with tiny you want to farm treads, blink, & bottle, usually in the safelane. after you get these, you roam around the map & get kills with your combo (q followed really quickly by w which lets the q deal damage twice). after that you go for aghs which makes you really good at fighting and pushing, then you get ac, bkb, daedalus, & moonshard try to stop seeing him as a traditional melee carry and think of him as more of a spellcaster like zeus or lesh, because that's pretty much what you are since you rarely actually get into melee range to right click people
Jayden Turner
James Sanders
Y'all niggas better hit the image limit earlier this thread
Blake Powell
>Tfw want to go to sleep so you can wake up to watch Epicenter but you can't fall asleep
Nathan Nelson
>timber gets buffed >no more PSJ blogposting Thx based icefrog
Ian Russell
What is your go to Kush Queen Medusa strat, /d2g/?
Gavin Hernandez
what if battlefury axe
Jace Wood
who should I main?
I want someone who can go mid or safelane.
PL? Morph? I want to gain mmr so I think just playing one hero over and over is the best way to be consistent.
Ryan Johnson
>Epicenter is in ten hours >Really sleep and want to sleep now >But have to force myself to stay awake for an extra three hours just so I don't over/under sleep.
Owen Moore
What percentage of dota players are aware that the minimap exists?
Because its seems like its less than half
Ethan Campbell
random every game to become a true dota player
Elijah Baker
um how do I upvote posts on this website?
Jack Scott
Ryder Sullivan
They're aware it exists but don't look at it unless >ping ping ping Most dotards are honestly really bad at video games, rather than coming from RTS backgrounds where you're required to multitask they're usually FPS players or worse RPG players.
Landon Cooper
eurotrash tournaments mess with sleep schedule
fuck off
Owen Lopez
terrorblade he's actually pretty strong mid if you start with pms + tangos since you pretty much ignore creep damage & you barely get harassed. you can even trade hits with your opponent and come out ahead
William Gomez
Thanks but >q followed really quickly by w which lets the q deal damage twice Dude what?
Hunter Hall
>Not used to getting up at 5 AM
lmao dotuuuurd !
Gabriel Perry
what if the enemy picks slark or ursa and stacks up their passive on you?
slark could reduce you to ~100 hp and kill you with max essence shift and he'd have like 200 base damage at level 5
Kevin Hughes
Juan Ramirez
if you cast avalanche then almost immediately toss the target into the air, it takes the first burst of damage from avalanche, then when it lands, avalanche deals a second burst of damage, and the target also takes toss damage. it does an insane amount of damage which makes tiny really good at ganking early on
>mfw trying to play PL against timbersaw with no stun team
Kayden Myers
what if you just burst slark down because he's fucking slark and you're timbersaw?
Oliver Morgan
>0 tps
Easton Wood
How the fuck do you counter a fed Timbersaw actually?
Ryan Roberts
this is some dota imba shit
Carter Johnson
maybe they learned their lesson from whats the point of tping in if you can't actually damage timbersaw? all you do is leave your lane wide open, get 0 experience and run around in circles while timber makes infinite amounts of space
33 armor 33 hp/s regen at level 7 you CANNOT kill him
Lincoln Lee
bkb, diffusal, abyssal/hex/orchid
Henry Green
let him get himself killed by timber chaining into melee range at 30 minutes and thinking its still 3 minutes in and he's immortal and then stun/silence him and right click him 3 times and he's dead instantly
reactive armor is only good early game lmao he's easily killable lategame
Justin Walker
>33 armor 33 hp/s regen at level 7 >you CANNOT kill him
he CANNOT kill you
Easton Hughes
at level 7 with 1/1/4/1 skill build timber can deal up to 1300 pure damage in 8 seconds
Parker Jenkins
>shiva >blademail lmao
Ayden Allen
Michael Murphy
What do you do when the game is impossible to win? Don't bullshit me and say "that never happens." It clearly does happen on a semi-frequent basis. It seems like I get a totally unwinnable game every 3rd game I play.
Easton Barnes
how does hotd slow?
