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Get Hype edition
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First for the smug blueberry!
first for best woman
Absolutely disgusting.
This post is correct.
Probably not
Should get a "I want to fuck that ___"
you bastard
someone please post Zarya's watermelon picture
40 posts earlY?
I wish muscle girls with nice big natty tits were a thing irl. Too bad body fat doesn't work that way
Ayy lmao why her skin is blue? is she smurf?
Mercy is overrated in this threads. She's kind of boring. What do people like about her so much?
It still baffles me as to why people complain about making new threads 'early' on a board whose literal entire purpose is for generals.
It made sense on /v/ and /co/ but it sure as hell doesn't here.
The parts of the body where you gain fat first are also where you lose fat last.
Slow heartbeat
WOW imagine how awkward it'd be to be confronted by her in person? Esp since I've wanked to it twice since she uploaded yesterday!
Imagine getting a blowie from her in the costume... Like getting dome from Mei irl but even hotter...
Science stuff so that she doesn't have human emotions, etc, etc to make her a better cold-blooded killer.
>be sexy
>cosplay as a character from a popular vidyergeam
>expect neckbeards not to fap to you
i mean, she kinda has a point somewhere in there, but she's also pretty much retarded
only if I have to kiss her butt which is virtually non-existent
Couldn't a girl work out for muscles, then let the pectorals degrade a bit into fat to have bigger natural boobs?
Anatomy is not my strong point so I might sound like an idiot.
really? lol
she aint even thick enough for me to fap to so fuck her sexually
No, she is slowly suffocating as a side effect of her experimental, black bag enhancement and conditioning program.
Where is the prosthetic limbs for Pharah thing from?
hey dudes I drew some smut, I hope you guys like it
not futa, you may proceed safely
> Tfw you will never dominate Zarya
It's a cold pain
Mercy folder for those who asked, it's not the best but it's a start.
If something is missing, post so I can add to it
Only download if you know Mercy x Pharah is OTP
Please don't ask for my Pharah folder, my poor internet can't handle it
He seems like a big guy
Her design is appealing in a way that feels more natural than the other female characters.
They were created to cover a wide range of archetypes, but Mercy's elegance and caring personality seems to attract a large number of fans.
troll? muscles are completely separate from fat
you drew this? have a tumblr?
she's sexy as fuck. have you not looked into this goddess' eyes?
If you look at her closeups like in her intro animations when she gets PotG, you can see that her joints aren't organic.
isnt smut generally accepted to be written, while drawn stuff is just porn
i mean, fucking great job, but your terminology irks me a little
As if you could
she's been dominating most men in every aspect of her life for years, of course she's a sub in bed
Not really what she's saying, she's probably responding to a specific criticism of her cosplay if I had to guess. Or people sexualizing her openly in Twitter.
I'm pretty sure she isn't chastising people for running off to the bathroom and shooting one in a tissue while thinking about suckling those fat tits.
Dr. Mercy, I'm BAMF
is that a real spray?
I can imagine, user. I can imagine.
yeah my man
I don't post tumblr links because some people don't like them
I guess you're right but smut sounds classier
Ah, that makes sense I guess. She just seems dull to me.
Eh, 7/10 I guess. She's okay but there's better.
Short story is no, it doesn't work that way. At least not if you want to be as fit as Pharah supposedly is.
I'm tempted to get origins for $8 through amazon but I'm also afraid they'll just release skins that'll make it so I never use the origins ones, right now I'd only really use the bastion, tracer, and pharah ones.
Nope it's more a set / subset thing. All hentai is smut but not all smut is hentai. Basically, smut is synonymous with wank material
Uh, you don't get to reform overwatch.
i bet she's still great in bed
>better than Mercy
well then, i retract my previous statement to the porn user
thanks bud
It's actually a reinhardt spray and zarya spray combined
Why do people get so worked up about a town in Canada?
They work for the Australian, the masketta man
>Still on about this
>See Lamb avatar
>Scroll down
Is this confirmation of new characters we gettin?
As I said, anatomy isn't my thing. I thought when muscles degraded due to disuse they become fat. Guess not. My bad.
What's the long story?
combo of two sprays
why not?
holy shit, you ignorant retard
its banff
>pharah is just a head in power armor
anyone surprised by this reaction from her is new to cosplay.
it's either sluts slutting it up, or sluts trying to act pure to get a larger following of white knights.
tits are not cosplay
Ah. I hadn't noticed. Thanks.
which if your not enunciating incredibly well sound very close.
you're not the first one, half of my inbox is "kindred edit when"
I still have some more overwatch pictures in me though, possibly Mercy getting railed next
How long ago was this game announced?
a week ago.
Oh its you!
You were the artfag in /lolg/ awhile ago
Thanks for the art man
two years?
9 years
Top notch.
>Get curious
>Check it out
>Good shit
Am I right?
>Mercy getting railed
>Mercy getting railed
>stopped literally one post short of the full picture before closing the window
>go back and look after reading this
Didnt play the beta, planning on buying the game when it comes out. Whats the best noob class?
hey I'm not gone friend, I'm just doing my part in sexualizing overwatch heros
I'm going back to league porn soon, that riot girl tristana splash is so good holy shit
Ignore and do it. If you've not considered a partner for her, I suggest Reaper.
What's the tickrate in ranked or rather what will it be?
Roadhog. You have enough health and healing to avoid spending too much time dead, and your pulls will very quickly give you an idea of what heroes are dangerous and which are not.
soldier 76 plays like the classic shooters
Bastion and Torbjorn.
If you like point and click games then pick Bastion and sit on the payload.
>Good shit
B...b..but she has a giant horse cock =(
>Mercy getting railed
B...b.ut but...she's too pure for that!
Maybe she just takes one in her mouth
>Mercy getting railed
preferably by Winston pls
Soldier-1488 is pretty straightforward
Stop with the dyke shit pls.
>Why is Mercy taking a piss?
why does every single person that draws overwatch art feel the need to put some sort of chromatic aberration on the finished product
half her pictures are her pushing out her tits and wearing bikinis what is she expecting
No. Winston is for Tracer and Widowmaker
Reinhart is for Mercy
NO! Unless it's by Pharah.
Could you fuck up with your shitty "opposites attract" OTP?
They don't even synergize at all in-game.
>B...b..but she has a giant horse cock =(
Good shit.
I've gotten potg with Zenyatta a couple of times