>Fates FAQ (Please read before asking dumb questions)
>/feg/ Castle Addresses
>FE Mobile Announcement
>Map Pack 2 Announced
>Fates FAQ (Please read before asking dumb questions)
>/feg/ Castle Addresses
>FE Mobile Announcement
>Map Pack 2 Announced
Other urls found in this thread:
Azura is shit
Tharja a best
Felicia is the cutest! She means everything to me! She makes my life worth living! I couldn't go on without her! I want to hold her in my arms and never let go! My feelings for her will never fade! My love for her is eternal! I love Felicia!
I don't think anyone in /feg/ has watched The Boondocks, let alone that specific episode, my brophelia.
Is there a waifu better than Tiki?
>not watching the boondocks
Although admittedly I didn't watch much of the last season.
Yes, what is this "The Boondocks"? I have never heard of it. What extremely obscure programming network is/was it broadcasted on?
/a/non here, you're wrong. I have about 10TB of anime and about 2TB of cartoons. I really hate you guys sometimes, moreover when reports do jackshit.
No. They're all exclusively romantic except for with Asugi and Mamui
I think my favorite episode was when they exorcised stinkmeaner, Uncle Ruckus as the one doing the dee, that shit was golden.
I like Hana
I have, and I got the reference and I did smile a bit, but I'm not gonna have a hootenanny over it.
Also the last season was shit
I love Shiro!
Why do you like her? Is it the way she smells after a long day of training?
Do you... like that kind of thing? Do you just bury your nose in her armpits and take a long whiff?
10/10 OP. I actually laughed when I saw it.
>love for Marth
Tharjafag doesn't even like Tharja
I like her too. Too bad she's pretty bad. Ninjas just fuck everything over.
Welcome~ Welcome~
Anyone here want to try giving this portrait Charlotte's blonde hair?
And if it's not too much trouble, bigger breasts as well? Another user wanted that when I asked last time, but adding them is up to you
Tharjafag's one good decision in the past four years.
It was shit everybody hated it do yourself a favor and stay the fuck away not even [as] wants to rerun that shit
>Going steady
>Admits she's a shitty mom
>Wouldn't love her if she laid eggs
>Has apparently admitted in the past that he wants to bone Kana (seriously what the fuck?)
The thrill is gone, my boys. An era is ending.
Says who
Felicia is a god tier waifu, great unit and and extreme qt
would make her my Vallite queen
>Be Seigbert
>Future Prince of Nohr
>Try to ask Caeldori out
>Shiro "Chad Thundercock" shows up and beats me up
>Takes my lunch money AND Caeldori
Fucking Hoshidan scum.
Vantage, Inspiration, Quick Draw, Life and Death, Gentilhomme
So...we're slapfighting. Alright.
>Great unit
She's shit until she gets a flame shuriken. But by the time you get one she's probably on the bench or demoted to a staffer
>Extreme qt
>Vallite queen
RIP Valla
>Corrin's support with Midori isn't romantic at all
>still impregnates her
Gee Corrin, you sure like to get around.
I`m nearly finished with my revelation run, i can't wait for my cute maid wife to become my cute maid queen!
Post those castle cards.
I need BP, VP, and accessories. Don't forget to leave feedback. Come buy a skill or something. Maybe you'll get a cute Bond Unit.
Would Paragon be a good idea to use with Elise? She tends to be the slowest at leveling up in my playthrough of Conquest.
Cold as Ice
user pls I'm blind, at least give me a akeyword
The apeman cancelled his stream so I'll revisit everyone now.
>implying he wouldn't fuck Siegbert.
A lot of Corn's supports are like that though.
This is Flora.
Haha because she lit herself on fire, right!?
One third of the time, sure.
Draconic Hex, Grisly Wound, Savage Blow, Inevitable End, Staff Savant
Got skills for Hayato, Keaton, Peri, Xander, Camilla, Oboro, Kaden, MU, Jakob, and Ryoma.
I'll visit back, all units should be on hold.
Husbando that requires the least amount of convincing to take it in the ass?
Hard mode: No Niles.
Good nigh /feg/ don't kill yourself
Xander if it's Ryoma.
Tell him it's for the glory of Nohr or that Garon said so
>marry Crimson
>become widower
Rare Foleo
>Scarlet gets killed
>marry Scarlet
>Kana's paralogue shows up
The speed at which he'd do it if Corrin asked him to vastly outsrips having to explain that Garon wants Xander to.