Leo Roberts
>8 seconds >no cc
>just __ out
Adrian Sullivan
build hurricane pike on terrorblade
Nathaniel Green
i didn't know hotd can give int and active aoe slow
Brayden Sanchez
yeah just tp out of your safelane and leave it to timbersaw to 1v0, thats probably your best bet he can have freefarm and knock down your towers easily but its better than feeding him kills
Benjamin Murphy
Here is dota:
>1 game that is completely impossible to win, you have a DCer on your team, your mid invoker solo feeds enemy mid omniknight (no idea how but he found a way), your team is AFK farming while enemy team has 5 late game carries, etc etc etc. it's basically an impossible game with an effectively 0% chance of winning
>2 games that are close matches and your skill has to shine through with full effort or else you will lose. Even with amazing plays by you as an individual, you will almost lose the game due to a number of mistakes you or your team makes. It will be close no matter what you do.
So this guarantees a ratio of 1 FREE loss to 2 close games. If you win your close games, you have a 66% win rate. If you're like a normal human being and win about half of the time when it's very close, your win rate will actually be 33% due to the FREE losses you experience every 3rd game.
Iron branch is only best in 1 way; highest payoff per gold invested. It is one of the worst items in the game in terms of payoff per item slot invested.
What is the real best item in the game?
Jack Nelson
Michael Perry
tome of experience
Aiden Sullivan
Blake Baker
Isaac Mitchell
skadi's probably up there >almost as much ehp as heart >shitload of mana >35% bkb piercing slow
Joseph Morales
Best in slot item? Probably Eye of Skadi. Modifies your attacks, provides armor, HP, and mana. Debuff is pretty massive.
Cooper Wilson
TP scroll
Jaxson Stewart
Hudson Reed
i am still the greatest terrorblade player in /d2g/
Leo Adams
You just lost to Peruvians monkeyz. You are an awful terrorblade
Jason Ortiz
guardian greaves
>stats >armor >purge >heal >mana >aura regen
Bentley King
Tell us your build
and what to do against Earthshaker, Faceless Void and Ogre Magi
Ayden Powell
oh and boot movespeed
Robert Scott
>general pretty good on every hero items blink bots glimmer force
>actually best item in the game helm of the dominatordominator
Charles Wright
>this guy comes and staples your /d2g/ bf's ass
What do you do?
Jayden Foster
useless fucking hero
Nicholas Morgan
treads-dragonlance-yasha is core, only get bots if youre ballin out of control
after that stuff like manta sny skadi bfly are all good, silver edge is situational good
generally just anything that buffs those illusions hombre
Tyler Watson
hows dota these days? regular patches and new champs? or is it still worth staying away?
Nathaniel Ramirez
baka, rapes the tanky STR core meta
Chase Murphy
>zyori wishes he was a girl
Ian Robinson
nothing changed from last patch he was useless and still useless
Isaiah Powell
Sounds good enough. Thoughts on BKB? Linkens?
Levi Anderson
>nothing changed from last patch ?
regardless of your stupid comment he was good last patch too
James Wright
>slacks is actually going to be a caster now
just fuck my shit
Samuel Green
Guys, do we have a Discord group to talk lewd? :3
Carter Lewis
never liked linkens, bkb is situational tho
like with most heroes you shouldnt get bkb unless you absolutely have to
Jaxson Baker
ill discord with u :3c
Luke Gonzalez
no he was shit no picks here in d2g they say he was shit so hes shit
Xavier Phillips
He's so dreamy~
Easton Reed
If you're Meepo, dragon lance. He may rarely end a won game with it in his inventory, but the game will often be DECIDED while he still has two of them.
Blake Howard
why does purge call himself purgegamers? he's just 1 guy
Dylan Gonzalez
you're gay
Eli Sanders
>losing because your own team throws off morale
Owen Watson
Anyone use Alt QWER For there hot keys? I'm think of switch but not sure if it will be hard to get used to or not.
Jordan Bennett
that pic. templar on the good side.
i've NEVER played with a friendly TA in my entire fucking life
Daniel Garcia
>pressing two keys when you could press one key
Joshua Hernandez
How can I get my team to not throw when I play broodmother?
Aiden Myers
don't pick brood
Levi Walker
literally the autistic lovechild of lycan and clinkz, please stop picking her...
Easton White
well I thought that too Zai and clq use this and they play at a way higher skill then me.