Someone please do innervate + deathwing the dragon lord. Sounds pretty memetastic.
Julian Foster
>gold cards dont give you golden copies in this brawl
Jayden Cooper
>Play this >It plays Brawl
Y-y-you too
Eli Harris
Too slow imo, same es ysharj(sp) any rush down deck will kill you >murloc, bolster What have you
Jack Garcia
With ooze, you lose.
Henry Sullivan
you just have to believe
Angel Barnes
I'm waiting to do it once it's up on eu.
Lucas Howard
John Russell
This brawl is such an aggro circlejerk. There are so many fun decks people can play, but they just choose shitty mech decks.
Cooper White
Waiting for Brawl EU tavern brawl.
I wanna meme with Frost Nova + Mana Wurm :(
Asher Lewis
ty brawl deck
Josiah Barnes
>implying every brawl isn't a meme brawl
Robert Williams
*Dramatic music*
Jace Phillips
Fireball plus ice block is disgusting, loses to mill tho
Logan Mitchell
Reposting for BASED BOLF
Also Soulfire Fist of Jaraxxus is bretty gud
Jacob Robinson
Naturalize + Coldlight Oracle
Jackson Diaz
>Getting a non-golden common card instead of gold or dust as part of your Arena rewards.
Anthony Diaz
I just met this meme combo Damn the mill is strong.
Christian Price
Why EU is the literal cuck of all servers? We got wotog late, we're getting this brawl late, I'M NOT EVEN COUNTING THE RANKED MAINTENANCE SHIT, WHAT THE FUCK
Camden Gutierrez
I literally just ran into it. You're right. lmao.
Luis Anderson
Should be a minimum mana count or something >each card at least 5 mana
Ryan Lopez
Ayden Fisher
Best decks for the brawl?
Jackson Gonzalez
Could've been worse.
Noah Bennett
You are in the inn when suddenly this guy appear and slaps your secrets. keep in mind that he wins +1/+1 for each secret
Andrew Gray
Unstable Portal +Flamewaker
Eli Stewart
Fucking casual.
Luis Cox
That was a brawl already Literally Malfurion versus Malfurion with some handlock and burst memes
Gavin Hall
so removal-->minion flood--->spell burn--->removal
for this brawl?
Aiden Thompson
He is one of the only good ones, stfu, fag.
Joseph Rogers
pls respond
Josiah Hughes
He's a c'thun counter
Liam Anderson
Tidecaller + Oracle is GOAT. Win turn 3 every single time. Turn 4 at the latest.
I mean a combination >at least 5 mana >only 2 cards >your deck will be both
Caleb Morales
I can't be bothered with make your own deck brawls, everyone else is netdecking the best decks thanks to it already being out in NA. It ruins it completely and is no fun
Isaiah Martin
I know he's good compare to things like Nat or Soggoth, but I have no idea what deck to fit him for Replacement Dr. 7 in Warrior?
Evan Adams
I play mana wyrm and magic missles, free mage wins enjoy!
Colton Diaz
I've been using mana wyrm+arcane missiles.
Discard all missiles for opening hand. Get at least 3 wyrms on the field before using arcane missiles. Even better if you get coin. having 3 4/3 on turn 3 is pretty nice. I normally win games by turn 4/5. I've only lost to a Ice block+fireball mage.
Nathaniel Ross
Is brawl back online?
Jace Jenkins
Post your salty add's from this memetastic tavern brawl please
Thomas Richardson
You could run a version of C'Thun Rogue. One of Kripp's recent video's showcases it. All you really need are a couple of Blade of C'Thuns (throw in your free Beckoners too) and a bunch of card draw and removal. Tweak the deck to what you have available and I'm sure you could make a working one.
Jace Harris
Why so smug?
Colton Long
Aggro hunter? Some say it's dead, I disagree.
Jace Harris
Unstable ghoul.
William Sanders
Lucas Morales
The deal is off with that attire, cunt.
James Campbell
> Being so insecure you have to add every single person you lose against to explain why you lost, even in a fucking tavern brawl WEW
Jordan Evans
Because a deals a deal!
Joshua Harris
This is pretty funny! Spreading the love.
