Last thread: >What is this? A place to discuss all rogue-lites and related games and topics. Examples: The Binding of Isaac, Nuclear Throne, Enter the Gungeon, Faster than Light, Spelunky, and Rogue Legacy.
It works, check it with an antivirus if you like, I just copy-pasted the files from the Steam folder.
Try it, and buy it when the stable gets released.
Kayden Adams
Eli Baker
Hunter Jones
>trying to unlock horror >fucking black hole blasts open the canister
Chase Martin
reminder that meme guts is best mutation
Ian Baker
post more gameplay
Joshua Brooks
Wyatt Carter
>rolling into that last bullet
been playing etg I see
Jose Fisher
Brandon Price
is it two or tune
Jack Gomez
James Stewart
>grab a kazoo, let's have at you
Aiden Jackson
tune i think but it is an easy mistake
Samuel Sullivan
eternal page eight is an okay place to live
Zachary Ward
i said page eight
Jeremiah Rodriguez
is it like spelunky?
Easton Wilson
Angel Gonzalez
Which one is better guys? I am doing so well, I don't want to die here.
David Richardson
Star, can actually be used more than twice a floor and that's a lot more than two hearts per floor.
Anthony Watson
I'd take the star
Carson Turner
Alright, I am going to bullet hell. That is the entire reason I even considered the health regen.
Brayden Harris
Can I go back to playing Nuclear Throne now?
Carter Morgan
No, get all of the masteries and take no damage on the lich first.
Eli Russell
How much are you relying on blasphemy?
Julian Roberts
does the water sprayer in gungeon reveal secret walls? it probably does but just wanna make sure
also, how good is it when combined with an electric gun? I got one too
Jason Lewis
I've used blasphemy the entire run so far and have gotten every mastery except dragun, of course I am not going to rely on blasphemy to get me through the entire 6th chamber though.
Dylan Brooks
Guys, would it be fair to make some kind of Character idea pastebin for EtG, given how we are keeping the one for Atomic Seat, or is that too circle-jerky?
Colton Hall
RIP my hopes and dreams of success.
Time to practice for/do the NT daily
Samuel Ortiz
OK here's a character idea to get started
>Punished Fish >A mutant hailing from a planet long destroyed by nuclear waste, wanting to save his dead comrades he ventures into the Gungeon to kill his past >PASSIVE >Fish can roll. Doubles the length of dodge rolls >PAST Throne II fight with a guitar and a revolver.
Juan Martin
>those guns >losing somehow as bullet
Oliver Bennett
sure why not, you start it and the next op can put it up
Nicholas Murphy
try it Yes, it's. It adds RPG elements like different classes, skill trees, and gear. The enemies are harder, the music is great too.
Austin Butler
How's Vagante?
Anthony Ross
only early access i ever bought was minecraft and heroes of newerth. sad to see how both of them turned out but i had hundreds of hours of fun with both so it's hard to be salty
Austin Parker
Lincoln Ward
That was only my second time in Bullet Hell. I also do not have any skill whatsoever. My runs are purely luck based, as you can see in these 2 pictures.
Xavier Martin
I had Seven Leaf Clover in my first chest that run, and Clone in my second.
Chase Sullivan
>tfw you've beat bullet hell with much much less and before the ammo drop change
It's hard to explain but there seems like there is a system at place with the huge map. I wish I could offer a better explanation but I can sort of tell when I'm on the right path. The boss seems to be far from the start usually. Nuking down creech, shotgrubs, and the singing guys is real important.
Cameron Perry
I know what you mean. There's a patter in most cases, like in Forge it's easy as hell to find Dragun because you always enter from a long hallway on the bottom.
I'm pretty sure you always enter the Lich fight from the bottom as well which makes "up" a better direction to spiral out in than "down" to an extent.
Colton Robinson
>Vinny beat the Absolution on his first try
Fucking how?
Jeremiah Kelly
The stream let him gather energy from the viewers, like a spirit bomb.
Ethan Parker
by not being a fucking shitter like you
Hunter Gray
Fish can roll
Hudson Garcia
>Fish >Can Roll >Uses fire-rate instead of reload time >Can get ammo for two guns instead of one >PAST: Reach the Nuclear Throne again that means resolution is locked to 4:3 and 30 FPS you start at 1-1
John Brown
Any tips for killing the throne with melting (lol)
Brody Mitchell
I didn't believe that Vinny had the brain capacity to even pass 3-1, nice.
Caleb Reyes
It is less that somebody in general managed to do it and more that Vinny managed to do it.
William Murphy
Here is another idea.
>Dorito >Once one of the powerful gun godz, Danny has little to no memory of his past. He angered another gun god and was bimbofied/sisified/struck down. >Passives broken coin crown, misfired shadow bullet >He stumbled into the gungeon in a stupor and if he somehow by chance is able to kill his past, he ends up preventing his downfall. In his past he is at full power fighting another gun god.
Tyler Morales
I'd support this being added to the game at some point.
Adrian Murphy
/lite/'s opinion on Catacomb Kids? not necessarily a roguelite in my opinion but it seems pretty fun.
Chase Walker
Wth is that
Nolan Carter
Absolution is easy if you know what you're given.
First time I tried it I didn't realise I had the active item till very late, and the blanks I never realised at all.
Adrian Perry
>early access
Thomas Howard
>implying so what? not all early access games are shit, or whatever you're implying about it.
Isaiah Wood
A example is speedrunners
Luke Long
About to do a gungeon run. Anyone have any interesting challenges to suggest?
Cooper Carter
Does anyone likes Crypt of the NecroDancer?
Carter Russell
this is /lite/, for games as such as that so basically fuck you and no its shit, sorry babe
Joseph Sanchez
yes it's real good
Gavin Thompson
Ayden Martin
no dodge roll challenge (except for pits/trap rooms)
Cameron Miller
I never play Yung Scrub, I just randomed them for the daily. So which ultra?
Henry Lopez
Blessed Cursed run is always interesting, and easy.
Nolan Walker
Ima gun god
Elijah Ortiz
what is going on?
Ethan Johnson
>141866130 I was trying to follow the "Topic"
Lucas Parker
Even a gun god has time to chill with his cuz, right?
Luis Reyes
>wth is that What is what? >A example is speedrunners The game speedrunners? It's a roguelite? I didn't know.