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Shit thread already
Mercy's flaccid phallus.
This. Shit thread.
The animations in this game amuse me too much.
Who /waitingimpatienly/ here?
You know roughly 700% of koreans have roundeye surgery right?
Delete the thread.
Make a new one.
Post your stats and 1 thing you like about your most played.
If you post songs in relation to McCree and you're not posting
also look how fucking close they are together
so she's the average korean with plastic surgery, which in turn is 80% of all female koreans, gotcha
Does it look like Tracer's riding a wiener?
Delete this thread. That is not an accurate depiction of
you didn't say anything about reinhardt so fuck you
>2 weeks
>Someone else takes your favorite character
>they suck
>Don't switch to them because your team doesn't need two of them
Best girl incoming
I play with ping of 61-65, is it bad for games like Overwatch.
free week fag here, is the game still playable in open beta? Was it just the free that ended?
I swear my most played was Reaper. I like his Nevermore skin.
If you don't like it, you had about 100 posts warning to make your own before and you passed up on it.
I am a living reinhardt, it'd be too vain to talk about myself
Entire beta is done, everyone is cut off until launch.
>there are people that complained about Tracer's ass when Mei's hiding that
>11 days
Fucking hell.
I can't read this kind of stuff any more and not picture Reaper typing it up.
Silly user, you should teach them pro strats so they look up to you and respect you
I like that I can piss off the enemy team whenever I want.
Whoa where did you find the site that leaked the new OW heroes??
I always thank my little healslut. With my fat cock down the little whore's throat and a thick load of hot cum filling her belly
I want to FUCK McCree
Good start to thread
Wake up wiafufags to reality
Sorry, accidentally posted the wrong picture
I already love this thread.
Screwing with the enemy team and distracting one or two of them from attacking my team.
Especially Bastions, it's hilarious poking a bad one and watching him swing his turret up at me and then explode.
>hate game at first
>think it's casual garbage
>ignore playing like a competitive FPS and more for fun
>end up being a good goy and dropping $60 at the end
I swore to never play a Blizzard game again... but dammit they got me.
You shouldn't be allowed to play McCree until you've seen at least The Wild Bunch, The Searchers, and Once Upon a Time In the West
Thanks for the mmr donation cuck
>mfw real life cowboy would still be good
>that dude in the background with the tiny head
Wow nobody told me Sarah Borrows made a video game
I didn't think I played McCree the most, I couldn't have sworn it was JunkRat or RoadHog.
I enjoyed destroying Supports with Fan The Hammer/Hook/Mines.
Fuck off
>Bastion is OP!!
>pro players are just cheaters, that's why they never use him!!
Daily reminder that every champ requires no skill in the right conditions and if you keep whining blizzard will turn this game into heroes of the storm
what's going on here?
>play the beta
>love it
>decide to buy it
>don't know whether to get it for PC or PS4
>bought both
>not godtier Tombstone when he literally had a butchered huckleberry line and a Doc Holliday skin
You know you could have dropped $40, right?
it's shit
literally the most boring ass bodysuit you could make with shitty headphones made out of cardboard
And those eyebrows O MI GOD LMAO
>all these waifufags ITT
>not posting best husbando
>I have shit taste
Those three are actual masterpieces
any winston lewds yet?
Go to sleep widowmaker
>retards that argue rein+bastion is uncounterable
do these faggots not understand that any knock out ability like pharah's concussive shot or junkrat's bomb can be used to throw the reinhardt away and expose the bastion?
He probably bought the Origins edition. Or he's on console and forced to buy the Origins edition.
>hot one inch ape dick
I like her mobility, her infinite ammo, how durable she is, and running people over with her mech
mercy or pharah are higher tier waifus tbqh
Oops, wrong image.
I expected the game to cost $60 anyways, found out I get a nice-looking Reaper and Tracer skin out of it and said "fuck it, why not".
No, because people are typically shitters.
No because it's easier to complain than to git gud
>zarya will never sit on your face after a hot workout, forcing you to deeply inhale her sweaty asshole before she proceeds to fuck you in the mouth and butt with her hulking chick dick
hold me, family.
Easier to get rid of
>Bastion is OP!!
>pro players are just cheaters
>that's why they never use him!!
Have you perhaps tried learning to read?
>not fistful of dollars, rio bravo, magnificent seven or even goodbad&ugly
No (You)
A few on e621 IIRC
Who cares about the cock, given how many bananas he consumes I wouldn't doubt he gives good blowjobs.
Clint Eastwood pls go.
I'm making fun of the dipshit in the last thread
Unless you're him
>micropenis husbando
>pro players
Reinhardt for best husbando
pigs > monkeys
>Rio Bravo
Good but not John Wayne's best
>Fistful of Dollars
An inferior Yojimbo
>Magnificent Seven
An inferior Seven Samurai
>Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Not Leone's best by a longshot
Yes, and he's here to point out how stupid you are because of your inability to read entire sentences and your tendency to make wild assumptions based off the bits and pieces you do read.
Seriously I'm starting to wonder how you made it out of middle school with that level of reading comprehension. I guess it's possible you haven't yet.
make me ya fat bitch.
I thought you and your dog were practicing to take down the pro players :^)
which hero would a top tier skinhead or punker use
How the fuck do you play Tracer? People sneeze at you and you die
>13 days
>that high quailty webm
i'd like him to put his HAMMER DOWN in me ;)))
Why is the range SO OBNOXIOUS?
why does reaper have ammo bandoliers if he's just going to pull out new guns anyway
Share tips about your main as well!
>Reinhardt's swing from right to left swings faster than left to right, so canceling out the right to left swing effectively lets you do more dps.
Why is D.Va the only character without a sad backstory?
I'll wreck your life motherfucker you don't know who you just fucked with, I'll destroy everyone you love and crush your best friends miserable lives. You're dead, punk. You just don't know it yet.
>Overwatch Player list for PS4
cmon boys pls my computer is shit dont be afraid to have console friends
He'll probably make for a good bottom bitch.
>fat, sweaty, unkempt bogan
No thx
He's a close second desu
No see there you go again reading two words out of a sentence and then ignoring the rest of it. I said me and my dog don't want to be pro players, because aimbotting is boring and wouldn't change the fact that we suck at the game without it.
>teleport around them
>aim and fire
>rewind time
>teleport away
Hit and run. Harass back line. Same as Reaper
I can run it fine on low settings on a shitty laptop of mine
There is a special place in hell for people who give commend points to bastion players.