League of Legends General - /lolg/

Old eyosongive.us

League of lesbians edition


First for I'm Draven and I'm the best.

Xth for Leona

>In a normal


Why is metagolem Viktor so fun?

>chinks so bootyblasted that they've sold their tickets to the finals
This is why you hold tournaments in any place that isn't china


What's the fastest method of farming key fragments?

Illaoi is cute.

have you been living under a rock?

What's the difference between a silver and say a platinum player?
I've been stuck in silver for some time and I feel like the people I play with generally are pretty good. I CS well, I have good minimap awareness, I make good calls. Admittedly my mechanics are not perfect but overall I feel like I should probably be plat or some shit but the people I play with aren't bad enough to the point where I can just stomp them every game.

vlad might be freelo

See this post? See this circlejerking? I will wipe this shitposting the FUCK out. Eradicated off the face of the site.

Every trip that makes posts like this will be permanently banned. Every mention of "waifu", "gay", "husbando", "cumming", any sexuality, ANY off-topic posting, I will delete. I will wipe the fuck off the site and people who post it I WILL recommend for permanent bans. You think I won't do it, you think I'm joking?
Fucking try me. We'll see who gets the last laugh. Every cutesy little anime picture, every attempt at attention whoring, every clique circlejerk post, I will eradicate. Stomped the FUCK into non-existence.

I will delete this filth and I will ban these vermin. I spend all day on the generals so there will be no escape.

Never relent.
I will bring down the hammer, and you tripfuckers better prepare.

The ability to CS.

play your main in the rotating game mode queue

Playing lots of games

>Going sunfire IBG SV on Viktor of all champions
>Mid gold
In shitter elos I guess.
Usually it's the amount of games they played a learning what champs to play if they want to climb.
Most plat players are garbage, and some diamond players are garbage.

>play Trundle for the first time
>6/0/4 and a chest

This is like playing on easy mode

Don't worry, user.

We have husbandos too for your crowd.

What's the best support to pick if the rest of your team is squishy and lacks hard cc or at least ranged hard cc
something like a shen/nid//lucian comp

>one tripfag out of the 5
k user

Just report him for being an avatar fag. It's against the rules anyway.

Get a job

Is this pasta?

would IBG work on Vi or would TF be better?

>team is squishy and lacks hard cc
Anyone with hard cc and tankiness
Braum, Naut, Leona, Alistar, Taric, Volibear

You like the bonus movespeed and damage that you use to make squishies explode.

See this post? See this circlejerking? I will wipe this shitposting the FUCK out. Eradicated off the face of the site.

Every trip that makes posts like this will be permanently banned. Every mention of "waifu", "gay", "husbando", "cumming", any sexuality, ANY off-topic posting, I will delete. I will wipe the fuck off the site and people who post it I WILL recommend for permanent bans. You think I won't do it, you think I'm joking?
Fucking try me. We'll see who gets the last laugh. Every cutesy little anime picture, every attempt at attention whoring, every clique circlejerk post, I will eradicate. Stomped the FUCK into non-existence.

I will delete this filth and I will ban these vermin. I spend all day on the generals so there will be no escape.

Never relent.
I will bring down the hammer, and you tripfuckers better prepare.

plat adopts the current cancerpicks
assuming we're talking silver 5 compared to plat 1
even than, the mmr difference is negligible as is the knowledge of the game

Can you still get the shurima icons and what not? i see the shit on the site but it doesnt seem to be keeping track of my wins

If you really are a platinum level player, you'll get to platinum. You are the only constant, if there's 4 silvers + a plat and 5 silvers on the enemy team, you should be winning the majority of your games because you are just better at the game than people in silver.

You're not going to get there in 4 days, but you will slowly climb.

I played with a chinese student who went from bronze 3 to plat 5 after just 1 season in NA

There's a reason tyler1 hit masters across like 15 accounts
Or how perkz hit masters in 4 days

you're probably the least relevant trip in this general and that's saying something

See this post? See this circlejerking? I will wipe this shitposting the FUCK out. Eradicated off the face of the site.

Every trip that makes posts like this will be permanently banned. Every mention of "waifu", "gay", "husbando", "cumming", any sexuality, ANY off-topic posting, I will delete. I will wipe the fuck off the site and people who post it I WILL recommend for permanent bans. You think I won't do it, you think I'm joking?
Fucking try me. We'll see who gets the last laugh. Every cutesy little anime picture, every attempt at attention whoring, every clique circlejerk post, I will eradicate. Stomped the FUCK into non-existence.

I will delete this filth and I will ban these vermin. I spend all day on the generals so there will be no escape.

Never relent.
I will bring down the hammer, and you tripfuckers better prepare.

See this post? See this circlejerking? I will wipe this shitposting the FUCK out. Eradicated off the face of the site.

Every trip that makes posts like this will be permanently banned. Every mention of "waifu", "gay", "husbando", "cumming", any sexuality, ANY off-topic posting, I will delete. I will wipe the fuck off the site and people who post it I WILL recommend for permanent bans. You think I won't do it, you think I'm joking?
Fucking try me. We'll see who gets the last laugh. Every cutesy little anime picture, every attempt at attention whoring, every clique circlejerk post, I will eradicate. Stomped the FUCK into non-existence.

I will delete this filth and I will ban these vermin. I spend all day on the generals so there will be no escape.

Never relent.
I will bring down the hammer, and you tripfuckers better prepare.

