World of Warships Admiral wowsg

Make Botes Great Again Edition

Patch notes:

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>In-game chat channel
EU Channel: "Official Veeky Forums channel", password is "vidya"
NA Channel: Search for 'Veeky Forums' channel by Antibully ranger
SEA Channel: Veeky Forums


Other urls found in this thread:

nth for refugees cucking NA's """""""""""""finest"""""""""""""

>Nuremburg C hull soon
>Furrytaco C hull soon
>German BBs soon
>Bongs never

>Not 5"/54's

the fuck is this shit

Big botes are the QTest botes

xth for still managing to have fun in T10

How come only good anons play on SEA? NA is a mess and you have F22xRedditor.

I feel nothing but disgust for anyone who plays with him.


nth for atagoy

Anumati cant play his high tier carrier because he might bump into SlayMad and lose.

So much for being a self proclaimed "CVnt".

Oh wow if this is true.

>autistic kid beaten up by refugee


>mfw im actually from Ohio

I'm not too sure about that. He DID manage to get taiho with 15games in Hiryu/Shokaku :^)



want to div, if you're playing the furutaka?

>If I skip the entire line to Hakuryu, I can finally pretend I'm playing the Skillway which required no skill at all back then

German BBs cannot come soon enough

PAX Prime, mein bruder

>play Iowa
>listen to this
>never get hit by torps
>perfect dispersion every salvo

So will H-39 and H-41 have 25 second reloads?

Will Bisko get better dispersion than Tirpitz?

Mods, this faggot is constantly spamming "Kantai Collection" pictures while asking this very same question over and over again just to spam the general.

Please help us and purge this filth.

What? Is this bait?

Yes, you are the bait Raptor. Fuck off already

What's wrong with this faggot?

>being this assblasted

get the fuck off my general

Have you tried visiting /c/? There you will find like-minded individuals who also want to dump anime images!!

What is /c/? Is this bait


Would /c/ answer WoWS questions if not they belong here.

>have you been to /wowsg/? there you can find a bunch of people that want to have fun talking about WoWs and like posting ship girls
>oh, and there's this one faggot who doesnt like it and whines in every thread

You ask generic questions just to justify spamming your shitty pictures taken from Google Images

piss off

But was my first post today why don't you quit acting like a sperg.


>instead of answer your question I'm going to bitch and moan and completely derail the thread
So now instead of talking about German BBs and how they can be differentiated from USN and IJN BBs, we're all laughing at how incredibly assmad you are just because you saw a cute bote girl. Why don't you fuck off.

>This triggers the faggot
ayyy this faggot always get me.

Your "bunch of people" is literally a small group of NA Circlejerks. Go dump your shit in your skype call.

Asking a question/discussing shit doesn't justify you using an anime avatar. You also don't need a fucking anime picture each time you post. So how about you fuck off to /a/.

>I need to avatar fag every time I post, please understand my autism

t. Raptor

>not liking cute girls
what is wrong with you?

>being insanely mad for no good reason
Consider suicide


25 second reload on the 420mm?

why are you here? Do you ever even talk about the game? Or do you just whine every time people do something that triggers your autism.

Why doesn't Anumati have 70% wr when he had a statpadding division? I'd expect 70% wr but 60%? LOL

anything is possible with wargaming behind the wheel.

t. for tomato

Liking cute girls =/= dumping images every fucking post.

Obviously thread quality does not matter to you so why don't you stay in /v/ or /a/?

Why do you think it's one person?

>Hey guys (insert generic spoonfeedable questions here)?

dude lmao do i fit in yet? this is totes on topic guise

>battleships cucking all of my kills when they are at sub 1k


Would it be OP? I mean if it's 4x2 I feel like it has to have at least 28 second reload to be balanced with Hotel and Monty
>Liking cute girls =/= dumping images every fucking post.
Proceeds to post shitty forum crops every single post
>Obviously thread quality does not matter to you so why don't you stay in /v/ or /a/?
Did you miss the part where I tried to ask a fucking question about the game to start a fucking discussion you retard?
>Why do you think it's one person?
I think it's one or two people that get super buttmad and need to fuck off back to the forums
How about instead of you bitching like a small infant child and completely derailing the thread you try and start a discussion?

Because if anime spam were a problem as big as you make it out to be, I'd probably see people complain about it in the in the Veeky Forums chat.

>playing the furutaka before 5.6

Raising complaints while anonymous =/= raising complaints in fullview of some buttbuddy animespamming autists.

My back hurts.

>telling anyone to go back to the forum when this applies to you more than anyone else


Because its good.

I'm actually enjoying it more than Murmansk.

Furu is actually way better than people give it credit for, def gonna rebuy when it gets buffed.

You obviously cannot understand satire, hence your mentality is so underdeveloped it cannot comprehend why someone would flag >142227214 as spam.
It's ironic that you're the one of all people calling out samefags when recently threads have had over 100 posts pruned because of you and some 'others'.



>hating an anime picture
>sperging despite the on topic post
>on Veeky Forums

Where do you think you are?

On the Veeky Forums board inside a thread meant for the discussion of World of Warships?

Anu, give replay pls my man.

THe fuck is that thing from>>

Why does Rh3ycuck want Anumati's cock?

Gotta get past the shitpile one way or another. It's like the Atlanta, you can play it "properly" and get good results, but it's still an underwhelming ship. Player skill can only carry a shitpile so far.

Well seeing as I got a shit meme with bold, white, Impact font (), and you don't seem to care about post or image quality anyways, it might as well be 9gag.
But feel free to educate me about the anime 'roots' of this entire website and how I should devote every image within limit to Kantai Collection just because
>muh cute girls

Because they are ship girls and very much related to WoWs obviously :^))))))))))))

Can Mako and Raptor get range banned

So let me get this straight, the people that post anime want to talk about the game and the people that don't like anime want to bitch about people posting anime and trying to talk about the game???

So let me get this straight, you ask dumb generic questions you already know the answer to just so you can spam images you've found on Google because you're autistic??

Will all the KM BBs have the same armor layout as the Tirp? Because if they do that's honestly gonna be pretty fucking sweet.

The t8, t9 and t10 will; I'm not sure about scharnhorst and the earlier BBs though

Post ships with the biggest and roundest sterns.

That is it exactly. They are bad at the game too.

Oh I forgot how bad they are at the game too thanks for the reminder.

You could almost say they avoid playing high tier carriers because they know they'll get crushed by SEA and EU players LOL!

That's a pointed stern.

This is round.

Press it.
you know you need it


If only we could all reach taiho with only 15 games in t7/8.

*Buys Hiryu*
*Sucks in it*
*Skips it*
*Repeat with Shoukaku*

Is IJN CV even good?


>Do well in a close game
>say "gg" to other team
>-2 karma

>Play in unicum div
>Win with tier + team skill advantage


Nope, only play solo brah. This community is just bitter and toxic


Wasn't implying you did what I described in my epic maymay arrows.

>be bad
>be mad
>post on wowsg

>be trash
>post anime pictures
>shitpost on wowsg

ggs Anu and boog

I cannot wait for this thing to be unnecessarily buffed.

Is there a notification if you are reported for some reason?

There is a notification if you're reported over 4 times I believe. But none for small amounts

What did you do to get reported so many times? Are you Raptor?

I killed a Taihou in my Essex during 0.5.3 and he got mad and reported me

Mind shooting at someone else?

Please. Shoot. Someone. Else.

>the myogi is a bad bb