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nth for Mommy Rosaria!

>he bows
>sips after 1 hit that takes 20% hp

Is Carthus Curved Greatsword good on a pyro?

first for tripfags pushing agendas


Can I cosplay as an R1-spamming faggot to be an R1 spamming faggot, if I can't cosplay as a Darkwraith to be an R1 spamming faggot?

Do I look good?

Repostan in new thread:
I'm going doing a pure strength build, using the battle axe at the moment, should I infuse with heavy?

/dsg/ FC banlist:
greatshield, rapiers, red hilted halberd, BKG, carthus curved sword, dark sword, twin princes greatsword, washing pole, halberds, straight swords, curved swords, bkga, black knight sword, spears, hollowslayer gs, gotthards, drang hammers, curved greatswords (excluding old wolf curved sword) , greataxes, ugs, spiked mace, greatswords, witch's locks, katanas, twin swords excluding onikiri and ubadachi, axes, hammers, smough's hammer, offhand caestus, offhand crossbows, throwing knives, firebombs including rope, moss, resins
new addition to the ban list: ToD, miracle buffs, pyromancy, offhand fist weapons and claws, dark hand
perma banned: black knight glaive, greatshields

>Must bow before fighting
>No gesturing after fight
>No hardswapping
>No changing to fast weapon if opponent gets on low health
>No changing weapons for riposte
>No hornet ring
>No leo ring
>No bloodring
>No HP regen ring
>No obscuring ring
>No Greatshields
>No Dark Sword
>No Estoc
>No Warden's blades
>No Gotthard
>No parry spam
>No dragon roar
>No spin combo
>No parrying with caestus
>No simple weapons
>No blessed weapons
>No more than 1 buff
>No bleed resin
>No prism stones
>No white branches
>No throwing knifes
>No dung pies
>No bombs of any type
>No using ashen estus
>No R1 spam
>No roll spam
>No running attacks
>No winning
>No fun

I've seen people sip for less it's hilarious.

Let's update this

post an appropriate image for a covenant and I'll update each frame


Use dragon stones

Push with shield, follow up with avelyn bolts if the push knocks them back.

If they decide to block, dragon roar them and riposte with the great machete block.

No hornet ring, but they'll probably already have taken some damage from your avelyn.

Prepare for fan mail

What is the point of the weapon art on the MLGS?

It does less damage than a R1 and has less range than a charged R2.

Dex build, Luck build, or Strength build?

Repostan in new thread

As faggoty as it is, I want to use the Fallen Knight helmet and other peices for a Darth Revan cosplay build

What weapon would make for a good 'light saber'? Probably going faith build for the 'force' of miracles

Did the Old Monk NPC phantom wear the gloom set or the chain set? I'm gonna go to the event as him.


>should I infuse with heavy?
Probably, once your strength is high enough. Just check when you go to do the infusion; make sure that the total damage after the infusion is higher than before it.

Making /dsg/ great again

Still hosting FC FFA at Lothric High Wall, pass is dsg

Leave signs on the right side.

Trying out a variety from my favorite DS2 bosses.

Originally wanted to do Ivory King but the only two weapons that I found were meh(flamberge is small but at least can be magic buffed, lorians UGS is great size but fire based).

Fitting various armors for the Fume Knight instead. It doesn't look that great honestly, and with the left hand weapons being basically non functional, I'm not sure how well that's going to go



one time when I was invading in Archdragon Peak I invaded two dudes in full darkwraith gear and I got destroyed pretty quickly. Their r1 spam was synced so I never had a chance to escape. Both looked like they were in embered form too so I couldn't focus the host since I couldn't tell who was the real one...straight sword really needs a fucking nerf.

I think they put a decimal in the wrong place on the modifier.

Or, they assumed it's "fair" because of the hyper armor it gets.

Both blues, Farron and Aldritch are skeletons
Sunlight Warriors is still the same
Way of Blue don't real

>Not having the right image

>Didn't go Pyro right off the bat
Right okay, raw ASS is good. Very good, will carry you for the duration. And yes you did fuck up by not pumping your cast stats first but that's okay, you'll be fine. Chaos Orb has no stat req, but Vestiges requires 20 int so pump that first out of your 2 cast stats.

