/4ccg/ - Botan Edition

Previous Thread: >Main Page:

>Stuff you need to read:

>Current Cup:
implyingrigged.info/wiki/2016_Veeky Forums_Spring_Babby_Cup
Congratulations to /vp/, /p/, /r9k/, Veeky Forums, and Veeky Forums for booking promotions. Not as much congratulations to /trv/ and Mauled's Wild Ride Inc. who probably have their spot secured, and zero kind words for anyone else.

>Veeky Forums League 6 info
implyingrigged.info/wiki/Veeky Forums_League_6


>Archived games:

>Previously on /4ccg/:

First for lestah

Second for Lestah

It really is too much to ask to keep your shitty waifu wars out of here during Cup season.

nth for you

Just fucking kill me already.
Me and everyone else here.

Fifth for Leicester City F.C.

nth for testing makes me depressed

Remember the "xth for /vr/" meme where we kept posting it over and over? That was a good one


Become a meme.

>he hasn't scored the goal which promoted his home board before transferring to /sp/ where he won multiple elite cups, then made a dramatic switch to /a/ then spent his last year before retirement in a comfy permafetus team

>nth for being a girl
>not /sp/

I think he meant he left /a/ to manage the likes of /t/ or /co/

>*Record scratch*
>Yep, that's me, you're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation
>but first, we have to go all the way back

Legitimately laughed, why the fuck is the Trash so hilarious

that's right. I thought you were a player in become a meme though

Do commentary as Kermit the frog
Was that seriously Twinky's dad on Sunday?

It was his "Daddy", but not the one you think.

Twinky's Leather Daddy.

>tfw testing is yielding a very decent win rate but most of them are close wins

It was my father, yes
He's as much of an autist as everyone here, desu
He spends most of his free time watching anime and playing Diablo III

fist me daddy

What anime?

Boku no Piku

I know he watched Naruto, Fullmetal Alchemist, and Ghost in the Shell.
We watched Big O and DBZ together when I was a kid(He actually introduced me to anime with DBZ)
He watches Attack on Titan and some other modern stuff too but I dunno what.(I assume more simmilar stuff to Big O/Ghost in the Shell)

>such shit tastes

No wonder he's able to fit in

>shit taste
More like entry level

AoT is pretty shit.

>when your cup thread gets deleted

Why do you even have one?

you are loved
I am drunk

because my board cares

Obviously they don't if they get deleted.

But two days from the cup?

slow board

Fuck you Big O and Ghost in The Shell are great

I made him watch AoT, he didn't really want to

What the fuck is wrong with your taste holy shit
>forcing a based dad to watch garbage
Kill youself

You two should watch Jojo together.

>I made him watch AoT
>he didn't really want to
Your father has better taste than you.


get your dad to nepu

use your powers for good for once

>png that's got more artifacts than the Smithsonian
You are the worst, just saving a jpg as a png doesn't do shit especially if it's already been thoroughly wrung out as a jpg and just makes it all worse. I'm even responding to this way late, because that's how much I need to tell you that you suck.

My dad hates cute girl anime, he'd never play it

We really should

m-maybe I should just quit and let him manage /feg/ and shitpost on /4ccg/ instead of me ;_;

But Nepu is like, DEEP and shit.
>m-maybe I should just quit and let him manage /feg/ and shitpost on /4ccg/ instead of me ;_;
Get your hot oneechan to do it instead, she can flash some tits on normal streams too. We'll give her plenty of attention.

FMA:B was great, fuck off

/wsr/ in autumn when


instead of adding a new team, how about combining with /wsg/?

>WoT the anime
>because a tank designed to be fucking invincible can be taken out by a nipponshit tank DRIFTOing

Which of the current active teams has the biggest chance to die in the next 1 or 2 cups?
Which of the ded teams has the biggest chance to be brought back?


Hey chaps, are there any archives of the recent tag team cup?

Any /p/ anons? Rate that pic.

not enough crushed blacks

It's a pretty fun show dude, no need to get your knickers in a twist.


Come in, everyone! JB's getting really close to giving /sp/ a pretend Elite Cup title!

this is how i die
the blood of many in my hands
my cruel actions, my life to repent will never be enough

>page 9

Is this the Infinite Jest of anime wallpapers?


All right, this is getting really boring. Bring back the nep neps!

>bring back the spammer
no thanks

>yfw this entire Babby will go and klaxa won't ever upload it



C'mon! At least with these Neptunia pics, it's a much wider variety! What we have here is the same thing over and over again, but with different filters. Meh!

Just you user :^)

>Diablo III

Tell him to play Diablo II instead.

I hate this place

>Messi's face
My sides


Guys I'm scared, I don't think /myteam/ is gonna make it.

>posting my re-colour
Aw shucks


this game is a joke

objectively best girl

Im more and more looking forward to this match for all the wrong reasons.

Whoever is testing that has a more than decent chance to lose.

>only tested for one day
>two games this weekend
>confident to reach Summer


Does one need testing?

being /a/ tester is suffering

good taste my man

On the internet nobody knows you're a manager.

I'm pretty sure everyone forgot I existed

holy anime autism batman

Threadly reminder that the real game with be a 1-0 semen slurper.

Together forever won't save you /sp/

And that goal will be scored by either Bert or Mugi.


>not mentioning Together Forever or VGL

is it time?


>me on the sixth panel

Can /v/ do it?

What do you think?

They beat /sp/, they have some chances.

>implying /sp/

Fuck off /mlp/

Which game are you guys looking forward to the most tomorrow?