League of legends general /lolg/

Best waifu and freljord edition
She's a pure plush QT who lactates ice cream
old: (image limit reached)

Other urls found in this thread:


Best girl.
Best hair.
Best wife.

xth for being dead inside

I want to perform dangerous medical experiments on Riven!

xth for playing yasuo with chill hop

Fuck you bitch

xth for lux is cute and not crazy at all

xth for kicking out these fags
at the beginning of every thread

>tfw I want to play FFXIII
>but i want to play busted af champs before they get rebalanced back down
>but theres SO MANY OF THEM like Karthus, Viktor, and Zed
>and I want to get Nasus and wu Kong to Tier 4 mastery so i can justify buying skins for them

>but I have an enormous backlog of games for my consoles
>and STEAM

calling all weldings

get on league and support me in ranked 5s, shitter

If you attach a picture to every post, you can enjoy 500 posts of game discussion free of avatar and "waifu" faggots.

I know I'm shit, but I'm trying to be less shit.

Malzahar OP.

>when Crimson Rush heals you just right

Same desu. My filter list is getting fucking enormous

This brings me back man. Back when Pokemon Black/White were new, and people were posting this as Masuda Has an Idea and posting dumb fucking ideas to go with it

>Tfw all the fags who did the same post every thread got banned on /co/
I feel like they just abandoned Veeky Forums when they realized this shithole would never get better

Post Jhin


Jinx best girl

Have you started FF yet? If so finish it, it's worth.
If you haven't then play on this broken goddamn patch till it's over and move when everything sort of gets balanced out but there's still some cancer shit like usual.

When 9 of the 18 posts are already filtered you know its going to be a good thread

Except that's right.

>positive w/l
>meanwhile some platfags and even diamondfags has negative w/l
I don't get this game


Good plan, and no I just got the entire series for my birthday which is nice.

Fun fact: Filtering the word "dick" cuts half the goddamn thread from EVERY SINGLE BOARD ON THIS GODDAMN SITE.
I also have "I want to" filtered, for that swimming faggot. That has so many false positives too

when has a general thread NOT started with waifuposting and memes outside of esports time?

He is an assasin, and can pull off some nice tricks once you git gud. He isnt bad, but not very good either. I don't play smite tho so idk if you'd like him just like Loki.

But then people just figured out Politoed + 5 water types was all you needed to shit stomp everything.

Shaco plays like Loki and past a certain point devotes himself to splitpushing when he gets some sort of waveclear item like Hydra.

Though he doesnt have a stun for his ultimate.

He's a meme champ that either dominates or remains useless the entire game. You need to ascend as a supreme autist to consider maining him.

>Sunfire on support
>Spirit Visage and not Locket
>zz'rot on support
I can see why you're bronze man

I dont mean the meta, user.
Thats when people posted a picture of a Down Syndrome Koffing holding an umbrella. free points for getting the joke

...you removed me??????????? wtf

>get a malz support
>space aids the wave and summons his minions
>literally takes 5 waves
>wonders why the kalista is an item and a half up on me


>I also have "I want to" filtered
now this is high-level stupidity

>Lose a shit ton so your ranking goes down the shitter
>Lose occasionally when you just get promoted, then go win lose win lose win win
It's not rocket surgery

>>Sunfire on support
Have you never played Leona?

>Not running the CAPE OF THE SUN on SUN LADY
>Visage was needed for more MR due to Karma and Malz getting out of hand
>zz'rot gives all the stats, senpai.

I should've gone RG or Banner, honestly.


>tfw I remember that image actually posted on Smogon forums once and then the user being banned.

I cant tell if the downfall of Smogon started then or this generation.

>bronze tripfag

>Diamond 1
>Everyone, including me, is still shit

Whats the median rank of lolg?

High sliver, low gold.

Dear lord please just stick to Vi man, don't touch my waifu.
At least play some meme shit like Bard so I can laugh at your support posts and not cringe.

t. Leona main.
Visage is a waste you cant use the passive for shit without a Warmogs which is a waste of gold on a strict budget.

Locket gives tons of HP/MR/10% CDR and is the superior item, plus it gives your whole team MR not just you. Not only that, Locket's Active works great if you have Windspeaker's and Athene's, which you fucking should.
and yes, you shouldve probably gone banner too. ZZrot was terrible.

>not taking Ruby Sightstone + Face of the Mountain and Locket
>not getting thousands of HP, 10% faster warding, and millions of shields

Sunfire was a good choice for armor though, as it lets your E+Q combo do more damage, which is helpful when youre trying to burst down tanks. Or kill the dragon slightly faster.

You got it, mah Jhigga

>people still bitching about vlad being weak

>I just got the entire series for my birthday which is nice.
you got... all of final fantasy for your birthday? jesus christ

why is she sitting on a piano?