Liam Edwards
>blade of cthun deck >f2p deck Wtf are you babbling about?
Ryder Rivera
warpers + iron sensei
Charles Cruz
Wow hey, look at this. Thanks Mill Druid. Who's it gonna be, lads?
Lincoln Torres
i like this brawl
Joseph Gutierrez
This brawl, man
Leo Reyes
Xavier Watson
Logan Anderson
>Golden hunter guess who's getting roped all the way to fatigue
William Powell
What about renounce darkness? that's rolling the dice and hoping you get a counter to everything, I guess.
Hudson Allen
Aiden Murphy
>Depending on the spaghetti code the minion is placed before and after a battlecry I have never seen a situation complaining about inconsistencies or spaghetti code that didn't boil down to the complainant not understanding the rules. They're not exactly undocumented; there's a wiki page that's very clear about how playing minions works. Minions are always placed before battlecries. I thought Yogg killing himself would have settled this question for good, but apparently people still insist on misinterpreting secrets and the After Summon phase.
Carson Morales
Is ice armor mage literally the best deck for this brawl? Ice armor and mad scientist?
Thomas Reyes
beat by iceblock fire ball mage
Angel Allen
Innervate Boom.
Julian Taylor
>comparing nat to one of the best neutral WotOG legends >thinking hogger is better than Soggoth
Soggoth makes zoo and miracle spend win conditions on killing him. The only way miracle can kill soggoth is by putting cold bloods on a gadgetzan and zoo needs PO to clear him if they don't want to reverse-consecrate themselves.
Jackson Jenkins
how long does the game take? i feel like other decks are faster
Andrew Butler
How is she going to finger herself with nails like that?
Jackson White
>cthun >cthun >cthun thank you standard for this exciting and fresh metagame
Mason Parker
Innervate + Mire Keeper
Brayden Edwards
Mana wyrm arcane missiles Shieldbearer inner fire Innervate bog creeper That 1/2 murloc getting 1+ attack when another murloc is played and the 1/1 who gives +1 atk Innervate any big guy for that matter Some say coldlight and naturalize, but , I never won after 5 games
William Allen
alextsraza and mages are pure fucking cancer
Isaiah Lopez
I think I've got every relevant dragon legendary sans Nefarian and New Deathwing now thanks to brawl.
Chase Williams
My favs so far. Annoy o tron X Mistcaller Alarm o bot X Blood of the Ancient One Mana Wyrm X Mirror Image
Juan Walker
this OP is a faggot
Owen Carter
This brawl is almost as shit a brawl as Rafaam is a card
Josiah Peterson
Mini-Freeze mage strikes again
Brandon Bell
How's a cthun deck cheap? >rare pandas, rare 7/6 dudes, rare 7/9s to revive cthun etc. >epic blades
Ian Brooks
so it's good?
Logan Perez
Who can guess how this happened?
Liam Taylor
any other ways to beat ice block mage in this brawl other than fatigue and curse of rafaam?
Eli Barnes
vs. Deathlord + Corruption?
Camden Lee
Gee I don't know maybe all the fucking deathlords backfired?
Julian Ortiz
Just did it on the second try.
Mason Campbell
is anybody else playing a non-meta deck?
I made it to rank 10 with a c'thun mage deck. I literally have quite some trouble against every single fucking deck, but it's still fun.
Austin Lewis
>He fell for the Rafaam meme
Kayden Lee
MIND BLAST PRIEST BTFO >tfw turn 3 kill
Haven't faced fireblock yet but will report back with results
Ryan Hill
>scaled nightmare + innvervate Fun.
Asher Barnes
>he doesn't recognize a good meta card
Logan Garcia
it's 10 PM CEST
Carter Jenkins
I won with amazing quickness with arcane misisles + mana wyrm
Alexander Ramirez
i wish i had astral communication for this brawl
Jaxon Foster
>needing astral with 15 innervates in your deck.
Blake Ramirez
Are there any viable mage decks that aren't freeze? I'm having trouble making a viable tempo list
Xavier Gonzalez
Hahahaha for what fucking reason?
Xavier Cooper
tfw you sneak 3 different cards into the 2 card brawl