As for rings, don't bother with Eye rings. Fire Clutch gives you the top damage boost the eye ring can give if your Chaos infuse it at the cost of some defense. If you are using Astora GS you'll never proc it anyway, Raw ASS won't proc it often either really, just slot in something else. As for armour, don't bother for function, just go style that keeps you in the weight class you like.

mugenmonkey.com/darksouls3 use this you unkindled fuck, then go set shit on fire.

nothing because i work weekends


Gloom set and dual claws. He also had an insanity catalyst that he almost never used, but would sometimes cast soul ray with.

Dex but I am a spear faggot so ignore what I say

So it's changed since then?
20 is lower than necessary. Put 10 points into vigor.

probably hebble da pebble cuz I'm boring that way
he's always been my fave guy


MLGS is the best in BB. I don't get why they didn't just straight up port it over from BB to DaS3 with no changes. I would have been happy and the people that didn't play BB would have been amazed at how good it feels to use.

You can be Ivory King with Astora GS buffed with blessed weapon. If you are a hollowed or a phantom, it gets a blue glow just like the ivory king ugs.

can you parry the nameless king

I have a family shared account to test things. I gave myself 99 souls of a great champion, weapons, slabs, fucking darkmoon blade and I'm still not banned, halfway through the game.

why would they be skeletons? aldrich faithful is by far the most active covenant, I don't go 30 seconds without it invading

>MLGS was the best in DaS1

gloom set. When I cosplay the Old Monk I use the armor of thorns though. closest to it I think. plus it helps with losers who use tears of denial.

afaik, no, but he does stagger after some damage has been dealt and can be crit in that time.

Anyone has the link for that backup thing?

Needs more hosts, summoning downtimes are way too long


Luck, don't you do anything else.

>Halberd RH
>Rapier LH

is this some new reddit meme build? I just fought against this twice in a row (SL80)

well, that's just like...our opinions man.


Are Greataxes viable in DS3?
I fucking loved the stun train from my GyrmGA back in DaS2, before they nerfed it. Anything similar on DaS3?

MLGS was best in DaS1. It was "meh" in BB unless you over-leveled.

Did you dupe yourself the covenant drops and trade them, or did you just straight up give yourself the rewards?

What helmet are you using for that?

Hm, I'll look into it. I was hoping for the look of the Ivory King UGS too, but well, can't be perfect

I think the same 5 people are getting summoned over and over, hence why the downtimes are a bit long.

Probably an issue w/ internet connections as trying to summon some other people results in "summoning failed"

>crop one frame and run it on image search
>it only lands me back to this image
Well fuck.

man I really miss his armor set.

I meant mostly the moveset and the fluidity. not the damage output.

I'm getting fucked in the ass right now as Sorcerer.
I wanted to go glass cannon but I'm getting one shotted by every boss right now.
Should I just respec?

>or did you just straight up give yourself the rewards?

>tfw wracking your brain for some early-game pvp weapon that will be effective and isn't a straight sword, an uchi, or an estoc
>tfw it doesn't exist

>Not naming the file DWGR

No just try to enjoy it

Dusk of Oolacile and Avatar Aang are the only cosplay builds I'll have ready, but they will be underleveled.
How is cosplaying with the wrong name looked upon?

nah just summon help so they can distract the boss while you shoot it in the ass. Once you get the better spells you can solo them.

winged knight

What's the second best option to deal with greatshields?

I like how the bird just stops and gives up like, "did that seriously just happen?"

Only comparing the tranformed mode, for fairness sake, the MLGS was still better than the HMLS in terms of moveset. The beams especially functioned in a vastly superior way.

This. Best MLGS in BB - fact. Damage, moveset, speed. Everything is perfect

Badly, seriously don't fucking do it.

Well you did go glass...
You have two choices. Power through for no real reward bar maybe soul stream fun in PVP with Obscuring Ring.
Respec and make the game 1000 times easier.
Summon and let some fuccboi sunbro eat hits like a masochistic wall for you.

you can get the great axe in the first area mang. red hilted halberd is in undead settlement as well. you can also get the spiked mace there.

Try to spread out your signs. I'll try to remember who I haven't summoned.

what if pickle-pee pump-a-rum was your daughter?

Lucitard never pvp in /bbg/ FC, user. All his posts about BB are 100% bullshit.

