Why isn't intellectual propriety a meme?

Why isn't intellectual propriety a meme?

I should have the right to do my original spin/take on a character without having to license it.

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>boo hoo why cant I rip off other peoples hard work

>why can't I profit from the work of others without their permission that's not fair DDDDDDDDDDD:

I patent all my memes.

>their hard work is worth more than my hard work

Good one

>Gee, I wish I could utterly destroy the profitability of innovation, surely that would be beneficial to society, am I right fellas?

>hard work
>fan fiction
Pick one

>my art just magically appears out of nowhere

I'm with you bro. I tried to create and market a mickey mouse dildo but for some reason they sent me a cease and desist. Fucking squares.

Fuck you, you money hungry piece of shit. Do you even understand what anything is at a base level? No, you don't, because you're a weak-minded asshole.

>those sweet, sweet plagiarist tears

I think this video illustrates your point pretty adequately. cracked.com/video_20010_why-everybody-wins-if-batman-superman-are-public-domain.html

>no more patents
>no more reason to invent something to make money
> no more investorts who want to make money by hiring inventors
dude there is a reason communism never worked
humans aren't thoses alturistic beings you make them out to be

here we see the tragedy of global capitalism

>Someone created an original piece of work, why can't I add onto it and say it's mine
You're cancer

Since many of the things people create and work on nowadays are immaterial, no it's not a meme.

The ip system that protects the big moneymakers and stops you from monetizing with Link in just any way you want to is the same that protects the small innovators who need the protection, so that their work isn't copied by someone with already more resources to put into marketing or so on, therefore even somewhat allowing people to compete with hard work and ideas rather than competing on who already has the most money

>He can't even create an original character

Protecting intellectual property isn't cheap. Only difference is that potential R&D money to stay ahead of the competition is diverted to protecting IP to stay ahead of the competition.

>my hard work

You're a dense one, aren't you? Their work is hundreds of times more difficult, time-consuming, and expensive than anything you could dream of producing.

Not only are you trying to steal their character design, which is bad enough, but you're also inherently trying to piggyback on millions of dollars in advertising and brand development Nintendo has spent for decades. Plus, you'd be diluting and damaging the brand itself by producing garbage featuring someone else's character.

>lets go spend millions on R&D so that someone can steal and produce our product for much cheaper
said no one ever.

>What is competition
You're retarded, right? R&D expenditure is a risk. IP protection is a way of reducing that risk. Making research MORE risky is going to REDUCE research spending, not increase it.

Pretty much this. Manufacturers / producers add the cost of r&d on to the price of the product. They need to recoup that cost over time. If someone steals a product design they can produce it for much cheaper even if they use the same materials because they don't have to regain the r&d costs. If you remove ip and copyrights altogether, literally nobody would ever spend any time, money, or effort towards r&d unless they somehow had another way to monopolize the market.

This is an obvious bait thread

No one would want to lose their own profits because someone else took all of your hard work and simply recolored it and changed the names.

So far there's no political incentive to do away with the legal protections of intellectual "property." Here's the philosophical arguments against. It changed my mind.


You libertarians are such goofballs.

Wtf? Libertarians do belief in protecting property rights. Maybe you meant anarchists

It IS a meme, but if you go against the meme you will be sued out of polite society. Because fytw.

you absolutely have the right to do your original spin/take on any trademarked character, just don't use it in a way that the company doesn't want you to.

you want to draw a picture for fun? go ahead
you want to print t-shirts with link on them and sell them? go ahead, but if you get a cease and desist stop.

I get your point though. Ideas and technology *should* be freely available to all to spur progress. But we live in the real world where it doesn't work like that.