Blade and Soul General - /bnsg/

Blade and Soul General - /bnsg/

Static Edition (we need one more)

>/bnsg/ servers
Mushin/Poharan is for NA
Jiwan is for NA RP
Windrest is for EU
Ebon Hall is for EU RP

>/bnsg/ Clans Info (embed)

>BnS Resources (embed)

>Soul Shield and Gear Cheat Sheet

>Automated Equipment Suggestions

>Mods (embed)

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Crimson #1

Now and forever!

crimson #1
barr looks like a fucking sun jesus christ

crimson #1

>w-we're not dead guys


Crimson #1

Reminder that Wong owns red

But really, we need one more.

i think my waifu is mad at me and i dont know how to fix it

Muh Waifu getting fierce in here. god damn, this why I had to swap

wait you still need one for mushrooms?

it aint nuthin to cut that bitch off

That's it wong, We're going to war.

prepare yourself

Is #1 the number of crimson players left

6v6 peeveepee but we full now, static edition, sorry

what happened with Yaerie

barr's not crimson

reminder that yaerie is an attention whore samefagging to promote his alt and has probably done it in the past too


I had so many good screens last night

tl;dr pic related me right now


I love you.

how do you fuck up that bad`

Why does it matter what you're doing at this very moment or what you were doing when it was taken? You still deleted your posts and had more than enough time to reply during the entire thing but didn't.

fucking embarassing


>all these people bullying yaerie
Keep going friends, she deserves it.

Running SF blues and purples please come join us
NA #156189

hi ouch

it's a thirsty guy desperate for attention from anyone and everyone

only need Mamuo for the useless BM combo

stop bully


Why are you being so mean?

Yeah no, i've been on skype with her.

but that's completely wrong you retard

what is there to do when you have no friends and are too autistic to make friends in this video game

Whatever you say buddy.

Do the same thing im about to do and quit

hang out with the other awkward autists who can't make any friends like me ;_;

Omg NA so annoying -.-



Quick, post thighs and butts to drown out the DRAMA.

those are NA posters

how much do you senpaitachi bid on shrooms?

Where's your black ice? Just get one already.

it's okay to be embarrassed, Yaerie.

It's quite embarrassing Yae...
Just man the fuck up and assume what you did... Nobody is making fun of you in our salty and too negative for you discord.

In case you guys were wondering what I'm actually wearing, forgot to switch up the outfit before heading in. 4/6 now! NA #156189

i like yae.

also if anyone wants to join No Sekuhara, I'm too laggy to do anything else so I'll be idling. Just send a whisper to Courante. Must be Cerulean, must be on the Mushin server.

literally who the fuck is Yaerie

Need 2 more

Never drops.

but I am not Yaerie

But keep on shitposting please, while EU is busy playing the game.

>red refugees get a costume before you do

Now I KNOW Courante hates me ;_;

lol, gyro being cucked

gyro's is okogames dummy

just tell me who you are and I'll promote you. We still have a couple ready to be taken.

otherwise go away cause i'm sick of these memes nerd idiot loser baka

Good night, /bnsg/

He hates me too he even asked me to leave the guild which im thinking about doing ;_;

all chinese look the same
not my fault if i mistook gyro's chink gf with another one

It's too embarassing, maybe I'll just leave when nobody's online.


>tfw you have crafted too many costumes and hand them out to smurfs so you do not have to trash them

Gonna do necro and yeti for challenge, maybe mushroom challenge after that? Probably not but come finish your dailies at least.

NA 179301

>The game is somewhat boring.
>even though I played it for 12 hours today

is the 1g minimum bid still in effect outside of asura?

I want to uninstall

As someone who despises pvp in every MMO they touch, can anyone sell me on the pvp in this game?

Why do Lyn players always give their character names like Loo, Kopsy, Tipput and Awoor? Do they name them after Scandanavian village idiots or is it in reference to some anime?

Is this what we're doing now?

Now you need to have 100 gold on you, as confirmed by a screenshot. I don't want poors in my lobbies.

u got a piece of dirt on ur face

T-the drug.

le discontent gon carrying a plate of you faec

>tfw Courante will never give you hes nectar ever again

i hate myself

>sell me something I don't want


I know what you really want.

cant even spell right today

Blue porcelain causes a seam in the thigh textures that really ruins the outfit for me, here's a closeup.

i thought you were dead

1.Get hyped
2.Copy their every move
3. ...

Two more

in b4 Courantes Myrish swamp

nope i guess you never really figured out who i was then



are you still in no sek and online right now?

>been months since i played lets check how BnS is doing and go to the general
>see former waifu still playing game going on without me

y-yea i'm not still butthurt you suddenly cut all contact.... heh

I hate you all

what's myrish swamp mean?

Well, i hate you too.
I'm kidding, no i don't.

I figured it out but won't say.

Your secret is safe.


I want (you)

Goodnight /bnsg/, played a lot of this fucking game today, both NA and EU and im gonna go pass out since I'm dead tired.

literally fucking who

according to this thread it is a place of mystery and delicious nectar

Good night cutie!

Swamps of Dagobah?