League of legends general /lolg/

Best waifu and freljord edition
Ice waifu is a pure plush QT who lactates ice cream!

How do i Graves jungle?

How do I Jax early game top without getting completely shit on?

Is Sona a shotacon?

no but Fiora and Kayle are


Reminder that Riot's official advice for dealing with Zed is:

1. Avoid him
2. Buy GA for when he inevitably kills you

Yes that's why she enjoys Laning with and against ezreal so much

Ironic shitposting is just shitposting.

Does anyone know what happens if you try to buy RP while not having any money on your card?

Does the purchase get declined right away or does it go through and then some time later when it doesn't clear your account gets blocked or something?

It isn't ironic. It is literally the advice Riot employees are giving right now.



>riot's literal words on the subject is shitposting.

How old are you, really.
If Debit
>Hey I want to buy RP
>You don't have enough, we aren't gonna clear that.

If Credit
>Hey I want to buy RP
>Monthly bill comes in
>Fuck I can't pay my bills

What form of counterplay would you prefer? You are clearly against purchasing items and working with your team.

Draven best guy

>What form of counterplay would you prefer?

Nerfing his long range safe waveclear so that the decision to roam vs. farming a lane is real instead of always being able to do both.

It isn't about "counterplay" at this point. Zed's entire playstyle needs some decision making fed back into it.

I'm getting real god damn tired of this 'Take AP assassins top lane and build them tank allowing them incredible mobility, and the ability to shit damage like a fire hose while never dying' meme.

That's not counterplay though

Like who? Akali?

>Take AP assassins top lane
like who?

But if you had to make decisions how would you make the big LCS plays?!

Really though, in the summer split when they're on 6.9 will every mid lane be zed vs x again?

Ekko, Fizz, Akali

how the fuck do I climb on gangplank, I've lost 6 games in a row now because the enemy team is 10 kills ahead by 15 minutes

>that OP

on man, I love the onion news network

>who is ekko

Don't move the goalposts, faggot. I asked you to tell me what form of counterplay you want to Zed assassinating you, not how to fix his laneing phase.

Thats a real news broadcast m8, ice waifu is best waifu

>That's not counterplay though

It opens up counterplay that isn't tied to specific items. If you dump on him in lane, now he HAS to roam because he can't safely cs from under turret at 600+ range.

If you suspect he is roaming, teammates can play intelligently and dull his "double kill bot" potential. Literally counterplay and skill involved all around.

Because what happens now is the best you can "shit on" Zed is to also get all of your minions as he cses from 600+ range. Then he roams bot, collects a double kill to add to his large gold stockpile, then becomes a "splitpush assassin" that takes 2-4 champions to stop while his team gets objectives because of more numbers.

And he does this literally every single game. The counterplay Zed "needs" is to allow opportunities for him to play from behind or to have to change his strategy in certain situations if YOU play well against him.

It isn't about "MUH QSS AND ZHONYA'S". And since Zed can have his cake every single game almost independent of the skill of the player playing it, your ONLY options are items such as QSS, Zhonya's, or GA.

He isn't banned for the "EPIC QWER" combo but because playing against Zed means constantly having to play in response to the Zed player. You have no agency and you are basically a bottom bitch even if you "shit on him".

How do you win at ascension?

getting an S in ascension is impossible almost.

Predictions for the finals?

Isn't Nami perfect
For bullying?

for me this tank meta is good and bad at the same time.
Good because I always played tanks, and finally its worth to play them.
Bad because every match is long, way too fucking long. 40+ min matches are exhausting as fuck, even if you win, they are not satisfying because you just want to end it.

Get good at objectives

Group and get objectives.

Do not pick le meta champs, pick what you know how to use.

It isn't about his combo, never was. An "assassin" should not also have some of the safest long range MANALESS waveclear in the game, on top of some of the safest scaling and splitpushing in the game if they are also some of the most MOBILE in the game.

Fixing his laning phase so that he isn't guaranteed all the cs every game AND roaming IS how you fix Zed. It becomes a lot more justifiable for a Zed to "LE OUTPLAY" you if he had to play well up until to that point or change his plans in response to the circumstances of each game.

And before it is brought up, he is definitely not the only champion that could use a "open up counterplay options" kind of change instead of slapping numbers on items or on kits endlessly.

