on your team
>loading screen pops up
>level 5 mastery
>still horribly lose the game because the champ's utter shit even after the hotfix

>just a prank son

this happened to me today, I was supporting a vayne main, with around 500k points, all she did was towerdive from lvl 1 and blame me for it. She ended the game 2/17

Jesus Sjokz looking qt on PTL

>both support and adc have lvl 5 mastery
>they stomp and carry

Its just meme support seems detrimental in a ranked game is all.

>suffer a tough loss
>requeue almost immediately
>get an easy win
>all desire to continue playing evaporates

Anyone else know this feeling? It makes climbing in ranked harder than it should be.

Hey guys bored atm, but i thought of a cool idea to play in customs for fun, its a team skin fight. You play as full skin teams against one another (all pool party, all pentakill, tpa's, skts, etc) If you are interested in playing i got a custom set up. Title is:Pentakill vs other skin team. Just thought it would be neat.

Why you guys not watching sjokz right now?

I love Lissandra!

I like waifus with girlpussy.

I don't give many fucks about exports.

whew lads.

>Sivir: "First game in ranked"
>100 CS down at 20 minutes all turrets in bot down and 0/4/0
>Crit LeBlanc 1/6/0 90 CS down
>0/5/1 Lee Sin main
>0/5/0 support Voli who doesn't buy boots and only laning items

Can't wait to sell this account, my placement matches didn't go well and the types of people I get here, I didn't know people could be this dumb.

Because she's 5/10
I'd still fuck but I'm not going out of my way to look at her normal face.
Besides she probably sucks at league

What is this
Did you just create it
Why would I do that when my husband is about as attractive as Vlad anyway

>tfw when wanted to play URF on PBE but Dominion is up instead now.

I just wanted to get 15 voidlings

She was plat I think

>single kill, full tank, tp

Do you think lux gains sexual skill when she transforms into star guardian?

She's a nice pair of legs, but not much else.