2D Hentai Game General /hgg2D/

Green screen edition

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Installation: wiki.anime-sharing.com/hgames/index.php/VH/Setup
FAQ: pastebin.com/ZtDHt64k

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Can we go 2 whole threads without games?


trying to find sauce on

anyone got some sauce?

>exhibitionist tag

English BG Margaret when

Thanks for the info.

Can't find a link for it that's still up.

I'm gonna look for a bit longer before giving up.

If I find the link i'll share it here. Seems like an interesting game.

Post yfw VH 100% translation soon™.

>Every post from ILL now is just about music

we've officially lost the man

no gaeaeaeaems

he's just ill my man.

post games.


CosRo 3 was announced

The curse got to his brain. It's sad.

we don't want announcements, we want games!

still WIP,but the art maybe totally different...
gosh it looks so bad


Been looking for these for ages
Anyone got MEGA links to the full games?

Thanks in advance

I used to love this guy's games, now he's just releasing too many, and all of them look the same.


I'm praying for your success.

How goes the TL of the latest 2 VH patches?

doesn't seem to have an RJ but I think this just got released, art looks good.

Sorry user. Need to crack it. Also ecchi stuff.

>you will never fuck Nanako
why even live?

Hey guys, I'm thinking of making a 2d H-RPG for fun. Trying to get a good design for heroine, what do you guys reckon of this one?

Work on anatomy a bit more. Make her a loli.

I don't want to go to jail :(

otherwise I would

Hips are all wrong, shoulders too wide, looks eerie. Face is alrightish, hair is good as far as cliches go. Nipples look like something lifted off one of those exploitable images people use for shoops. All in all 5/10, can make around 200$ monthly if you start a patreon.

Practice more.

Oh and get ready to face nipplemod.

Thanks for the feedback, still learning how to do all this. Any way you could link me a pic showing how hips should be? And I actually drew the nipples completely myself haha.

Sure, here:
Note how two asscheeks touch each other as seen through the gap and how actual thighs connect to the body creating this gap. Also because your pic suggests the upper body is twisted a little, the viewer expects the shoulders to be narrower, or the hips wider. Tewi here stands parallel to the picture plane so even though her hips are only slightly wider than her shoulders you still get hard.

403 Forbidden

It's on all boorus, one of them should work.

Thanks, I'll try to put that into my next effort and see how it goes.

Got my nipplemod warning :D

It's because of the redirection, like dlsite, copy paste the url in a new tab.

What do you guys consider to be like absolutely crucial features in a 2d h game?

Whoa whoa, emoticons are strictly forbidden. You aren't a newfag now are you? Newfags are supposed to lurk for a while before they may start posting.

Female heroine (trap would work).

Just wanted to express my joy man, but nah I'm not. Been here for years dawg. Don't excommunicate me pls


Anything else? I mean more gameplay wise

Is there a samurai sacrament translation?
How about rune factory?

Text skip.

Nope, it's impossible to translate samurai sacrament, the tools aren't there. A translator is standing by if you're willing to investigate why the existing tool won't decompile anything beyond chapter 3 though.

Thats pretty nice, drawing looks pretty good too overall. The style (black thick lines) is the only thing I find worrying as it isn't the same as the rest. Thankfully it's easily fixable.

A balanced difficulty so you don't get too strong too fast (making getting the GoR scenes a pain) but neither have to grind for hours to advance to the next zone.

>2 decent games came out at start of month, think drought is over
>drought resumes

About 300 lines left.

Were those patches pretty substantial?

No missable scenes, unless the gameplay is really good (it pretty much never is) I don't want to have to start over multiple time.

Acerola games are the only games I'm willing to play multiple times through, which is good because it's pretty much mandatory to get all the scenes unless you are an autist or have a guide.
>scene only pops up in the interim between clearing a quest and walking to the room directly next to the quest clear room
that kind of shit is incredibly annoying though, especially when there's no indication that the scene is there.

Latest version's torrent is up.

go fuck a look alike in japan or something

Nah, it's in the commentevent map, it's mainly extra-dialog


Exactly what I think he needs to get out of your comfort zone

been looking for a decent ryona game with guroless snuff and this doesn't look too bad


Eh i think i'll pass.

I hate yuri as well because I think it's boring shit but even if you're male or female it doesn't change the fact that you're going to get tortured and vored to death.

I like ryona as much as the next guy, but it implies GoR, which is bland and tedious. Drop a mega if you find it anyway.

>it doesn't change the fact that you're going to get tortured and vored to death.
You say it like it wasn't something atrocious.

Any more work been done on the jungle map?

Does someone have the update of the game Mange II (RJ163505 v1.1.0)?

what are you talking about? it's hot

that's the whole appeal of ryona / snuff

>You'll never be a man who has every fetish possible
>You'll never enjoy all the games that come out just for the fetishes themselves

The problem is it has none.

is it just me or is dlsite down?

Im in china using a vpn to hong kong

No, it's up and there are sites where can look up whether a given site is up or not.

More importantly how come you're in china?

I doubt one exists

>You'll never be a man who has every fetish possible
Good, there are some really disgusting things out there.
>You'll never enjoy all the games that come out just for the fetishes themselves
See above.

>Good, there are some really disgusting things out there.
But those are only disgusting because they aren't your fetishes. Someone might find your fetishes disgusting as well, but you yourself are ok with them.

Parasite in City 2 never ever

yeah, nobody likes everything. I don't see why you're crying over impossibilities.

None, I think.

you shut your whore mouth

What is this 'new bread' about?

>Green bottom on green background,

Are you alright child?

I need ur help here...
I want to install VNReader with ATLAS and ITH but the main page for atlas put down the atlas v14 download link. Can anyone ulpload it?

search the usual torrent sites, you need to set your system date to something feburary 2009 and cut your internet connection before you install. After copying over the crack you can restore date and net again.

cannot find it

A proper gallery

I actually like ecchi more than h. I'm weird like that.
It makes me sad that it'll never be free in english

Look harder. Google is a thing you know?

I found it, but I can't post the link because 4 chan says it is spam.

This, and a proper gallery is not "entire scene only", and especially not "entire scene only with no skip text feature", that shit is fucking retarded.

replace dots with spaces

tinyurl com/j28kct9


The word "Soon"

It doesn't look half bad, but by the looks of it it looks to be just vore, without any kind of actual sex scenes, so I'm not sure if it's worth buying.

Please pick a more attractive OP image next time since we will be looking at it for several days

She is very attractive also what the fuck are you doing staring at the op pic for several days.

how dare you insult oni nanako

Probably hasn't riced his shit so he doesn't have auto bookmark.

Been wanting to play something with lots of sprite-sex and decided to finally check this out. It was okay, wish there was more focus on the sister over the randoms though. The little gallery room illusion of what could have been or whatever sure was kind of depressing.

There any links for the first game in Japanese somewhere? Everywhere I look they all seem to be dead or English.

When will their be new translated games last one was NTR imouto

when you learn japanese

There's a Christmas side-game that focuses on the sister. It's not that great though. NTRPG2 on the whole is a bit overrated though. Only hot scenes where when you saw her getting fucked through the window, especially when her boobs were pressed on the screen. I was disappointed by everything else.

I really liked the storm chapter.
After that... they didn't really show anything. Which was such a shame.

>they didn't really show anything
What better way to cause despair that implication

Probably when m1zuki finishes another translation. Even in retirement he gets more progress done than anyone else.

Where do I fight Minotaurs when I already finished the Extermination quest in Violated Heroine.