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Thread Number #2173
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First for fixing Fusion summon

This is the truth and nobody cam deny it.

reveal 1 fusion monster from your extra deck, banish monsters from your hand, graveyard or side of the field, up to the amount required to summon the revealed monster, then fusion summon that monster using the banished monsters as the correct fusion materials listed on that card.

becuase who needs restrictions on their cards

Pendulum are superior to blue-eyes in every way.

yeah I agree with this, xyz master race

Pendulum > Xyz > Synchro > Fusion in terms of potential. PePe showed it to us and you are a delusional Xyzfag if you think otherwise.

>Anything greater than synchro in terms of POTENTIAL


Say that to my face and not online.
Synchro master race right here cucking pendulum, rescue rabbit and soul charge
>terms of potential
>implying PePe didn't use pendulum as the stepping stone to xyz spam

>Summoning Infinity, Rafflesia, 38, passing
>Pendulum potential is bigger than Xyz

Xyz summoning using Synchros clearly best
If you say otherwise, where's your Pendulum and Black Wave???

Exactly. Pendulum enables the use of all the summoning methods and is thus the most versatile.




>summoning method is so cucked that it has to boost others just to be usable.
Go back 1999, Grandma

You just can't into the depth of my thoughts. Stop making a fool out of yourself.
I'd say it is the leader of all the summoning methods as it can use them freely. And potential is also about effectiveness. As there ever been a deck stronger than PePe?
Oh, and please don't say Dragon Rulers. They lost the full-power match.

Summoning BEUD in a fusion focused Blue-Eyes deck is far more consistent than Ultimate Falcon in a Raidraptor deck. In spite of being a 4 card combo.

>forgetting Yata Lock
>forgetting GOAT control

>PK Fire
You can blame yourselves for this shitty name. You should have resisted more when redditors tried to push the PePe the frog meme name. But you didn't, you absorbed it and became like them, strengthening them. Fuelling their memes and their ego at the same time.
And now we'll never get rid off the name "PK Fire". And you're part to blame.

Yata Lock was extremely inconsistent by today's standards, and do you really think GOAT Control can do shit against PePe now that TER has been powercreeped into irrelevancy?

How does one search Cyber-Stein?

>Play Kozmo
>Open two Terraformings, Soartroopers, Dark Lady and CotH

Holy fuck no wonder BA is still alive, the other two decks in the meta are Brick City.


>That board of Beast, Raff and Exterio

>That fucking Engrish

>I heard you liked spell negation so I added more negation to your negation

Holy shit that was a long ass turn, but it was worth it, good thing we don't have Cyber Stein.

It's kuuru.

In PePe the Pendulum Summons led to massive XYZ plays so it's more like XYZ is equal to Pendulum Summoning

The level 7s can make the board but they were never required.

do you not run kozmotown


If you don't want to brick, don't run CotH in spite of working well with Tincan.

got bored, built this

It's a pretty bad synchron deck.

>Terraforming for Kozmotown
>Shuffle both Lady and Troopers
>Draw something decent
>Terraforming for FKI and wombo

This just goes to show that /dng/ is so stupid they can't even properly pilot a helmet deck like Kozmo of all things

One of the worst synchro decks i've seen on /dng/ so far

This is why I net-deck, I have no talent for actual deck-building whatsoever


Crush Card Virus in Lunalights Yay or Nay?

Is there anyway around this board aside from Kaijus/Ra Bakugan mode/Lava Golem?

>trying (and failing) to call out samefag when someone hurts your feelings

Absolutely no words for the beauty of this deck. Trult, the Overlords are the king of JANK

Did you just get into the game?
If so, then fine, that's what i would expect from someone who has been playing the game for a couple of days.
If not, then this is not about "talent", this is you being a fucking idiot who doesn't even bothering learning the most basic aspects of deck building.
Seriously, what the fuck is wrong you that after netdecking you still can't tell that what you did with your deck is fucking retarded?

Gofu was a mistake

>gofu+level eater in grave lets you summon quasar

>calls someone a retard
>expects to be taken seriously
/dng/ never ceases to amaze me.