I want to go swiming with lulu

not take clarity, more exhausts

That's Lulu

Why not just pick Kayle, Zilean or Fizz and shit on him in and outside of lane?

Does the Vlad freelo train ever stop? I was toplane, so I missed most of the early action, but cheesed Ekko into FB regardlless.

>Getting CC chained and bursted down

This requires reasonable effort from a team to accomplish since current Vlad (at least my build) is ~4k hp with 100+ on each resistance. I mean it's possible but a team has to go out of their way to do it, leaving other priority targets unpunished.
>lost the killy potential
I think he has more of it? Since burst and better sticking translate to kill potential automatically.
>Keep in mind, for AD champions, one can buy that on hit for 800 gold I believe, and it lasts fucking forever.
That's only a slot-efficient option for ad assassins and ADCs (I think? Correct me if I'm wrong, I've lost track on some classes)

anyway sorry i confused you for another person, you're not that stupid lol

Both are wrong, that's Jinx

Zed reminds me of mid WoL SC2 whrn zerg could literally build mass muta and shit on protoss im every aspect

the counterplay was basically an all in before the 12 min mark which was also hard because you had to expand early which meant no map pressure which is bad against zerg

atleast you fan ban him, but you gotta suck it up till riot pulls there head out of there ass, which Blizz never did but somehow the meta shifted

>Why not just pick Kayle, Zilean or Fizz and shit on him in and outside of lane?


And "Kayle/Zilean" as "counter" doesn't change anything. Now you can perhaps deal with his splitpush but now you STILL have to anticipate where Zed is to prevent him from collecting the bags of gold that are your teammates. Neither are able to stay on Zed 1v1 even if they can prevent being killed by him so you still need at least 2 people to deal with his splitpush.

And "counterplay" should be about how you can play against a champion in game, partly with skill, partly with items, partly with strategy. Not HAVING to pick certain champions.

Post Poppy
Play Poppy
Vote Poppy
Love Poppy

>Call some ezreal bad
>Get low p queue
Ayeeee lmao
I love how pussy shit this game is.
Also Eve is best waifu

is G2 playing tonight?

Reminder that they're not even playing during LCS matches. They players are just talking and pressing keys while pre-recorded games are being played
That's how the script really works.

>Play against Zed
>He plays like shit and I kill him because like Riven players he attracts the worst players imaginable
I normally dont have trouble vs Zed unless I am playing something he completely shits on and even then I can still not die vs him by not playing like a fucking retard

shig dig

I just played against a retard who was taking pride in having the most "Damage Taken" stat in post-game

I tried explaining him that he was jungle and that damage from monsters and minions was included in the stat so he was obviously first but he called me stupid and left

only in league of legends

>talking in-game at all
yeah ur fault buddy

t. Silver Surfer

>Eve is best waifu
based taste

Syndra maybe?

Why not just go and demolish the enemy base 5v4? Half the playerbase in this game knows how to deal with Zed and win against him. Why don't you learn something from them instead of crying for nerfs like a bitch?

Daily reminder that CLG will play the MSI Finals and their mid laner is still the man often called Huhi.

How do they do it? Do we need a scientific team to find out how is this even possible?

Nice rebbutal
My African American brother


What gril do I draw next

late xth for breast waifu

Syndra please

raka with a big bulge

pretty please


Bully Jinx? that's not a good idea


>Half the playerbase in this game knows how to deal with Zed and win against him.

No they don't. Literally 80+ percent of the playerbase just removes him from the realm of possibility so they don't have to be a bottom bitch for 30+ minutes.

And I 100% understand the sentiment.

>Why don't you learn something from them instead of crying for nerfs like a bitch?
Outside the objective falsehood of your conclusion, I think you don't really get it.

I am actually fine with the idea of Zed right now. All of it. Being manaless. Being highly mobile. All the burst.

Literally the only thing that isn't okay is the waveclear. That is it. It is, was, and will continue to be a bad idea to let an assassin have outstanding waveclear because they really do play like better pre-6 item ADCs with level advantages because they don't need to be babysat.

Because I would bet money that Riot will do some "nerf" or "change" that merely kicks the can down the road like they have done for years.