I want to go swimming in Lulu.


But IBG seems to work on everybody. TF is nice but I really don't like how it almost takes 4k gold just to build.

LeBlanc is cute as fuck but fighting against her is so shitty


send help

already got it from a mystery skin.

more dust for project Fiora

TF is way too expensive to build on a jungler.
You are just slowing down your other items by a lot.

you should've thornmailed

>all this tripfagging
Can I join in too?

>that 1/10 on fucking Karma

Fucking HOW

But user, she's so much fun fun

no, i don't have your tripcode to shitpost with

>He's not rolling in gold from Vi ganks
>Any of the components for triforce being bad on Vi

Teamwork OP

pick darius and bully the enemy top until you are able to ravage the enemy jungle

also, ravage the enemy jungle whenever the enemy top wants to farm under his turret

they key in top is to make it a 4v3

to play as or against? because playing against leblanc feels like a chore than an actual match

>2 jumps and a decoy
>escapes every time

she's almost like an AD zed

Who #looking at cuties from here?


i'm not saying TF is bad, just expensive I tried IBG + sunfire on Vi and it wasn't bad honestly

what's wrong user?


As of course, wouldn't want to play against that toxic overpowered champion

I want to play a risky Sona support. Should I get magic pen glyphs or ap glyphs?

>thorin already sucking RNG's dick and calling them the 2nd best team at the tournament

>Gold player asks me for advice
>Every time I give him a bit of advice he's like "yeah, but..." and contradicts me
Why ask for advice in the first place then

Huh do you know them?

is seraphs on lulu a meme?

If you want to be extremely squishy until like 20 minutes into the game, then sure.

Tri-force is only good if you get extremely fed, and even then, going bruiser is much better still.

how the fuck do you get key drops? I've gone S and still no drops but boxes seem to drop almost every match

See this post? See this circlejerking? I will wipe this shitposting the FUCK out. Eradicated off the face of the site.

Every trip that makes posts like this will be permanently banned. Every mention of "waifu", "gay", "husbando", "cumming", any sexuality, ANY off-topic posting, I will delete. I will wipe the fuck off the site and people who post it I WILL recommend for permanent bans. You think I won't do it, you think I'm joking?
Fucking try me. We'll see who gets the last laugh. Every cutesy little anime picture, every attempt at attention whoring, every clique circlejerk post, I will eradicate. Stomped the FUCK into non-existence.

I will delete this filth and I will ban these vermin. I spend all day on the generals so there will be no escape.

Never relent.
I will bring down the hammer, and you tripfuckers better prepare.

Zyzz champion W H E N?

No skins would have to be made as his base one would already be aesthetic as fuck brah.

I have the opposite problem fampai

>Come back to league after 3 weeks off cause finals
>Play 10 games, win 9
>Have 5 chests now
>Only one key shard
What the hell Riot...

You play support and get assists.

>Q E auto smite
>This kills anyone without at least 80+ armor
>Being squishy as vi with great base stats, a stacked strength of the ages and phage health


why is it so hard to understand that all the new champions must be approved by us?
urgh... it's like I don't even exist

I do not know how to play anything else to the extent that I can get S ratings


what have I done

Illaoi vessle raping people is such a great idea
Really good porn has been made thanks to this great idea

See this post? See this circlejerking? I will wipe this shitposting the FUCK out. Eradicated off the face of the site.

Every trip that makes posts like this will be permanently banned. Every mention of "waifu", "gay", "husbando", "cumming", any sexuality, ANY off-topic posting, I will delete. I will wipe the fuck off the site and people who post it I WILL recommend for permanent bans. You think I won't do it, you think I'm joking?
Fucking try me. We'll see who gets the last laugh. Every cutesy little anime picture, every attempt at attention whoring, every clique circlejerk post, I will eradicate. Stomped the FUCK into non-existence.

I will delete this filth and I will ban these vermin. I spend all day on the generals so there will be no escape.

Never relent.
I will bring down the hammer, and you tripfuckers better prepare.

Why do artists always put googly eyed panting men in the background of any porn scene? It ruins the entire aesthetic of the piece.

>caster struggling to pronounce 'apotheosis'

This shit is so scripted it's not even funny.

>can't ping on minimap when shop window is open
>can't sort champs for 'chest not earned yet'
small indie company

Not anymore it's pretty good to get tear on most mana aps

whats the nunu antifun meme?



>Ban Malzahar please
>They ban blitzcrank
>enemy first picks Malz

haha I didn't want to win anyway...

My expert analysis is that Twitch is a smurf

you tell me

shitters call anything antifun

>shop opens when it is behind the champion portrait you click in tab menu


His job is to make the enemy jungler/toplaner as useless as him.
They don't get to play the game.

I love that Riot lets so many of these "free win" champs run free. Shit like Tryndamere, Jax, Malzahar, etc. where you have to choose between chasing them all the way back to their nexus, or fighting the rest of their team while they beat down inhibitor turrets.

>aim somewhere on the minimap
>use dash/jump ability on any champ
fucking small indie company
someone make a kickstarter for riot


if you only play the same 5 champions you stop getting chests after a while :T

Idk he's just not that fun to play against...
But he's really fun to play

why is illaoi so good at low ELO but so bad at high ELO?

She screams out her counterplay whenever she ults.

Nah. Nunu is just made for B A N T E R

Have we ever found that 4th one yet?