Yfw nocoiners missed the dip AGAIN

>yfw nocoiners missed the dip AGAIN

How long till it gets back to £500?

Nocoiners.. when will they learn?

fast cash, flip a coin for $100 profit easy in a few days.. Nocoiners will always remain ignorant and live in darkness and poverty

This is the rebound, it will dip harder soon.

Well, OP it depends what kind of coin you're using.
If you're using something shit like Doge, NAV, LTH then you are going to get royally fucked.

If you're using Bitcoin pump & dumps together with ETC then yes my fine gentleman I tip my hat to you.
Learn to use the correct cryptocurrencies. Never use Yobit.

Dont know whats worse, nocoiners or ETH holders... lol

Isn't a bitcoin like $300 fucking dollars?
How does someone start doing this?

altcoiners are the only people more pathetic than nocoiners

You can buy decimal divisions of bitcoin you fucking nigger

would anyone recommend using circle for buying btc?

Good news, another dip for me

I've only used Circle so far, I think its alright

any point on getting less than one bitcoin? if so, how much do you recommend to start off with?

Bitcoin are divisible. You don't have to buy a full one to invest.

Besides, if you don't have $300 to spare, what are you doing investing in the first place? You're not investing enough to make significant money anyway.

Bitcuck cope.

Only thing bitcoin has ever been useful for for me is buying certain goods I can't otherwise buy.

I don't even invest, I just like it being anonymous.

dead cat bounce, no coiners are going to win again


bitcoin up by $100

you missed your chance for a quick $100 boyos.

You have been told a million times and still dont listen

Cheers to the ones who did buy

>bitcuck still under $600 when it was $750 last month


gonna stay a no coiner, we always win

Obviously the less you buy, the less you can make, and the less you can lose. You could argue that the gains aren't worth it at the lower investment tiers, but that's your call.

Another thing, fees may take a bigger hit at lower values.

>Not profiting off the volatility by buying the dip
Come on.

Even 0.00000001 will at least take you out of nocoiner hell. But 1 full coin should be the eventual goal for any newbie. If you want to retire early shoot for 21 coins (1/1,000,000 of bitcoin's total supply ever).


If I bought bitcoin then would I have to shill it on Veeky Forums everyday to the same couple dozen people? I'm not really against the idea of bitcoin but it seems like once you buy one it robs you of any sense of self respect or shame. I guess what I'm asking is, can I buy some and then just shut the fuck up? I'm just not that comfortable with becoming a giant faggot over this.

While shilling is optional it is your civic duty as a coiner to warn nocoiners of their impending poverty. Nocoiners seldom learn but it's the best we can do. Poor, poor souls.

>civic duty as a coiner to warn nocoiners of their impending poverty
Yeah that's what I thought. I'll pass. I wouldn't be able to look at myself in the mirror if I ever became that much of a cuck, sorry.

>60 mill stolen easily

Will meme coin ever recover?

Do you have extra chromosomes? One does not simply hold on to a coin. You can flip them too for quick profits. But i guess thats beyond your level of understanding

Please be advised this decision is likely to result in unfavorable financial standings in the near future.

Eh. I'll manage. Even if I were to make a bit by correctly predicting the dips and peaks, I don't do "civic duty". That sounds awful lot like cult faggotry.

my bank killed my purchase through kraken and I've been on the phone for two hours talking to people with various accents trying to explain my account hasn't been hacked. something about visa-debit transactions and kraken being spooky scumbags. it's literally recovered $70 since when I was trying to do the transaction. fugg benis. you win this round, coiners.

>I don't want to rack in shekels doing literally nothing because people might judge me

You win the "Faggot of the Year" award. This thread sure was counterproductive for you.

>>I don't want to rack in shekels doing literally nothing because people might judge me
Naw I have no problem being an asshole. I've been an asshole plenty of times for money. I just have a problem with being a cuck like you. I dont want to feel trapped on shitty websites like this, shilling nonstop and not really getting anything out of it. Nothing personal bud, no need to get offended.

>not buying ethereum

>oh shit someone said something bad about us...
>hurry! post "nocoiner cope" before it starts a total selloff!
>great save
>whew. catastrophe averted
>well done gentlemen

>bullying some autist on Veeky Forums means you won the argument against bitcoin.

Come on. Pick on someone your own mental age

I don't know about him but I don't have an argument against bitcoin. It seems pretty cool. Every time I ask you autists if it is possible to just buy BTC and shut the fuck up about it, however, it seems like that isnt an option. It's almost like once you buy you become a dumbass who can't stop posting the same memes ad infinitum to the same 31 people who frequent here. Thats a little terrifying tbqh. I can make a quick buck in other ways without becoming a cuck.

Lol how is that bullying?

I think you already are one

Holy shit. Great comeback. Fucking bravo. These zingers don't write themselves, folks.

>I don't want to be a cuck

>you already are one



Shit. Did I say folks? I thought this was comedy night for a second. Stupid me was laughing so hard at your hilarious joke that I forgot this was Veeky Forums. Keep them coming bro, they are fucking GOLD.

Will the value drop even further? Major news outlets have started covering the story, but so far it seems like it had no impact on the price.


Already reached the bottom it's been recovering since yesterday ,you should have bought yesterday but I still think now is a good time to buy.

>getting nothing out of it

Lol I'm making bank retard. Cope.

Literal autism.

>If you want to retire early shoot for 21 coins (1/1,000,000 of bitcoin's total supply ever).
that statement makes zero sense
what's stopping a single coin from be worth millions or 10 cents 20 years later? nothing.

Do you personally think you have even moved the price .01 cent with all the shilling you do day in and out? This question is not rhetorical. I want to see how delusional you are.

>oh fuck that post was dead on
>I don't even know how to respond. he nailed us
>I guess just call him autistic and move on?
>just do it.

The thieves are just now decending on the crypto world. Thousands of assholes who have been grinding away at the credit card and PayPal platforms have discovered the Wild West of opportunity. Have no fear the sheep all have bags of gold and there ain't no law. Remember what it was like to have venture capital /biz cucks because it soon will be gone forever.