League of Legends General - /lolg/

fuck your waifus edition


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I wish I could

Also filenames

first of all, fuck you op

second of all, luxanna is damaged fucking goods and you're a dumb idiot if you think otherwise



Im much more than just a pretty face~

xth for badimir

stop bullying

Here, now that I can post it lol. I've done pumpkins, pokemon, and some other random tidbits. I mostly just writefag for people here now cause no one wants to see dis shit

I may do a Warwick or Ziggs doodle though

>tfw no extremely creepy and all-powerful mind-reading champino

>this champino will not be an eerie but handsome twink teenage albino with a very soothing but unnerving voice and demeanor

>he will not have mysterious lore that ties him to being a mortal incarnation or experiment connected to some godlike being or entity from the Void or some other universe/dimension, up their with Aurelion Sol, Bard, Kindred and Xerath on the power scale in regards to lore

>he will not be a jungler with a passive similar to Kindred's tracking passive, where once he marks you, you begin receiving telepathic messages on occasion from him, regardless of his location on the map

>these telepathic dialogue quotes won't be fucking SAVAGE taunts to your champion's lore; so savage that they make even Aurelion Sol's interactions look like child's play in comparison

>the said telepathic taunts won't even break the 4th wall, going so far as to mock or criticize your kill/death/assist count and item choices in-game

>said champino won't have a click target skill that temporary disables an enemy champions skills with random skills or emote keys on the keyboard

>said champino's mind-reading and tracking passive won't put you in a constant state of terror as it allows him to see you through the fog of war and bushes on a map

>his ult won't be some mind-controlling, game-making move that allows him to temporarily take control of one enemy team member and their entire kit for several seconds, putting the opposing team into a constant state of mistrust in one-another

>animations won't make it look like he does all of this shit effortlessly

>death animation isn't even a true death animation, it's just him giggling it off as he slowly fades from said plane of existence, before phasing in again at base via revive

I don't even care if he ends up being shit or ridiculously OP, I just want a fucking creepy champion that tilts through psychological warfare alone.

xth for husbandos and going to bed

>not liking crazy cuties
why are you so mad


>that nose
>those eyebrows

eh, that's not bad. Just do Cho, he's not far off from that design in your pic

but tahm kench can already read your mind's deepest desires???

Wait, Jhinfag you're in EU?

>Tfw no Owl champion with a sexy voice



this is pretty awesome, my man! it's cool that you actively strive to contribute OC to the threads

it would be sweet if you wanted to even just do doodles for the threads, i don't think anyone treats drawfags poorly because we really do appreciate people with talent

hopefully you get over the paranoia and want to post some stuff online, it's a bit silly not to use internet as a medium for that stuff~

Thats not canon anymore, fucktard

>giraffes is actually a psycho

It finally reveals itself hehe

you would know everything about being damaged goods wouldn't you

I want to love Riven.


------------------DAILY REMINDER --------------------------
Riot's official advice for dealing with Zed is LITERALLY:
1. Avoid him
2. Buy GA for when he inevitably kills you

kinda cute if you stare at her long enough which you will if you play pbe since she's in the current log in screen.

everything else about her is just so bland though. at least she's not overpowered and won't be a pain in the ass to deal with, she's actually quite underpowered for the time being

I'm only one of the Jhinfags, theres' like 3 of us.
yes I am EU.


fucking loved that monster owl snake

10/10 intelligent monster

Haven't played since Illaoi first came out. Has anything major changed since then?

That's not the Jhinfag you know. Or rather, there are multiple Jhinfags now.

The Jhinfag you know is NA.

>tfw good friends with patrick but honestly just can't agree with his position on this shit

u don't know my struggle


in a sense, we are all jhinfags

I kinda like the new lore revisions they're doing but at the same time does anyone else miss these champions having a purpose for being in the league and fighting ?

Holy shit

He was cooler when he didn't turn into a snake thing. Despite still being cool.

Owls are awesome.

jesus user

savage af.

What got changed? Just major stuff, not tiny rebalances.


not canon


but he gud
you need to git gud too
why are you typing when you can be practicing bluffing around Q buff

Also, I adjusted the husbando chart to fit fanon/ recent lore and champ changes. Enjoy.

PS So happy Twitchfag isn't here anymore to whine about Twitch's position

not really. the only lore I cared about was garen and kat, only because I thought there was an implied romance

will she recover?