>EU is a competitive region

What exactly makes a champ a viable jungler? e.g. Poppy is apparently a viable one, even though she obviously isn't meant to be.

And yet when he does go through and is played, he loses half the time. He always has, even before his banrate spike.

clear speed imo

anythign can jungle as long as it has good clear speeds

Why does no one play Anivia as support? I've played it a few times and it wasn't bad at all. Also it's kit is almost designed specifically for support.

Just having a retarded overloaded kit is enough.
But generally Gapcloser(s) combined with CC of somesort

Sustain, ganking prowess, clear speed, damage to monsters in their kit, objective control, and most importantly a kit with tons of value in it because you very rarely get as much money as a laner.

Why aren't you watching our girl Yuno?


>Remitachi Uchiha

>10/14 with khazix

I didn't bring up winrate. I never brought up winrate. I never said he was OP. I said his playstyle is overly safe and that no matter how well you play, you must always play in response to the Zed player. For every member of a team to have to play around and plan out every step of how they will play a game because of one person on the other team, no matter how badly they are at that champion. It sucks to lose, but it softens the blow when you can tie roughly how well you played with how that X champion used it against you. Instead of there being almost a total disconnect between the impact that character had on the game and how well you played. Which is what you get with Zed.

And 80+ percent of the fanbase is tired of it. Can you blame them?

Because the second you get in lane versus an aggressvie support you get fucked, and she does better with more gold.

Play panth only

Cause I'm watching the Mid-Invitational.

>pick morde
>hit 6, get ghost of other team
>have ghost lasthit the xerath
>no more ascended fun for anyone
>turn game into a 5v5 slayer with territories

Really? I was dicking around in a bot game with Jhin jg and I could clear really fucking fast. I only had to back once at lvl 3, which just about finished my skirmisher's. I didn't do any ganking, cus bots, but I imagine his kit could be pretty good for it. Is it not viable because he isn't a bruiser?

If I wanted to watch someone dick around in league, I'd watch someone actually noteworthy and without a mental illness.

>not picking nunu and consuming every xerath attempt

jhin jungle sounds pretty decent desu senpai

just kidding that shit sounds awful don't do that shit to your team mates alright

When are people like Nicktron getting the Riot Dick its about time

Zed is antifun because he fills three archetypes when normal assassins fill 2.

>Split Push
>Wave Clear

Lets compare him to another AD assassin.

Talon. Talon fills
>Split Push

but his wave clear is only good if he is next to the wave he is trying to kill, meaning that he can get caught out and be killed.

Zed can stand 600 range away and kill waves under his own turret, and along with his 'last hits made easy' passive, he can scrape together enough gold to win.

Please do not use buzzwords when describing a champion's strengths or weaknesses.

pick none

I did it

Aatrox should be an amazing jungler. He has a gap closer with hard CC, soft spammable CC, unkillable in the jungle, free AS, he doesn't use any resources, has a free GA more or less. Yet he fucking sucks. Explain lolbabs.

Post thick Zed

That kind of is what I have been saying
I think a problem has been that people didn't know how to identify or pinpoint what the problem was with Zed they just knew they didn't like games with Zed for some strange reason.

So what has been done for a long time, is an appeal to winrates or somehow being OP because that is the conventional way "problem" things go away in League.

And technically, there is no problem in the grand scheme of things with Zed's winrate. But it's what gave us this bizarre fixation of Zed and Anti-Zed posters with QSS and Zhonya's.

There is more to a champion for the "health" (Riot's words) of a game. And I think it is that Riot doesn't even properly grasp their own concept of counterplay.

By analogy, I'll make this short. Playing against Zed is like playing a game of basketball against an opponent where they ALWAYS start with the ball. Sure, even being a little bit better means that it won't really affect winrates but its just so fucking annoying to have to start every aspect of the game having to play in RESPONSE to the other team instead of being able to take the reigns if you play well.

That is what Zed is and has been. Zed players need some real decisions thrust back onto them. Decisions they might screw up that aren't just "DO THEY HAVE QSS/ZHONYA'S/GA DOWN?"

That isn't good gameplay no matter what side of the fence you are on.

>doesn't use any resources
What is his own health pool?

I was wondering if /lolg/ has a Discord channel..