What the fuck do you call the Zweihander?
I'd see what I get if I leave her in the trash where she belongs.

Impregnation would happen.

>New patch
>"To add variety and enable respeccing without failing Sirris's quest line, respeccing is now done through Yorshka using Proofs of Concord Kept/done through Old Wolf of Farron using Wolf's Blade Swordgrass"
Imagine the butthurt.

What was the point of the Deacons of the Deep? I get that another Lord of Cinder so soon after the Abyss Watchers may have been a bad idea, but the whole boss fight was just dissapointing. I had trouble with a broad sword and Halberd, but the Hollow Great Sword just cleaned house. I'd have rather fought another Vordt or maybe two.

The buff's color change should work on any weapon. Astora GS is just a good weapon with a moveset similar to the ivory kings.

Why do people like PVP so much?

>hit hit
>hit hit hit
>runs away
>hit hit
>runs away
>hides behind mobs

You already can respec without making her prissy you dick.

How effective is a whip against parry fishers? Is it worth the time or effort to upgrade witch's locks?

There's about 10 signs for FFA right now, need another host.

Lothric's Holy Sword
Irythyll Straight Sword
Twin Princes GS
Dark Sword
Irithyll Rapier

welp, I guess there is no rush. there will probably be more cosplay events

MLGS was best in DeS, it could go through shields and it scaled with faith

If only it could still ignore block, shitting on havelstocs would be a never ending stream of joy.

Q-bird's Weave is actually pretty nice on it's own. Don't PVE with it ever but the WA hits hard and has massive fucking range.

When is the cosplay event, next weekend?

Is it possible to transfer boss weapons? I want to move Lothric's holy sword from one character to another to make the twin prince greatsword.

This L1 spam always remind me some BB gif with green screen and dude in orange t-shirt

stuck at any particular boss?
I'm doing the same shit

You have to admit though, it was by far the coolest in Bloodborne.

also you're still wrong about that. It was best in 1.0 DaS2 where it swung faster than every other greatsword, could be magic infused and then buffed with crystal magic weapon

Liking PVP is not the same as liking invasions.

I'm trying to summon Heysel for the proper bow gesture, but I have offered the maximum ammount of tounges to Rosaria. I heard you could rebirth as an alternative to the tounges, so I tried that, but Heysel's sign is still not showing up.

Am I doing something wrong?

What's the point of limiting number of respeccs if you are gonna put it behind a rare item? There's like 3 tongues in the whole game.

Sore, lore things.

I've been wondering; we've been told that the Pus of Man enemies are sort of, malformed dragons that never fully came into being. They're dark, gooey and have a lot of teeth... that reminds me a lot of the Imperfect, dark, malformed proto-dragons with lots of teeth.

And, what other psuedo-dragons do we know that are dark, have lots of teeth and are, lets be honest, pretty malformed looking?

So yeah, Pus of Man, the Imperfect, Primordial Serpent. Could there be any connection?

>join aldrich faithful covenant
>kill aldrich
>still a member of the aldrich faithfuls
/dsg/ explain yourselves

What a FUCKING bullshit mob
>No Poise so get stunlocked by everything
>Daggers that can stun lock you easily
>Can lunge with daggers then stun lock you
>Has a fucking long neck attack to stun lock you
>Has fucking fireballs that track and stun lock you
>Has a big fuck variety with axes and a axe on a chain to fucking stun lock you from afar
>Usually two or more grouped together to stun lock you

>get to cotd the first time
>tons of tough guardians like creepospider, cathedral knight
>anus is tight
>enter room
>bunch of nerds in pope robes

I thought it was a well-executed switcheroo personally

>Hit him
>he chugs
>hit him with extended Astora GS rape train
>hit him with not-lloyds as he gets up
>he tries to chug but gets empty flask animation
>hit him twice with LKSw
>re rolls away and tries to chug again
>same result

Yeah, it's not really an issue. Dealing with chuggers is like clock work.

Ignoring shields was nice but not enough to put it in top tier. In DaS1 most shields had very low magic resist, especially the most popular ones, and the DaS1 MLGS did pure magic damage.

for damage output yeah, but for actually having a fun weapon to use on a faith build that was useful, well that's something you can only dream of in DaS3

no armor will be as dank as old king's tho'

Abyss Watchers need to be alive