League of Legends General - /lolg/

Katarina is the Best and Cutest Girl on League

Old: Eyosongive.us

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Updated for taric, graves and azir lore

good op!

best girl of rests

So I told Lucian to dash into the Elder Dragon Pit 1v5 at 40 minutes... And he did it the absolute madman!

He actually did

>I haven't played this shit game in forever
>log in to play one ranked and avoid further LP decay
>wait more than 20 minutes in q
Nice game, lolbaboons.

Post more kat, red head thread

I want Trundle to smother me between his butt forcing me to clean his sweaty butthole after a long day working out!

>Armstrong tilting out of d3

Your struggles bring me eternal joy. You should have stopped when you hit naster




wrong scar eye but still a cute

I'm not even tilted, I perform at least decent in all my screencaps

>wake up
>feeling specially american for some reason today
>check out lolesports

based CLG


>I shouted at my adc to go kill himself
>he fed

top kek!

How does it feel to play in a TOP 2 Region, Annon !?

it's a fucking meme
are you retarded
I never told him to kill himself

Explain Yasuo, Shen, and Ezreal being experimenters

i have been hanging around /owg/ for a while to see what the hoopla was about

i have newfound respect for you waifuposters. you arent so bad here

CLG ward skin/summoner icon in the shop when? I want to show my love for CLG on EUW


ok fine but nah gigi was a really nice girl i liked her a lot but i guess you can have some of kitten and jax if you want but I'm keeping the good ones

jax is my shishou 1 with tats u cant have her nudes but kit was a slut and a liar bitch whore she looked way sexier on snapchat shit was an ambush baka

time 2get banned lol!

we were better than
for at least 5 seasons
don't you dare

don't get deluded

EU is still way stronger as showed up in every single tournament before this one, where we had 1 team that crashed and burned because they didn't do shit for practise

I hope not getting a seed 1 at worlds means EU and NA seed 1 teams are in the same ground and NA gets BTFO

>I'm two entire divisions above senator armstrong when he used to be master and I was diamond V
What a time to be alive.
>I'm not tilted
Yes you are.
It doesn't matter if you believe you are tilted or not, when you start losing so many games so quickly like you are, it's time to take a break.

Post OTPS /lolg/. Pic related


>NA > EU trashtalk
>meanwhile TW lost to aphro picking sona

really /lolg/?

Best girl.
Best feet.
Best wife.

go to sleep EU

ziggs/rumble is cutest yordle ship
tristana doesn't deserve rumble she's a filthy slut and probably has yordle stds

if this is not to your tastes try the first chapter

There has to be a point where you're better off having your team members AFK than feeding out of their minds


Oh right haha
I forgot about this meme
My adc is 6/13/7 and dealt less damage to champions than I did, and lost the game by very litterally suicing in the late game


(this is where the meme hits)


Because I am LE TILTED

You see, by the power of my emotional state, I took control of Lucian's computer and forced him to play like shit

I physically controlled what he did by the power of my (apparently problematic) emotional status

little arms made of nanomachines taking control of lucian's computer

that's what happened right haha

it's my fault!

I fucking LOVE THIS MEME hehrehehehehehehehehheheheh

I'm a filthy casual, mostly play ARAMs. I do play normal games sometimes (unranked).

How terrible would Kog'Maw jungle be, and is ~7:30 too slow for level 6? I only want to try it because the 3% max health + 2% from the skill rapes anyone you look at.

Worst feeling in the game

>enemy jungler is constantly coming to try gank you
>have to give up cs or die
>meanwhile your jungler is underleveled, feeds the enemy mid double buff and is a useless champion

wew, m-muh promos

xth for breast waifu

Where can i find a detailed guide written by a competent Aurelion Sol player?

I love Lissandra!

>go to sleep eu
but eurovision is tonight we can't sleep yet


He was a good meme. It is a shame he left.

>Being this mad

Calm down, shitter.

>those lux eyes
she is so vulnerable. basically putty

>No damage, the team
>Spam volibear because he's simple, binary and can be played with little skill
>Wonder why you can't win games while being 18/2/12 playing one of the weakest late game champs in the game.
Yeah, you're tilted.
Keep losing dude, there's no hope for you anymore.
Whenever you think of posting, just look at this image and remember this is what all your posts become.


I want to go swimming in Lulu.

I always thought tilt was a personal thing. I'm pretty new to the game, so it's still sort of confusing to me desu.


how much 2 rune pages costs for support and jungle?

i'm 30, and will start to play ranked

I want to steal Gnar's virginity!