I'll admit this is a good recovery

Giraffes on suicide watch

I think I'm starting to see the different in how each of you post.

Its still kind of a madhouse.

I just ban him.

Or if I truly feel like being evil I play him.

Bandlebro is a great player and I love her drawings!
user please think of the children


i don't want to sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

when the fuck is leblanc going to be revealed as pretending to be j4

shall i buy high noon jhin or should i wait and see if riot releases a better skin

new items, mage rework, new objectives, new dragon, rotating game modes on the weekends, free craftable skins

yeah that's the tl;dr pretty much

is it worth banning this atrocious right click cancer that can make your games hell if you slip up even when she's behind


>implying Riot won't keep it or slightly alter it some way.

They've really wanted to take the moral grey direction in the new lore and you can bet they'll do the same for Lux.

Hell they're already putting characters like Zed on the path of dindu nuffin'.

He looks like a hobbit tbqh.

>3 of you

That's the prework for a diablo wood burning I did. I could do Cho

Here's one of my digital arts, monster from the black lagoon for my sibling.

I've been being told that all my life, yet here I am stashing drawing on flash drives.

i should've taken the blulu route and led everyone on before fucking them over emotionally


but it's still how they chose to characterize her

maybe the actual judgment isn't canon anymore but it doesn't change the fact that the crownguards probably fucked her up

her core identity hasn't shifted

wow wow wow

yeah, but I like her eyes, her tan, and her freckles. shits cute


its habbening its fkn happening

> 3

sick nasty

>new objectives, new dragon, rotating game modes on the weekends, free craftable skins
HNNGH, might need to redownload this game.

Rest in peace giraffes


>only 3 of them
>only 3

>tfw no rowlet champion

The first two are pointless shortsighted bullshit and the last is somehow even more Jewish than what we had before.


Jhin x Jinx official?

Guys what if the FOURTH one hasn't arrived yet.

What if he's even more fabulous.

this just in: Doctors have confiscated giraffe's belt and shoelaces, giraffe under 24/7 suicide watch

>build black cleaver
>go full tank
>1100 true damage by pressing R

Why is Darius allowed exactly?

>implying jhin has anything resembling relationships with other humans

Step it up senpai

holyshit wth the fjuckk anomn

Oh shit, my bad. lol thought it was a dude

>blulu route
savage, too bad most people dont remember that fiasco

For the first time in 13 years of Veeky Forums, a trip was earned
Thank you giraffes

holy fuck

Is Caitlyin good now?

I'll become a Jhinfag if someone can sit in my games while I play him and teach me
tried him only once and
i was a godawful

Stil, having seizures like this doesnt make you crazy. Not on jinx/lulu level.
Minor mental disorder makes her even cuter also



So what's the deal with giraffes? Does everyone hate her now or something? Whatever happened to that milf anime poster. Did you guys run her out of here?

yo what happened to blulu?

I just remember that she had some nudes but thats all


these nerds don't appreciate how hard it is to gatekeep these generals from toxic girls

someday the threads will thank me

i mean, she's definitely not like, jinx levels of craziness, but she's like two steps away from a mental breakdown

>hate her now

nobody has liked me for 6 years user


to the bystanders here that were just laughing at the internet drama and jerking to lewds

The only lady we're making fun of is an actual Giraffe.



What happened to all your orbiters? A year ago anons were hitting on you every 4 or 5 posts. What did you do this time.


So I'm a massive shitter when it comes to "advanced" elements like lane control.

Is sensible to just leave lane early-on if you're in a losing matchup and they can kill you easily, like Yasuo into Azir or Jax into Darius?
I'm a silver shitter and I always see people rushing back into lane regardless of their position in the matchup, forcing the wave as hard as they can. But when I'm playing as champs like Nasus or Viktor or whatever, I let them do it, because I farm really well under turret and don't like being repeatedly ganked. Is it worth it to just let them get a cs lead if it lets the lane push up so you're not at risk of getting double-penetrated by them and the jungler every 5 minutes?

They saw her face

Any good memepick for normals ?

>these nerds don't appreciate how hard it is to gatekeep these generals from toxic girls

They have Bandlebro now.

She decided to step into broken glasses when she mentioned that she was a whore and cheats her boyfriend daily by just getting into Skype webcams with other people. She was pretty and all, but god damn, she probably has more cum shoved deep in her cock trap from different guys than Miley Cyrus