I can't be bothered to open up WoW right now. Is Argent Dawn the RP server on EU?
I think I have low level characters on there
Brayden Thompson
feck off yeh slut
Christopher Rivera
who/what is/am pizzacat
Easton Mitchell
There's a lot about the real bullychan no one here knows
She has been around for years and a lot of people recognize her from when she was tongue-chan in yahoo chatrooms and that she was probably the single most contributing factor to the fact that dateline nbc's "to catch a predator" took off like it did
other people recognize her from her creepy ass masked pics on /soc/ where she identified herself as the old tongue-chan
she has a history of severe mental illness connected to intense abuse she suffered when she was very young where she was locked into a toybox and thrown down a flight of stairs and beaten often over several months and suffered some horrible verbal abuse from an adult babysitter
she is literally psychotic and not ironically, she's the real deal, and suffers hallucinations and has had psychotic breaks in the past where she has had to go to the hospital for intense treatment and several times they have tried to send her to larger hospitals to live there for years at a time but she always gets out of it
a lot of her delusional problems have come from internet addiction that she has so obviously suffered from since she was very young, probably around 9-11 years old for those who know her from back in the day
what really happened was that she linked one of huns' videos to one of her relatives and they called the hospital because they thought she made them herself and this was the last straw on a long series of smaller events that pointed to her internet addiction breaking her mental state again and wanted to send her to the hospital
but she was actually doing really well and was getting her life back together after some kind of medical emergency around august 2015, where people noticed she stopped logging in as often for several weeks
Levi Reyes
this is my favorite pasta
Ethan Cruz
>browsing Rudi's friend list for his GM >see Pozy added >decide to add him because we haven't talked for like a year >begin talking again >this happened
What the fug happened to him
Luis Thompson
>gays can burn >i wanna be swole
He's not a Veeky Forumsizen yet if he doesn't want to fuck a guy, no homo.
Parker Gutierrez
Proof youre jalopy?
Charles Morales
gonna need to see those herculean cankles to be sure
Lincoln Perry
Who the fuck are you? Who the fuck is Rudi? Who the fuck is Pozy? And in addition, why should us 4channarians give a fuck about you or the other two?
Jacob Baker
Flex Friday this week! Now starting at 9pm est. US-Horde side. Heroic this week and if we have problems doing upper we can do normal manny archi. Loot will be ML MS>OS no reserves. Everyone is invited! (Except you Ralph, sorry). We are using discord for voice but it's not required. Add Froo#1664 for details.
>doesnt recognize 1/3rd of the original inner circle
sigh....fucking new fafs
Grayson Hernandez
how's it hanging reddit
Camden Howard
Agreed desu famalama
I can confirm I am me
>doesn't recognize the prime era shitposters of /wowg/
Owen Miller
>4channarians dont talk to me or my wife son EVER again
Jaxon Edwards
hey reddit
Ethan Watson
>being THIS new
Landon King
yo yo r to the eddit
time to get back to the leddit
Carter Cox
>It's true
Jace Murphy
post cankles :3
Noah Lee
Lincoln James
tfw have indisputable proof this isn't true but i still want to believe
Hudson Scott
Shouldn't you unfriend pozy since you're a huge faggot
Colton Gonzalez
Mire them here POST the proof???
Hudson Gutierrez
I miss cata/mop era wowg
William Jackson
the proof is Pozy takes Feys dick on a daily basis faggot
Adrian Young
other way around
Matthew Stewart
>slow day >decide to kill some time responding to World Defense attacks on my Troll Feral >Crossroads, whodathunkit >It's a Druid, Rogue, and Hunter >all NElves >already some other Horde PvPers there, assume that this has been going on for some time before I log in >spend the better part of 3 hours hunting them down >they just keep coming back to Xroads for more, mostly to spite us by killing NPCs and Shadowmelding away >the Druid is Balance, and switches between it and a hunter (very similar name, same guild, etc) >after at least six deaths at my hand, from trying to run, I get pic related >lol hard in General chat >spend more time killing him and his friends until I don't see them for half an hour >hearth back to Garrison and eat dinner
Was pretty cool, anons.
Adrian Hernandez
Bentley Cook
Pozy was cuter as a fem panda
just sayin
Leo Stewart
I am not Pozy so I CANNOT CONFIRM anything but he's probably around since I linked him the thread
I heard he broke it off with Koragon and Castelia and someone else cuz reasons
I miss S15 PVP
Tyler Wilson
>tfw pozy will never poz you
Ian Ortiz
Who do I whisper to get guild invites? (eu)
Luke Jackson
>Guild finally has enough people to start Mythic >Breeze through 5/13 in 2 lockouts easily >mfw Gorefiend
This shit is like the second level of Devil May Cry 3 on Dante must Die mode.