Forrest is a close second
Amazing, isn't it?
>or that Garon said so
This is both hilarious and true
>marry Scarlet
>she dies
>can't remarry
Maribelle genes are literally perfect.
Silas wouldn't do it himself.
However, he would raise Sophie to accept it from you without hesitation.
Does Female Kana have any cute S-rank supports Memehouse left in?
Benny's Personal + Heartseeker = Enemies near him lose -30 Avoid?
>Revive her with save editor
>Have her kill her zombie self
>Silas was the one that killed Scarlet because she was getting too close to his daughter's future husband
I want Maribelle to sit on me with her huge ass
He'd fucking gift wrap her too.
Personal favorite is easily the Kickball one based on Samurai Champloo. Everything in that episode was just perfect.
Jesus tittyfucking...
Turn on the TV and change the channel to [as] for ARISE CHICKEN
Remind me again why you can use a Hammer against the Black Knight in Radiant Dawn. Is it because his warp magic made him weaker, up to the point where he lost his plot armor? If I recall correctly, I remember dialogue from both games that explains how he uses some kind of powder to teleport anywhere he wants. And using it comes with a price, so he had to use it decisively. I also don't remember if Ike got those goddess powers from Yune before or AFTER the fight with BK. Pretty sure it was afterwards, because Ashera had plot armor that needed to be broken.
Also post sister tits.
Silas being the traitor was what I expected in Hoshido instead of Takumi.
Who the traitor was in revelations was easy to figure out because they had no supports. Also why does he get amied still?
What a slut.
I love Pieri and so do you!
>Sophie lifts her leg
>The entire room is filled with the scent of hay and semen
Nah, just dumb. Really, really dumb at times.
I believe it was the overuse of Warp Powder that seems to be taxing on the user, and he also had an entire castle fall on him. Even with goddess blessed armor, that's gotta dent it a little bit.
So over time it just became regular, but still very sturdy armor that just so happens to be breakable with a hammer.
I hope she turns out as well as she did last time.
>Implying Avel isn't neutered.
>Implying that's why it isn't so pissed at Sophie all the time
Silas couldn't risk Corrin's future cocksleeve wife being predamaged by some horse before Corrin got to open his present himself.
Only Kiragi
If I second seal Olivia to myrmidon can i still second seal her back to dancer afterwards?
I never understood armor in FE anyway. You could potentially have grils in sulty and frilly skirts who have better defense than knights. Do weapons priece armor, or does everyone just go for joints and faces?
I think Percy too
It's true, user! I love Pieri!
Holy shit that's a good Pieri
I didn't realize my ring blessings were THAT good
Yeah, I guess his armor could only take so much. He was still a massive fucking wall until the very end, at least. RIP Zelgius.
>grils in sulty and frilly skirts
Isn't that only in modern FE though? I mean, I'm not saying there were impractical armor models/sprites from previous games. But nowadays you pretty much can run around in a bikini and do 120+ damage crits. I might be exaggerating a little but still.
In other news, I have a friend who's convinced that /feg/ is full of newbloods. He's not one of those "ecksdee oldfag life" people though. See, it's my belief that the GBAs and PoR/RD are the most memorable, but my friend says that the latter isn't. We agreed to disagree in the end, but I wanna hear it from the people that post here 24-7. Are newbloods the majority of posters, and is /feg/ only about fates? Or is it still possible to enjoy discussing games before Awakening? Obviously there's only so much you can discuss about the older games until new ones come out, but I want clarification.
Yeah, she capped strength and speed before she even hit max level, no stat boosters. It was hard to choose a promotion path for her because they both looked crazy.
Whoops, meant to say "weren't" instead of "were." Cause I know for a fact we had a few impractical armor designs before Awakening was a thing.
did you just miss the massive LP that that one guy did of FE1?
There are people here who do talk about the older games, but outside of Awakening/Fates, it's mostly just GBA and sometimes PoR/RD or like said
I haven't been to /feg/ in a while, maybe a few weeks or so. I probably missed it, where can I find it?
Fair enough. I just didn't want to believe that the general was dominated by newbloods.
look over the past 5 threads and you'll find it and some other GBA games
>Try to talk about older games
>Get shit on to oblivion
Not worth it.
Roy is ado-roy-ble! I hope Lillina can share because I'm gonna marry him!
Future FE games give bonuses to units you marry (increased level caps and increased stats overall).
All of the more of an incentive to put a ring on it.