>play Blood to Ichor and Bloodhoof Brave for a few games >goes amazing >suddenly run into a Mechwarper + Gorrilabot Druid that pulls a mechgineer thermaplug
holy fuck
post 2card dicks
Hunter Rogers
who f2p here
>ebola paladin >cancer zoo >AIDShaman
Landon Scott
>there are people here who are legitimately playing mage/shaman/hunter or mech rush decks in the brawl
Kevin Murphy
what am I supposed to do when my opponent's Ram Wrangler pulls a King Krush? just accept that I was swiftly outskilled and concede?
Thomas Hall
>soulfire fist lock >discard my other soulfire every fucking time WITHOUT FAIL
Jordan Scott
It is actually. Prep + Fan of Knives It does leave you without win condition tho.
Evan Mitchell
Concedeing on turn 2 isn't playing the game you fucking mong.
Connor Flores
>play new card >it lights up red
Liam James
dem blizzard sluts
Charles Jenkins
What the fuck is this censoring?
Parker Barnes
>enter brawl match >paladin doesn't get the cars he wants in his mulligan >instant concedes before I can even play a card
Luke Gray
wah wah i concede instantly cause im bad wah
Carter Hernandez
its a ' i want to play memes but the game doesn't let me ' episode
Elijah Johnson
i hate this people spying on me looking at something makes me feel uneasy
that's why i use the thing on the left instead
Kevin Foster
Sebastian Anderson
is this you?
Bentley Bailey
Missed the skulls, history bar, horserider horse, friends list, enemy minions
You got hacked son
Ayden Hill
>lose 12th arena match because my opponent pulled a legendary and i got none this is a fun and interactive game
Jackson Gonzalez
Alexander Martin
when is reynad streaming
Michael Reed
Well there will always be idiot. They should play with murloc dicks this brawl.
Kevin Ross
>Hearthstone general >Posting WoW shit Mill yourself
Adam Lee
blogs and memes
wtb an innervate
Joseph Peterson
Literally who?
Easton Adams
It's Arena. Expecting RNG to be fair to you is like expecting life to do the same.
Kayden Rogers
how does this tavern brawl work? havent played in a while
Owen Reed
are you retarded
Kevin Adams
I only played this game to rank 20 or maybe 17 for the cardback every season but this season I finally wanted to try to get gud. I'm 14 at the moment with Zoo is this a good deck to continue or not?
Yeah I know casual as fuck but at this point I don't even care.
Ian Morgan
>Not knowing who Ysera is
Sebastian Williams
>dont get any soulfires last match >literally all fists of jaraxxus >play new match >all soulfires
fuck off blizzard, retards cant even make a deck shuffling fucking algorithm
Thomas James
Fuck off casual.Wallet warrior with Rafaam or nothing
Ryder Martinez
You pick two card. Game makes a deck full of those two cards. You lose if you face mechgorillafags.
Dylan Johnson
I was weak user. After losing to mech memes about 10 or 12 times I succumbed to them. It feels so good to win I don't even care about having fun anymore. I've become the cancer.
Jose Fisher
>mana wyrm/frost nova 100% counters it >doomsayer/mind blast 100% counters it
Get good.
Noah Powell
why are you playing that fucking stupid deck anyways?
Thomas Sanchez
actually I have yet to win a game with my mech deck
Austin Gray
Can someone with good guessing luck guess a good legendary for me?
If you also guess the epic in the top right position I'll be thankful.
Christopher Barnes
No, why?
Samuel Diaz
Kayden Morales
>Have four (4) Fists in hand + 2 Soulfires. >Play Soulfire other one gets discarded. >Draw only Fists the next 2 turns.
John Morgan
Leo Hall
>exact shit happens to me 4 games in a row
i never deleted a deck so fucking fast
Elijah Hernandez
Jaxson Wilson
Blizzard should make the tavern brawls reward you equally for losing so that people wont feel obligated to be meta shitters like this fellow.
Austin Russell
Memecaster and a Soggoth
Isaac Torres
it's another "coin wins" tavern brawl
Jeremiah Perry
>waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah why is he beating me in a children's card game >i'm so autistic waaaah I can't handle people net decking me to make me rage
Eli Nguyen
Thank goodness you're not a good guesser.
