/dsg/ - Dark Souls General

Old: boards.Veeky Forums.org/vg/thread/141870263/dsg-dark-souls-general

>/dsg/ Player List
>/dsg/ Steam Group
imgur.com/a/XhBxC (DeS)




>Essential PC mods
>DSCM - manually connect to specific players



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This is the Drama Line


No more stupid ass drama below the line.

/dsg/ Rules:
>You are only allowed to use the "dsg" password if your character's name is generated by a hash.
>Characters must be wiped and changed with a new name every two days.
>You are not allowed to be too good at this game. If you get a winning streak in our FCs, delete your character afterwards and remake a new one.
>Male characters only.
>Must wear Fallen Knight armour.
>Black out names in screenshots you take and webms you record.
>NO scheduled events are allowed, such as joust events, tournaments, cosplay, etc.
>Estocs, Dark Swords, Black Knight Glaive, etc, are NOT allowed in our FCs.
>NO posts about what goes on in game between yourself and other anons.
>NO congratulating others for a good fight.
>Only emote allowed is Legion Etiquette.
>Joke builds NOT allowed.
>You are not allowed to add others from this general to Steam, PSN, XBL.
>Estus is ALLOWED in a duel when someone uses Ashtus, because they are the same.
>When ANY of these rules are broken, everyone is to stop what they're doing and REEE at the normalfag redditor until they leave.

If youre on PS4 INVADE ARCHDRAGON PEAK! SL 120. trying to get reds vs blues going

reminder fight clubs are being shat on because that one guy the other day was a complete fucking tool and him and his butt buddies bullied me
hows it feel to have your precious fight club hug boxes publically shamed by people who arent even me?
maybe if you just take your shti fight clubs outta here

If you use the katana + bleed you should unironically kill yourself. Worst meta

This is gold.

What did I just fucking say?

what did they do to you?


So I just had my first hate mail and my first disconnecter.

I was invading in Catacombs and kept getting gank squads. So I simply equipped a spear and poked them from a distance any time they tried to progress then ran away. Eventually this lead to the hosts three phantoms dying and he host running to summon more. After I killed the host he sends me, "Wow, you're a fucking pussy. Fight me properly"

The next time was when a similar thing happened. Only this time, the guy managed to summon his butt buddies twice in a row. Ended up killing around 6 Phantoms before he disconnected when I parried him.


refused to summon me soley for posting with a trip, i didnt get to show off my twinkling dragonbro build

I use Carthus weapons/rogue. I was using it before I knew bleed was gud though.


They sound like justified crusaders to me. Stop being a tool.

>avatarposters refusing to summon trips
Are you sure that happened?

DaS2 sucks

please refrain from using DaS2 related images and posting DaS2 related posts

what does /dsg/ listen to while invading


>tfw no fanmail on PC
This makes invading significantly less fun than it could be.

Too late, abandon until it blows over

This shit is a special breed of faggotry, I'd rather browse r/ds3 "new" while reading fextra wiki pages.

nigga i didn't summon you because it was literally just you and one other person

i went off to do other shit u feel me

huh, did not know the hosts would do that.

My condolences m8

Did you guys lie to me

anonymous, you're just a big bully too. you are why fight clubs are cancer, im the true crusader. i soft ban people like you

Is it bad form when invading as a mad spirit to just go apeshit on a guy when he's trying to be all "HONOBRU BOW" and shit?

Because I just did, and I'm unsure if I should feel bad.

The sound of the Host getting destroyed.

Retrying again.

>Finished my NG+ run with almost every NPC still in Firelink shrine
>Finish Orbek quest to get the all magic trophy
>Send Greirat a third time and collect his ashes to be able to buy some explosive arrow for pvp
>Then decide to do a huge stock of black bombs from Patches but he's suddenly talking about Greirat
>I though it was nothing so I just skip his dialogue and agree to tell him where Greirat was going (even though he already died)
>Strangely he still don't want to sell me anything
>Refresh shrine
>Patches isn't at the Shrine anymore
>I can't find him anywhere in the Great Library not even near the corpse of Greirat
>Try to search something about it on Google but I can't find anything, no one even talk about such an event in the wikis

So... am I fucked?
Do I really have to start NG++ now if I want Patches back? ;_;



Mad Phantoms are bat shit insane, they know nothing about honor. They just want bones


yes im sure.
i just hosted my own fight club tho was all good, those fags are the vocal minority
agreed :(

Eygon and Irina a cute

Fuck man, you're covenant is a bunch of crazy fucks who just want to stack bodies in neat piles. Don't feel bad about being a lunatic occasionally.

Fuck no dude. People who act honorbruu when being invaded are reddit faggots. If you're invading go absolutely nuts, be as cheap as you want, it's invading after all.

Of course it's bad form. But so is invading.

You're trying to bait way too hard, you little fag.

why not go to level 20? you can coop ten levels below you, and most people start with builds that are near or around level 10. did you actually go through the entire game at level 10?

You got his gay lover killed for crossbow bolts, you disgusting fuck

That's what I figured. Didn't want to shame the purple name. Thanks friends.