Nathan James
>shitters in 650 gear who camp low level hubs and then get salt when actual pvpers show up why do people like this exist
Benjamin Evans
>tfw pozy will never cum on your omelet
Aiden Wood
post rare pictures of pozy
Lucas Long
Parker Russell
I'm only 704 on my Druid anyway, I'm nowhere near a skilled player in any regard, yet I was making some people rage hard.
I was just wondering what program he was accusing me of using. Every time I opened on him he'd bust all of his escape mechanics to haul ass away, so of course I'd try my best to lock him down.
Landon Wilson
woah rare musei
Bentley Morales
>go to talk to pozy >he removed you
Justin Smith
Grayson Hall
It's for the best, user.
Jonathan Miller
Literally no reason to live boys Every day is just a depressing day of playing videogames if you're a neet or a depressing day of working if you're a wageslave. People betray you or leave you so there's no point in making friends. Sure you could try and become rich but what's the point? You'll probably fail. Most people are doomed to a life of mediocrity, they live blindly day by day, never realizing how meaningless it all is. This entire general is the epitome of meaninglessness, there's nothing to get out of it, nothing to make out of it, yet I browse it anyways, just like I scrape through everything else in my worthless life.
Time to die.
Adam Ortiz
Cya Pozy
Elijah Perry
Nathan Turner
Well goodbye.
Robert Allen
I miss them...
Camden Bell
>You will never meme it up with THE Meme Regime
Why live?
Jacob Ross
fuck off we're talking about gen1 wowg
Hudson Powell
>talk to someone >friend them >start to really like them as they are awesome >they have another friend that also happens to be my friend >we are all happy and chill >notice that friend A seems really close to friend B, far more closer than me even though they haven't known each other for long >friend A always goes to friend B first for help/advice/general chit chat >friend A always laughs at friend B's jokes even though you tell the same types of jokes and rarely even get a laugh >friend A always goes to friend B first when bad stuff happens and even when they tell me anything they usually hide some details
Where were you when you realized you were the third wheel?
Sebastian Gutierrez
iktf user
Justin Mitchell
anyone wanna do the weekly BGs?
Easton Smith
Jaxon Campbell
Is there an addon that tracks how many Seals/reroll coins you have on your alts?
Have you saved a fem dorf with panda squad today /wowg/?
Jackson Evans
Don't you have a Ralph to be plowing
Hudson White
who /autism/ here
Thomas Lopez
Ethan Campbell
I love you both equally user
Kevin Butler
More like Judaism
Mason Morales
silly boys im not pozy
Connor Davis
Who even are you? Neither of the friends goes on /wowg/.
Chase Rivera
I heard you fuckers were bullying my gf??? back the heck off
Jordan Cruz
Fey I want to fuck your mom
is that okay?
Grayson Cruz
>literal who fem panda nice
Brody Baker
i swear i thought this was going to be when you killed me in tanaan when i clicked it
Levi Butler
his mom is actually 10/10.
Asher Sullivan
>killing shitter fem pandas >memorable
you don't even deserve a gif
Matthew Diaz
Ralph the cboy got cucked.
Ethan Lewis
>roxy bowing down before the bearheart god
about time
Daniel Wright
Saving dwarves is a full time job!!
William Jones
why dont you ask her on a date
Joshua Cook
Michael Robinson
Brayden Jones
So what specs are shaping up to be the most fleshed out for launch? I was a frost mage all through WoD but losing out on most of the cool procs and water jet makes me want to change.
Disc, Shadow, Fury all seem pretty interesting.
What else is there?
Jason Green
>it's a 2013/2014 wowg thread did she really kill herself...
Sebastian Morales
>vjera >she
Vjera is a tranny freak
Henry Taylor
Eli Lewis
>2013/2014 wow
I miss it........
Owen Green
hi im here
Justin Cooper
Ryder Wilson
Ryan Cruz
>that filename could it be ?
Jose Mitchell
Hi Do you want to play some warcraft later?
Connor Garcia
Only one panda looks like that
Jonathan Lopez
Ryder King
Holy priest, outlaw rogue
Daniel Brown
You are the most forced, unliked retard ever
Isaac Foster
Jeremiah Phillips
Literally everyone from Redditscord is a forced, unliked retard.