Love Live! School Idol Festival General - /llsifg/ #698: Guilty Kiss first single preview soon

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I love Dia!

Pana a shit

Rice a shit.

There is no raibu in existence that can compete with you for my love Chika.

I love you, I touch myself with you in my thoughts.

You are, my everything.

Chika is simply the GOAT.




Reppin' Russian Family!

That's not the right nose

Kissing you Pana!

For you its not.

I want to make tea with Umi's panties

Let me fix that for you

You're not going to be the new molefag

I know you're making fun of her , but please stop that.

Who that?
No. I find this hilarious

Another useless pokemon.

You're ruining the picture from the artists itself, especially Yoshiko.

I wanna marry Nozomi.


>mari not be driving a vespa

I love Ruby! Ganbaruby!!

Good. Yoshiko is shit.

Who the fuck are you?

Couldn't get what you just said, so I'll conclude that you want more.
Here, enjoy.

Ruby is great.

But she's just a little girl user. That form of love is strictly forbidden.

Its not good especially when she didn't do wrong, retard

Just stop doing that to our Yohane.



>hating this Yoshiko this much

This is utterly disgusting. If this is what Diafag felt when I relocated the mole I feel that I owe him some apologies

Let's stop fighting and discuss how great Nozomi is instead.

I hate it when anime girls make face like ruby here. They make it seem like somebody is gonna rape them any moment.

Chikafag must have tons of time for doing that.

Let's stop fighting and discuss how great Nico is instead.

I don't hate her, but I love doing this shit.
You feel that seriously? Guess I'll keep with my good job
I'm not him though. I did ruin a pic of Chika before.

That's simply not true. That's not me.
I like Yohane and I would never do anything to make a raibu look bad.

You're doing god's work

Forever honk-alone.

Her existence is wrong. I hope he keeps doing it just do make retarded Yoshikoshitters angry.

Don't let me stop you. Chuunis must suffer

I love Nozomi-chan! I want to buy her flowers and go eat dinner together!!!

>I would never do anything to make a raibu look bad.
Dia looks pretty bad in your fanfic.

T-That's simply not true..

>Aqwhoresfags shitting up the thread by posting uglier edits of their already ugly sluts

Yes Maki, we know.

What a slut

You mean Dia?

> played score match on hard
> got Junai Lens for the first time
I don't want to know what does this bitmap has on expert.

>implying I'm an aquorsfag
Guess who

Stop posting about aqwhores, they aren't love live.

Ok then, if that's what you like.

Nah, I'm the only one that replying to him, though.

to even think about that relocating the mole is the reason Diafag disappeared is ridiculous
it is a holy war that didn't involve him directly and never showed Dia in a bad light at all

Damn those legs

Diafag disappeared because Chikafag bullied him.

You won't stand a chance, user.
Time to git gud.

He was a fag tbch.

What the fuck you mean he disappeared?

Diafag disappeared because he's a worthless piece of shit who can't write three lines in honor of his shitty raibu while others can do full fanfics.
He deserved to be killed.

Coolest girl.

But Dia looked nicer with the relocated mole

Every time.

I still don't believe this
I bet he just has serious personal problems to deal with and will return one day to try changing our beliefs

yes, he will return
he must
we have to unite all 9 fags when the time comes

Let me tell you, it feels great.
Specially because I have literally no URs

Now you finally understand!


>60k for T1
Dead server.

Nine day event. Not too bad considering it's only Hanayo.

People are hoarding Rs and probably don't have much space left.

>Like Dia
>Like Yoshiko
>this thread
I fucking hate you guys.

Get better taste.
Mari is the only good Aqours.

How does one gits this gud? I barely clear some easy EX songs.

Well it is a Pana event


Predictions for EN event? I can't access the Google Docs for the one I was using.

Mari is good but fuck you.

Mari is one of my faves, though.


Wait, it's back up? Weird, couldn't access it yesterday.

nobody asked faggot


Mari is still better than them. Not best since now she's 'murrican though.

This is Veeky Forums, people just giving their comments.

I only like Yoshiko because she's different from them, and she's chuuni. I guess that's why she's kinda popular.

>third grade bitch plagiarizing a much better character that is actually likeable
Even more reasons to hate her.

Stay fapping neckbeard.

but eroge is super comfy and forever relevant

of course rin would be a useless thumb tapper

You're missing out.

>He didn't read G-senjou no Maou
Feel sorry for you tbch fAm.

i still don't know how aqours managed to take over the thread when just last month the majority hated it

i was hoping for another few months of u's...

>day 8, still no guilty kissu cover art.

It'll come when version 3 comes to EN

Why not both?

But they will going to reveal the Guilty kiss' song next week. (preview song)

>Riko reconsidering her life choices

It was a joke

Being Riko is suffering.