>wake up
>FW actually lost to sona
so who's got the scripts today? SKT or CLG?

too much

Me too.

Fuck that. Young talon meeting young Kat. Him falling in love with her. Can't be with her as he is a poor street rat. Watches as she falls in love with Garen.... it's great

dont you mean exploding?

Wait, WHAT?

Sona actually got picked in pro play?!

>Im le tilted.

Is this the new phrase for, "I'm playing poorly and I know it, yet I will do nothing to change my playstyle throughout the game."?

>ayy yo, why you building mr against a full ad team?

Dont you mean across Lulu ?

Yup, twice by Aphromoo. Did some sick flash ult but that's all. It doesn't mean she doesn't need buffs and tweaks.

She was picked specifically to counter Karsa's Kindred.

Can't use that bullshit ult when you start dancing during a teamfight.

Nu-uh riven and talon fit much better

Kat belongs with ME______

yes you monkey, aphromoo actually picked sona TWICE

I'll give it a try, thanks

>Somebody loses the game on his own
>"It's not his fault, it's yours"
>"No it isn't, it doesn't make sense"

Yes I'm fucking mad because it makes no fucking sense

In the ancient screencapped that I posted in the post you quoted it was, like the cap I posted in the beginning of the thread, somebody ruining the game by himself, Pantheon to be precise

But yeah


People in my team are playing like complete shit, I manage to carry them anyway, then they ruin all my work, BUT ITS MY FAULT HEHE

I mean if I was flaming then yes why not I can understand that if I was flaming I could make them upset and they'd decide to ruin the game to punish me

but I fucking don't

tilt is the most massive meme in this game
it's either used as an excuse for going 0/15 ("you tilted me xd") or in this general apparently is used to explain why my teammates are consistently playing like shit then losing the game by themselves

Stop asking questions!

TWICE and she won both games

The Sona fags cant shut up about it when its just a stupid flash stun that a shit ton of other champs can do

wouldn't that kill her?

Don't you mean through?

why you do this, is it fun?

What would happen if CLG actually beats SKT?

i mean u rite but jax is actually really sexy she gets hotter girls than me too i hope i can be like her one day :3c

kit is ugh tho fucked her the second she walked in the door even tho she was like 3 point downgrade from pics. she even made my dick feel really small didnt even gag or nothing just straight took it and licked my nuts at the same time
my ego still has not recovered....

Riven belongs with her pimp, not the pure and delicate Talon

NA babies would never shut the fuck up about it.
Even in 2039 they'll be like "hey remember when CLG beat SKT" and their grandkids will tell them to shut up.

Yes, that's what it always meant. The overuse of it already derived multiple meanings. See the word "toxic".

The apocalypse would officially begin

Monte quits being a caster.

xth for Cute Vi

Cute Katarina Edition

I don't really hate Faker or SKT or like CLG but it would be worth just to put the final nail on Monte's coffin.

That pretentious gook dicksucer faggot should kill himself.

esports were a mistake

Hey remember when Fnatic won season 1 worlds?

I'm just b8ing, m8.

You seem to have bad luck, I guess. It's a team game, so what are you going to do? Maybe look into identifying which role frequently fails, and replace it, if possible.

I asked earlier, so obviously I don't care about any of this ranking stuff anyway.

Esports during a time when your biggest amount of views need to sleep was a mistake.

It was leaked that he was going to C9 almost a week ago dude.

>meeting shitters who speak the same language as me
>throw memes at them in false hopes
>don't even try to speak with them otherwise

i'm saving me from myself

I doubt I'll have grandchildren by 2039, I'll just be a middle aged man.

>I'm just b8ing, m8.
The problem is that there are people stupid enough to genuinely say such things without baiting

As for your kog jungle thing I don't see the point since bloodrazor is trash and botrk exists instead

I mean when sated devourer was a thing then why not but now there is no incentive to go jungle kog other than a very poor item

Yasuo - adventurous open-minded type

Shen - Nice guy would do stuff for his girl

Ezreal - the explorer

maybe the meme of spamming NA hook etc whenever someone misses shit will stop

Good waifu user

get her some pants quickly!

But she's more comfortable without pants user!!!

>2039 is in 23 years
what the fuck

>26 minutes queue
>get secondary role

Hoho I love league of legends

its hurting my health though. my breathing isnt very smooth and i cant think straight. i think i have some kind of condition

Who did you play and which team won?

You keep telling yourself that you autistic sperglord who can only communicate in internet memes.

No one?


Feel better user.. that sounds painful