Name: Ironn
Password: /v/idya
LP: 8000
Single or Match if requested

>did you just get into the game
no, but I never bothered to learn anything other than how to play
>If not, then this is not about "talent", this is you being a fucking idiot who doesn't even bothering learning the most basic aspects of deck building.
lmao what can I say? I'm inept and have no excuse

Not him but I always have trouble with ratios and knowing what cards are good and shit

What is a better side card against decks that banish from the grave than Imperial Iron Wall? I ask because cards like IIW are susceptible by their sided Twin Twisters.

Who said i'm expecting to be taken seriously? you fucking retard.

quick, post blue-eyes decks

I think there's a monster with an IIW effect, but I don't remember it's name.

Chaos Hunter.

Yes, I remember now. It was in the pendulum structure deck and I never used it.

That works. Thank you.

>go to see if my ruling question on the Judge Forum had been answered yet
>of course not
>neither had my question from like January
>looking at the answered questions, realize the last one answered was the same as when I first got on the fucking Forum
>entire forum has been basically dead since Decemberish
What the actual fuck?

Shit you're right, I forgot of it's existence even though I have like 4.

>using forums
>current year

Is Shining Victories worth buying a box of?

Yes, if you play blue-eyes, raidraptors, kozmo, or speedroid.

But meme names are the best part of this game.

RR shouldn`t buy a box, just buy singles.

I've been toying with the idea of making a blue-eyes and lunalights deck

>only even semi-reliable place you can get official rulings
I have no choice. I want a final, definitive answer on Interrupted Kaiju Slumber when there's a Kaiju already on the field. I also want to ask about X-Files, since from my logic you can't activate it if both players have a Kaiju due to the 1 Kaiju per side restriction, but I doubt they'd be THAT stupid when designing it. But obviously if I ask right now I won't get shit since they haven't answered anything since DECEMBER.

Normal trap card skill drain when

Literally breakthrough.

wait, how?
i guess it involves looping sohaya but i'm not seeing it, where do you get the lv1 tuner from?

>1 monster

I want more power cards to have "This card must be face-up on the field to resolve this effect" so you can use MST and other S/T removal to disrupt them. Maybe if it was on boss monsters, we could see a return of good 141 removal.

summon gofu, level eat gofu
make sohaya with level eater and gofu
level eat sohaya, make sohaya with sohaya+level eater
special summon sohaya from grave with the sohaya you just made
level eat sohaya, make accel synchron
send jet synchron to raise accel synchron's level
level eat accel synchron, special summon jet from grave, make formula
level eat accel again, make any non tuner level 5

ok, that makes sense, i was thinking of how to get the lv1 tuner without the jet discard.

Fuck you. I want this. This looks fun.

When will we get our Level 2 Tuner that's also a good handtrap?


What cards should I put in a Dat Boi theme deck?

nice facebook meme

Frogs and unicycles.

D boyz

>D boyz
Remember when Konami was shilling this card?

How many of me do you run in cancer.dek?

None, I don't play lswarns in my cancer deck.

>XYZ/Pendulum and Synchro/Pendulum are already a thing
Where is my Fusion Pendulum?

Am I doing this right?

Soon, after yuya gets captured by academia and has to fight his way out.

>XYZ/Pendulum and Synchro/Pendulum are already a thing
How do you put them on the Pendulum zones if they are always on your Extra Deck? do you get to choose where to put them if you summon them? do they go to the top of the extra deck?

>Yuya fucks his way out of Academia
I can't wait.

They can go into the pend zone when they are destroyed.

Did you read any of the Xyz/Pendulum or Synchro/Pendulum?


Post swell turbo deck

yuya in academia.jpg

Not even gonna spoiler it this time? I don't have a problem with it, but the mods might.

I see that you beat the AI! That's great, good job.

if the japanese think these white lines are good enough to hide private parts then why wouldn't they be?? i personally can't tell whats going on this picture to be honest

Nobody can tell what's going on in manga.

Where do I start with Pendulums?
Deskbost? Perfomapals?

yeah my hips are just moving on their own

Magicians, they're the easiest to play and the easiest to build.

apart from getting the key cards limited.

You can still make a functional OEM deck.

What completely underrated/underused archetype deck should I try to make?
Looking at yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Category:TCG_and_OCG_archetypes

>Hazy Flame
>Stardust Dragon Synchros