Tree of Savior General - /tosg/

And then I told him to go SW C2 edition

Previous: TOS Info:
This includes more detailed information, as well as tools, resources, patch notes and official links.

>What is Tree of Savior?
Tree of Savior is an action MMORPG with a lot of classes, cute hats and autism grinding.

>Can I play the game now?
This game is now out everywhere!

>English patch for kTOS

- kTOS - Server : Vakarine (Upside down "A" in gookspeak)
- iTOS: Klaipedia (NA), Fedimian (EU)

>Official Translation Project -
Helping in the translation will speed up international server updates and remove unwanted machine-translated text. There are also rewards for contributors, further explained on the github page.

>Field Boss/F.O.E Timers
- kTOS Timer:
- iTOS Timer:

>/tosg/ Guilds info

>Cookie Cutter Good Builds guide

Other urls found in this thread:

first for archers are hard


I love talts!

>want to make a sorc
>needs a fucking dandel gem for improved linker1
>needs a fucking level 10 TS card to function at all
>payout probably won't even be worth the investment

Am I the only person maxing out his pokedex as he goes (collection boxes, monster kills, and map exploration)?

when are we holding a party for the F2P friends?

to whoever wanted to level with brand newfriends add me on steam im lonely and looking for love

Reposting for all who thinks demons are cool

That and the mountain of bugs we get with our summon.
>short tether range
>prioritize the lowest hp mob first, it'll shoot boss summoned spikes/totems, random mobs before hitting the boss.
>cannot release hold
>have to manually click summon buff icon to unsummon
>Summon fires at whatever direction its facing after following you before aiming at any mob
>salamion is useless
>can't eat cat buffs while running
>Riding might bug out and trap you on top of summon without actually riding it
>summons don't proc invocation

>can't access server

Thanks Obamacare

Let's find out!

>>cannot release hold
Then how the fuck do you make it move after?

What gloves should I put a pure loftem gem into to sell for maximum shekels?

Pure loftem gem plus one's fletchers crossfire skill btw

Sunday should be 9PM woops

If you own an arcade stick try playing with it, its actually really fun

>see all these nice hats on the market
>they are from field bosses that are camped 24/7

How do I make enough money to get them?

This is supposed to be UScuck prime time and the thread is dead as HELL

because we're all playing the game

either hold it somewhere else, or resummon
If you hold and then choose attack ground, it'll work, but when it moved to the place where you placed attack ground, it'll stop moving and attack unless you give it another of the two commands.

You just wait until the ktos world boss cube restriction is ported over to itos.

>12:24 am
>prime time

>glorious Telsiai server
>no f2p
>majority of pinoys migrated to Varena (a.k.a. Demon Prison) to join their peasant friends and/or was driven away by comfy
>bots are scarce
>no gold sellers so economy is getting healthy

Wind runner

unless that debuff is account wide, the top mvp guilds will just have alts for rotations

What the fuck is wrong with Varena?
Is it ever going to improve?

wheres a good grind spot for level 43 to 50?

Damn, demon prison is a pretty good gem farming map

This is like 15 minutes on the map
Check world status :^)
Do i have to mention is not even 7 am in EU and SEA is stable on 2x red?

>ever going to improve
I hit 60 there and than made new character at klaipedia and never looked back.
The current cannot connect issues is nothing compared to the old issues of 10mins waiting for quest givers to respond, 10+ tries to add skill/stat points or the 1second delay between aa's.

also where can i get dagger for my quarrel shooter?

>because we're all playing the game
>not ERPing on Discord


I'm in Australia though. If I'm getting shit lag on a SEA server then I can't even imagine NA.

You mean shield?

is there a reward for exploring the maps?

like bonus exp or something?

or can i just focus on quests and still level up at a decent pace(a pace where i won't have troubles killing mobs later) or not falling behind?

>kToS world boss campers gets cucked, soon here too
>more complains about lack of neutrality will enforce it's introduction here
Where you were when ToS was improved?

How does the restriction work?

If im going sadhu, do i want cleric2 for more safety zone and fade, or krivis2 for killing things?

You get 3 EXP cards if you explore maps 100%. Why don't anyone want this?

You cast Hold again (3s cd) or resummon it.
While all the bugs listed are real, I'm not really regretting going Sorc.
Yes they're inferior to elememetalists, but most things are, DPS-wise.

I made this Sorc for 2fpsHoglan-proof PvP/GvG/World bossing, there are few things that can hold a point better than a parked TS.

tl;dr Sorcs are fine, nowhere near top-tier in output but flexible and fun in their own way.

I'm australian too, move to klaipedia and you will see the light.
Fuck varena, at least in klaipedia its only lag, in fucking varena the delay is so horrid with quests that I completely gave up on quests once I reached the mine

Are the exp cards a fixed number or % because ive just been instantly using them

welp... time to keep exploring everything then.


oh i cant get a dagger for my character?

I forgot to open my maintenance mail

fixed number, smaller cards are fairly useless later and I've heard people say don't worry about it until anywhere from 4-6

Use this

And your life will be easier.

It literally says it on the card description.

After like level 60ish, you end up exploring 100% of every map anyway just while questing on them.

I wouldn't mind waiting out a few days or so if the shitty situation improves or something. Hopefully if the horrible lag drives people away so the server becomes less overloaded.
I'm just skeptical of making a new character on a NA server, leveling it and Varena improves slightly down the line so I move back.

why save it up in that case then if the numbers dont change

How on earth do you compete for world bosses against mementalists and memetchers?