Not that user but he probably meant just FF13, 13-2, and 13-3, and before you ask yes Square Enix is that desperate for money


I'd get into promos after a 8-9 game winning streak
Lose promos
Drop back down to 0 LP
Then back up to Promos

I got an S rank on that, too.

Gold actually wasn't a problem when it came down to things. Why would I want Windspeakers if I'm going tank? I was using Bond which is the go-to for tank supports isn't it?

I cannot get behind Ruby SS for some reason. I was at "full build", and I usually get relic eye for more health regen/HP in general. Bronze Problems: I also forget to actually activate the damn thing.

No one escapes my light!

Xth for Katarina
best girl
to the user who saw me on oddones sorry for that game shaking my dang head my screen was literally freezing up during teamfights and lanephase all i could do was aim and hope that it was hitting them ;_;6

>only sub 50% winrate versus kindred jungle
>'s been over 50% winrate for multiple patches

where the bug bros at? Crystal towers are a bit annoying gimmick, but rewarding heavily.

alot of us in Veeky Forums were watching you.

Is support Zyra really broken now or is it just a meme?

>Ever watching Oddone






The ocean will drown your light.

It's meh.
You are still extremely squishy and can't do much when someone hard engages you, just like Zyra was before.
However, you have so many plants so make sure to abuse the shit out of them in lane.

Casually killing trash

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

Most mario party minigames are pointless (Thresh, Bard, etc.) but Skarner's is both pointless AND obnoxious

As if Riot is punishing you for playing the one time toxic burden of knowledge ult bug.



New Vlad is so fucking busted the fuck was riot thinking with this?

Don't you mean kill yourself?

>casually lusting after men
>no, not you.
>REAL men



As a dedicated Vladfag I honestly can't decide if he's bad or he's okay and people just have no idea what to play him.

Not sleeper OP though, more like sleeper perfectly balanced.

Skarner's passive makes his clears so fucking good though.
He's a decent tank though and will wreck people in his Spires 1v1.

Skarner is still burden of knowledge. Most people probably dont know how much he benefits from fighting in crystal towers. If he invades and gets a tower, the enemy jungler cant fight him for blue/gromp/red/wolves/wraith.

Also, you can get so much out of his ult if you pivot it right at the end of the duration, tossing the person twice as far away because no turn delay.

Now that jungle gives more XP early without having to upgrade your jungle item.

Is jungle Fiora a little more viable now that she can rush a Tiamat first item and just sit on her Machete?

I know her clears were shit because she needed her hydra, now just Tiamat since it has cleave.
But she also needed to upgrade her jungle item so she wouldn't fall behind in XP.

I know it's probably still not the best or recommended but do you think it might work better than it did?

>tfw I realize Bandlebro hasn't drawn Judy yet

I'm not asking for lewds at all, I'm surprised she hasn't though.



buffs when?


>jungle Fiora
why tho

>do you think it might work better than it did?

I don't think she's supposed to build sunfire.

It's a recommended item though.

Leona mains have told me it's a shitty meme on her.

>QSS doesnt remove vlads ult either


>why tho
She's my favorite champion.
I also play Lux and Ahri Jungle sometimes.

It's a little painful early on with them but still fun.

Considering it gives you armor, health, and your main job is being in the enemy laner's face, I can see why it's a good item on her (though maybe not comparatively to others)

I could be wrong, but I also just like it on her in general.

no shit

How do I properly funsuck?

Also, will championship kalista ever be available again?

>Want to be a Heimerdinger one trick pony and make a heimer only account
>Already want to kill myself after 4 games.
How does Heisendong do it?

>negative w/l matters
because people cant git gud right

Yeah, idk. I don't play her.

Been thinking of getting her though. I need more tanks other than Nunu and Tahm.

Occasionally go lulu tank support. That's a fun one.

I don't play her a lot, but I'd argue that mid fiora is better than jungle fiora if you really want to play her outside of top lane.



>We will never have Old Sion, Old Poppy, Old Fiora back
>They will be cancer, but gutted and just as bad as they were before the rework but with a boring kit.
I wish I could play Dota 2 but I am so bad at it.

Why would you want championship kalista when bloodmon is her best?

Become crystal bug

hes the only hero you ever need

go any lane with him.

It makes sense that cleanse doesn't remove that shit, because its literally a FREE summoner spell. But why the FUCK doesn't a full built Scimitar not remove it? I don't fucking understand the thought process behind it. You saying "the item complete negates the champion!" but on the flip side, the CHAMPION will completely negate the champion (see zed) because of it. Which is worse?

>Baron Von Veigar is a top teir skin without any special effects.