League of legends general /lolg/

shit tier waifu edition

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Xth for Katarina
best girl

>People honestly don't think SKT will win MSI

It was entertaining while it lasted but there's no way SKT is losing in BoX series

>pick jungle
>botlane is level 10 at 25 minutes


Cutest champs
Best cuddlers!

I want to give Riven a lobotomy!

>GP starting to become turbo cancer again
Time to go fap and cry after being raped so hard.

Post champs you'd eat out

How is warwick with jungle changes?


I love Lissandra!
if your waifu ain't blue then she's poo!

>there are people still playing this game
What the fuck are you guys doing?

League needs more monster girls, and tits, and titty monsters, and titty monster monster girls.

Post webmen.

Why are orianna's skins so shit

Having fun? I mean, it's a game haha xD

>Faker is going to ruin yet another tournament in a few hours

The only tournaments he hasn't ruined is the one where he shat on Ryu because it was his first and the one where EDG beat him.

Perfectly fine if you go cinderhulk with like one damage item and maybe iceborn if you're ahead. His winrate is only bad because people are bad and they build bloodrazor. None of the devourer junglers are bad right now, their winrates are only bad because people are bad and building them wrong.

Posting best blueberry.

>tfw there used to be dozens of us Evefags

kog'maw is too good for skarner he deserves better

Trying to get out of gold 5.
Its fucking terrible.

But Skarner will teach him all about life on Valoran and give him plenty of hugs and kisses

Like you're marriage Lyte?

How is your evening going user?

I hope your winning lots of games too!

>decide to play galio
>EQ a wave
>out of mana


why isn't sona literally sitting on my face right now

That's toxic, user!

That wraps up day 6! Behind the spoilers you'll find the unlucky 2. We're coming into the home stretch now, so expect vote totals to get higher, standings to become more volatile, and eliminations to get slimmer as we prepare for the final weekend. Congratulations to everyone who survived, and unless you guys have any questions for me I'll see you all again tomorrow!

Full standings can be found here: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Eg2-pTmWXSRKL1BFbN2LMNRm4uNjhcUBgPTSi1J9gUo/edit#gid=0

cause shes gonna be on mine tonight :3

Toaster computer where league is the only multiplayer game it can run that i can have some sort of fun on or just sink my free time into

>they have a blitz and lee
>nid initiates instead
>on jarvan
literally throwing it away

There is literally nothing not brainless about healing 50-100% of your health at the last second

It's fucking stupid and takes no skill whatsoever

her ass is big enough for the both of us

dont use spells to try and flash farm until they can one shot backline. Then melee front down evenly and gaze them too. Try to avoid e.

Runes and masteries for Riven?

I wanna be toxic turbocancer and play my waifu at the same time

i'll be alone no matter what


>not fucking up the spoiler

good job

25*.25 rounds to 6
19*.15 rounds to 3
16*.05 rounds to 1

You're never alone so long as you have friends user

Friends, and the divine embrace of Jesus Christ.

They obviously didn't know the entire team was behind him and thought it was an easy catch.


>people offer to play with you maybe even become friends
>even nice people like sonabro
>still posts this all the time
If you wallow in it instead of accepting the hands extended to you in friendship, we might lose sympathy.

I was bored of it but I managed to get my gf into it so I am back to playing.

also waiting for total war warhammer ;_;

I haven't played a game of League since they introduced the new dragon system.

Is the Ocean Drake as OP in-game as it sounds on paper?

>bot laning with braum in ranked
>we leash our jungler at krugs and walk into lane
>braum flash Q's the adc as soon as he seems him when I'm still walking into lane
>kills himself

Not once in the game did he ever let me safely farm because he engaged on someone every time he came into lane

Shit like this makes me just want to keep playing support so other people dont have to deal with shit like that

sorry user, this guy does not share!





>monte btfo

this will still be best week despite what happens with RNG and CLG

I almost feel like I should have fucked it up on purpose

That'd probably get super obnoxious really fast though

how can people stand playing fiora in this meta?

someone make a Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums

I want to shit on some 30s as a level 13 scrub

how many are eliminated on each day and when is the last day?

So is the game really diying?

Did he have ignite?[/sub]

oh gee words hurt.