I guess you're not a good guesser either.
2BH is Ragnaros dust?
Zachary Hill
>4 (FOUR) different people in a row playing LE EPIC MECHWARPER METALTOOTH AHAHAHAH XD HUNTER in brawl
this game is so fucking bad
Thomas Reed
Should you buy old god packs or classic packs?
I'm really only missing legendarys and a few epics in classic.
Thomas Reyes
Ragnagros Lightlord Twilight Summoner
Jose Lewis
Rag is good in control Paladin. Keep him.
Joseph Kelly
You'd probably have more fun too even if you're to dumb to realize that you know you don't realize it.
Jaxon Williams
i'd rather have Nat than that guy
Jeremiah White
Keep for control
Angel Perez
>people are playing good synergy rush builds Start countering them then.
Grayson Miller
>Mecha cucks
Matthew Taylor
Rag is a Top tier legendary for control pally.
Jayden Sanchez
Did any of y'all dust your non-standard cards?
Cameron Ramirez
>Deathsbite + Armorsmith Top kek.
Jack Gonzalez
Bolster + Dummy stops that shit its tracks.
Oliver Powell
>freezecancer calling people cucks
Mason Hall
You fucks and your whining about Mechacuck decks:
Bolster + Dummy and YShaarj Innervate fucks their shit up m8s
Aaron Ramirez
>the only counter to le ice block mage is literally hoping they run out of them or running a fucking specific counter in hopes you find one
Jaxson Wilson
>Mage mirror >Both doing Wyrm memes >He has arcane missiles >ALL THREE HIT MY FUCKING WYRM
Never conceded so fast.
Ryder Butler
>destroy target dummy/bolster warrior with innervate/hogger
idk what you guys are talking about they're easy as hell to counter. don't leave their dummies up to let them bolster.
>watch a movie >use 2nd monitor to play ice block and frost nova mage >game takes literally forever u mad gold farmers?
Julian Foster
>100 armor shitters
Fuck out of here
Thomas Green
>Golden evolve changes everything into goldens >All evolves on those minions remain common even if evolve is normal Value
Chase Gomez
with rng like this i cant be stopped...
Nathan Powell
You better be roping every turn.
Hunter Cooper
Yeah because they play 0/2s without bolstering them.
Brody White
>It's a mech synergy ruins everything tavern brawl
Ian Harris
>Evolve shammy excited to find the one matchup he doesn't lose.
Dylan Ortiz
So far my best 3 brawl decks have been mech cancer, innervate ysarrg or w/e his name is, and embrace the darkness/light if the naru. Hbu guys?
Matthew Hall
Literally why aren't you playing Y'Shaarj druid with innervate? Ok if you want to play for memes I understand that but for gold? You literally win every matchup if you have the right hand which you have like 70% of the time.
You only loose to Iceblock meme and Fatigue.
Ryan Butler
>I'm a faggot who does mech hunter because I'm a meta fun ruining cock gobbler
Nicholas Thomas
Because I don't own Y'shaarj and I have more important leggos I need to craft
Thomas Edwards
Fuck off with your humble bragging. That's obviously skill.
Wyatt Gomez
>ice block/fireball >murloc warlock >mill
Alexander Nguyen
best brawl ruined by mages and mechs i also love rng ruining my fun
Caleb White
Just faced a doomsayer mind blast priest
It fucks mechs pretty well
Grayson Martinez
Because I neither have the lego nor do I have 1600 dust lying around that I can just throw a way for one stupid brawl.
Josiah Baker
Tfw you know you lost so you start letting time run all the way to the end each turn
Michael Lewis
How doe sit feel to be cancer?
Nicholas Ross
>try bolster target dummy >literally lose my first 3 games
i fell for another meme
Michael Roberts
But i already am, user. IT feels almost garunteed by 4 at the worst.
Lincoln James
How far can I go on basic decks?
Robert Richardson
>Mech mirror >They have coin >You just rope every turn knowing you've already lost
Jose Nguyen
rank 15
Isaac Anderson
rank 15 I'd say. good luck
Nathaniel Rodriguez
Just dust all the old cards? You won't need them for quite a while.
Logan Walker
Most legos are shit though, both in arena and out. Ive gotten plenty twelve wins just on the back of strong commons