What part of Mad Spirit are you not quite getting?


not you then, there was another fc host and a couple of guys who literally blocked me on steam so i couldnt be summoned or summon them,
wow, user being a fellow human being, rare indeed
someone didnt think about you dont get way of the blue before undead settlement

Why do they know it's you? Do you name your character after your trip/vice versa?

Post fashion.

Rate fashion.

Bonus points for not using 2 pieces from the same set and looking decent.

Karla's Hat, Black Hand Chest, Undead Legion Gauntlets, Cathedral Knight Leggings.

>Dark Spirit Captain Falchion

Honestly, if you have to ask this then invading isn't for you.

>Must wear Fallen Knight armour.


ever think
wow maybe its not bait
maybe me, and people like me, are just irritable and need to stop hating for no reason?
maybe i was wrong?
maybe an opinion isnt fact?
maybe i shouldnt ad hominem?

no gankerino pls

When it comes to invading you can act however you want.
I always wave to invaders, but if they want to get right into or try to surprise me I'm all for it.

which key i need to open this bitch?

You're trying to bait way too hard, you little fag.

I'm starting to get annoyed at this game.
Easiest build, please?
DS1 it was socercery.
DS2 it was rapier/mace
DS3 it is what?
I'm assuming it's not magic since you need to balance estus with ashen

Also is armor actually useful at all or should I just go with fashion souls and pray for dodging ability?

>watching peeve
>instant summons and invasions into worlds with 4+ people fighting brawling
>no hackers, sacred flame cheesers, and very few OP fotm abusers

Man I regret getting this game for PC and not console. The online is such a pile of shit.


I'm looking for a fast katana build to punish all the shit scrubs who invade with the Uchi? How should I do this?

some of them but i posted my char or about fights so they deduced my chars name rather simply
i complained about fire whip hit box how it made no sense (at least on my screen) and whooped some of their asses too hard in dragon form


nth for pyromancy and estoc spam.

Invasions are whatever you want. Be honorable if you want to, but don't expect your opponent to return the favor.

If you're playing as AN ABSOLUTE MADMAN, be sure to be an opportunist and turn on your fellow invaders if it's advantageous.

A key that you'll get from jumping through a window on a church rooftop. You'll fine it as you go, leave it for now.

40/40 str/dex refined

Dragonslayer swordspear + caestus

Quality straight sword or rapier

Anyone else hate big weapons?

>lol you missed parry here goes 75% of your health haha

It forces me to play really gay if I want to win. And when I'm using one I don't really feel good that I almost won the whole duel thanks to one swing.

Not saying they are overpowered, just wondering if there is anyone else who prefers fighting estocs and dark swords over huge weapons.

I thought Fire Whip was supposed to be shit.
Goddamn, that's a lot of damage.

ever think
wow maybe its not bait
maybe me, and people like me, are just irritable and need to stop hating for no reason?
maybe i was wrong?
maybe an opinion isnt fact?
maybe i shouldnt ad hominem?





Heavy boots matter

if I'm going for SL60 invasions is +6 the best upgrade to stop at?

what are some good places to fuck with people at that level?

please post build i want to actually see what a good faith build looks like


>Using weeb swords


It was good in DaS2 as well

No, you're being a tremendous faggot complaining about large weapons in PvP.

>turn on your fellow invaders if it's advantageous
Real madmen turn on their fellow invaders regardless.

Can someone post the tier list chart? I'm making a build around fashion and I want to know which of the few I have in mind is most practical.

heavy dark sword max str and vig first then after your hp is maxed (soft capped) finish your dex to 40 and then make it refined and a greatshield

Armor that has physical resistance is going to be heavy as fuck

Armor with good resistance to stuff like fire, magic, etc. is going to be lighter on the physical.

My balance between that has so far been Black Hand armor.

>Faraam boots are some shit like 6 units

That's the prime level for Aldrich Faithful, unless I'm mistaken.

As much as I love curved swords, they seem to be nerfed in this game

i love fire whip desu


Carthus curved sword.

You're trying to bait way too hard, you little fag.

Should do that regardless. I was invading and found a host who wouldn't come out from the fog door because I had another invader around. Killed off the other invader to coax him out.

did all the kids go to bed in preparation for school?
just noticed a huge shift in the generals disposition/aura

40/40 quality build.
Either of those with Havel's.

>Get invaded when I'm playing solo all the fucking time
>Don't believe people who say that invading always ends pitting you against ganksquads
>Try invading
>nonstop ganksquads

I'm sorry I ever doubted.

>Invade at high wall
>spawn in the middle of dragonfire
>die immediately

you're still here, hehehehehe

>you missed parry
He doesn't know.

They're in the other thread

>in preparation for school
Not everyone's a NEET like you and work also requires arriving on time and staying awake.

Shit gets a lot more childish with you around. Go to bed.

There, nice good fair duel Dietrich.

>want to get into PvP
>remember I got the PC version

Welp, there's that.

ever think
wow maybe its not bait
maybe me, and people like me, are just irritable and need to stop hating for no reason?
maybe i was wrong?
maybe an opinion isnt fact?
maybe i shouldnt ad hominem?

post build senpai

Every time I see Black Hand I think of Bucky and his metal arm

You never miss parries in PvP?