How can I live with myself?

almost none of the contest winners have ever been strong in their respective metas

hell, in that r63 only contest we had one guy sending in nothing but Singed votes

why dont you faggot?

Up until today it was 3. From here on out we'll be eliminating 2 until Friday the 20th, where the final five will compete in an Iron Man weekend with the winner decided on Sunday the 22nd

>How can I live with myself?
Not at all, considering he told you to kill yourself. And I can only second that.


It's pretty good in laning phase, but you'll never get 3 of them and it's getting changed to be OoC only and incremental restoration rather than reducing the cool down with stacks, so it'll be pretty shit

You're not being toxic now that I've left, right summoners?

so how important is 40% CDR on WW and how important is FH on him?

>i have to keep my favorites alive for a whole week longer
shit, i thought we were almost done

Reposting since I posted this in 700+ post thread.

How did Trick reach Master elo when he struggles vs low diamonds on his main?

>tfw I've actually seen a slight increase in toxicity in my games ever since the news of Lyte leaving broke out

WW is an ult bot and his damage options are trash atm

But you don't need 40% cdr on him at all
Also IBG is better than FH in most cases since it adds a slow to your ult and single damage ability

Based Annieposters winning. Anti-futa autists only managed to knock out 1 futa suggestion so far? Are they losing steam?

>Cancer again

Fuck off, I'm glad he's back

the more cdr you have the more ulties you're going to spend


maybe he doesn't play against overpowered cancer every game

>he doesn't dump everything he has on the first person he sees to show dominance in the lane

This is why you're bronze.

>Slut ex e-fucks a guy to boost her out of bronze
>She drops out of plat back down to silver because she sucks
>E-fucks another guy to boost her out
>Report her for getting boosted
>Riot does nothing

Meanwhile, I played 9 of my 10 placement games with a challenger friend on my smurf and got banned from ranked rewards for boosting not even a week later.

The Annie option isn't really an Annie option, it's non-lewd. It's just contest shitters being contest shitters as usual, picking whatever ebin meme would be the best to circlejerk over.

I still appreciate any new Annie art.

>destroying trick with a fucking username like boosted cuck

Holy shit, 10/10

That said, trick relies on people chasing him and not taking objectives. If people put pressure on the map that his team can't handle, he cant "breach" and his entire system of play crumbles down.

I know what it is, I voted for it in the suggestion phase.

He's literally playing post-ruining Udyr while you're playing full cancer?

His entire meme playstyle relies on his team not getting obliterated despite his retardation to find openings. You also have Fizz.

He's garbage, thats why.

Every game he feeds constantly while overreacting to act up to his stream audience and nothing more

>It's just because it's a nonlewd idea!
>Rek'sai had a nonlewd idea that got eliminated almost immediately

dumb pedoshit

>mid is the most popular role, and the least likely to get in ranked
>que mid and bot
>get mid 7 times in a row


"sand niggers cant jungle"
Isn't he mexican? Also, nice banter :D

The CDR mainly. As silly as it sounds, Warwick's entire reason for existing is his ult and you want to be able to use it as often as possible.


>sion goes corruption potion, CDR boots and especially BC when behind

There's very little disadvantage to holding your negavotes right up until the last few days, so it's hard to tell how negavotes will eventually play out

fucking bard mid and Lucian top. Fuck gold

she has LoL in her twitter handle. she is leaving lyte within the month.

What do I build on Sion? I want to feel WAR.

>it's getting to that point where champions with less than 10 votes are going to be eliminated no matter what

tristanabros please help


I don't know about top, but lucian mid is so fucking fun considering you aren't playing against cancer

No need to negvote when retards need to keep their options alive with high scores knowing the strike can arrive at any moment while you save all your screenshots until the moment is right.

Sunfire, Spirit Visage, Titanic Hydra, Merc Treads, The usual tank items.

WW really needs mana and CDR and FH provides them. The armor and the passive also allow to stick to ADCs and survive.

Best girl.
Best butt.
Best wife.

this fat fuck is stealing milions

what's a low banrate high risk high reward mid lane champ?

i have 6300 to spend

>manage to demolish lane opponent every game in normals with friends and translate my lead into a win with basic rotations and displacement flanking with gragas/azir/lee while they all run down mid
>one of them asks me why i don't play ranked

w-what do i tell him

Draven mid lane