>varena improving
top laughs

thanks i'll give it a go.

Boost your way out of regions where there are no good places to grind. Early levels usually have acceptable fields to grind in.

You can but it would offer you fuck all benefit outside of the options since you'd have no skills to work with it and it can't be a primary weapon

QS is a bow and shield class.

Go ahead and card through a dungeon's level range instead of saving them.

A man can dream, right?
Maybe I'll transfer when Telesai opens and ruin all their fun. :^)

But seriously, this is disappointing. I chose the new server precisely because I hoped it would be less crowded and laggy.

Hope the 2fpsHoglan chokes them enough, really.
I can't compete at Dullahan, Jace and his buddies have that locked down tight.
But I've gotten cubes from most other bosses I've participated in.

You don't, going sorc means support dps, and the ability to solo contents all the way to lv280.

the status has been stuck for 3 days already, i've been checking it many times at different hours, silute should be red because of how fucked up it is

What are the regions to use the cards in? I just started playing and im only at the #2 cards so I guess I'll start saving them

>Crybabies who needs handholding 24h/7 ruins everything once again
You are the reason MMO are fucking dead but you just can't realize it

what the fuck are you talking about

Would bang so hard my dick would fall off

Because of the exp penalty for being +/-5 levels of mobs. To receive 100% exp from mobs you save and use cards to stay within the level range of maps while questing.

Too bad wars have ended/are ending soon.

Don't bother with the shitty level 1-3 cards. They give so little exp it doesn't matter when the later level rolls by.

What kind of retarded logic is that?
Ofc the new server will be the most laggy because all the newbies will go there.
Why would you presume otherwise?
If I knew this game was so poorly optimised that ping doesnt mean jack shit, I woulda gone to klaipedia at the start instead of aiming for the better ping at varena of infinite delay

>Player limit per channel is 100
The server are really fucking shit

Addendum- that probably doesn't mean I outdps them.

This, and stronger PvP in some aspects.
I can't imagine Frost Cloud being useful without CC lockdown there.
TS area denial is more reliable too.

What is the least played class for each of the 4 that you've seen?

>literally just putting in a player cap to deal with shitty ass optimization
holy keks I hope this is just a temporary measure

That's per map per channel

Is it easy to find groups when leveling? I prefer support characters in most game and want to make a cleric. Can they handle mobs on their own at all, though?

how good is Schwarze Reiter?

>thinly veiled "i am a special snowflaker and don't know what to roll" post

Swordsman - Rodelero
Archer - Wugushi/Sapper
Cleric - Bokor
Wizard - Thaumaturge

>How on earth do you compete for world bosses
If you wanted to World Bosses you should have bought EA on day1 and rushed a mementalist yourself
It's too late now


> Neet autist control the spawn of world bosses so only they get cubes with their boss optimized builds
> it's ok to fuck everyone else over so these autist get their cubes

No faggot, you fuck right off. That is some archaic bullshit design, it's like letting a mafia run the world boss cube drop business.

>there's like 500 people in klaipeda on that server alone


Anyone know if Thaumaturge is useful/any fun?

>It's too late now
Takes a week to make a memetalist to the level needed to compete user.

It's that easy. Just use silver and buy good gear. You don't need to be level cap to compete either.

Thats an addon showing you the cap
The cap was always there

I'm already a corsair. I asked cause I'm curious of trends.

Anyone know a good solo mage build for a complete beginner?

it gives people big heads for kissing

>"The Circling class" Falconer is least played

>Just use silver and buy good gear.
Gear sold by the World Bosses mafia
The silver they made from that business gets their attribute to lv100
Good luck competing with that shit

>falconer more rare than sapper, wugushi, SR


It's literally the posterchild of one point wonder classes.

feels like the lv 130 dungeon takes a really long time to get through even with linkers.

Best gear for Elementalist comes from dungeon,s not from World Bosses you retard.

the best offhand for a qs is literally a pistol (mana-mana) you disinfo agent kill yourself

He's right.

>Want to become a schwarzer Reirter
>dont know how which classes and on which stat use my points


Pyro Linker Pyro is a good base for a beginner, then you can go whatever you want really
>Sorceress C2
>Linker C2 --> Necromancer C2
>Linker C2 ---> Necromancer --> Featherfoot
>Linker C2 --> Alchemist C2

Most people just say go WizC3EleC3 but that build is boring as balls until rank 6 which will probably take like two weeks for you. You'll have way more fun this way the entire time.

Go 1:1 Int CON roughly.

Has anyone tested out bracelet of linne? Does it just drop a random consumable herb after 15 kills?

Thanks, Secret Agent Ms. Information.

newfag here. I've started today with a friend, I went Wizard and he Sword. I've been trying to decide what I should rank to be a decent party mage with utility and damage. So far we only finished the Crystal Mines together and I'm stuck with Wiz > Cryo.
What is really good for PvE party and solo after Cryo 3 (as I enjoy playing Ice Mages)? I was thinking about Elementalist, but I'm not entirely sure how that class works and if it synergizes with Cryo. Sorcerer looks incredibly boring, as I don't enjoy playing summoners.

>Waaaaaah i can't cuck the server now and make millions per day