/wotg/ - World of Tanks General

Our Guy edition

NA - RNM41

>where do I look up tank info:

>How do I get platoons:
Join NOFUN or RNM41
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>tfw no alpha as fuck brit bong bf

>tfw have a paranoia in being in one of the Jingles videos, where Jingles makes fun of me because I do retarded shit all the time when I'm playing

Her butt is cute I guess but she's still got the figure of a twink


>Her butt is cute I guess but she's still got the figure of a twink
she has figure of 10/10, put porn away for 3 days and you'll wake up, mate

ok Quickybaby


how similar do the tier 9 and 10 czechs play compared to the T 25 ? i do alot better in the T 25 than in all my other tanks

check out Quickybaby on Youtube.com

Quickbaby pls go and stay go

he is still in bed rolling in Youtube money ^_^


Who /ke-ho/ here?

woah there pal!!


QB triggers /wotg/ because hes unicum and has a successful life


>british manlet tied to a belarusian skinner box
>successful life

>Inna TD I cant TD in
>Get fiery salient
>M4A3E2 and myself go 1/2 line
>The hordes just drove at us
>I farm damage
>I farm win8
>unicum soon

The poor M4 bro I'm sure was firing HE from the long gun or what ever the E8 has. But still, he was reliable as a flank bro. Made good cover when he died.

>BENIS got renamed to NAFUN

I can't believe you guys didn't pick NOPEN, jesus christ.

NAFUN is the name WG picked for us before that name was even suggested, there's a vote currently up for what we're going to change to tomorrow

Although nopen probably isn't going to win


PhD, married with a house in his mid 20s and plays video games for a living

id say hes better off than most of this thread will ever be

I think being able to just play games and not worry about constantly pumping out content is better than relying on it for income tbqh

I'm only NEET pretty recently but it's good knowing that I can do this for the rest of my life

The house at that age is definitely nice, the phd in philosophy is useless trash, and having to play wot would probably drive me to suicide within a year.

Also, his wife looks like that one guy from game grumps but with longer hair. Well, at least he isn't fucking a portuguese tranny.

He got a fucking PhD in philosophy?

PhD which he doesn't use in a shit subject aka agriculture

so what am i in for with the panther

Someone find QB's dissertation, I wanna read it.

The Art of the Unicum by South Coast Ape
No thanks

cant really take a manbaby opinion seriously.

PhD is still respectable even in agriculture, considering most people here dont even have a bachelors degree.
his wife is pretty cute honestly but then again im talking to people who never saw a vagina in person.

Not the point really, he went to school and came out with a PhD.

sorry lads but a guy in his mid 20s with a PhD, house, car, wife and a job consisting of streaming 4 hours a day and uploading some stream highlights for a pretty good paycheck is successful in my book

dont really understand why people here hate him and like circon

circon spams way more gold than speedyzygote but im guessing the fact hes a fat autists makes people here relate to him better.

>tfw NOFUN is dead again and I have to grind the TVP VTU in randoms instead of strongholds

oh well, at least I have a shitload of personal reserves

He's spent all that money on a degree and he's a streamer

>can't really take a manbaby opinion seriously
I've probably "contributed" more than you have

If I have the means to live like this, why wouldn't I?

thank mr pringles


still a good tank?

1) not its not, map design+map rotation fucks it over
2) damn thing was given away for free AT LEAST 3 times last year

im pretty sure he started school before streaming, but he didn't drop out the moment it started bringing in money which is great if the streaming thing doesnt work out.

im sure you did, run along now the tendies are getting cold.

>benis with 5 votes

I bet they also voted for the green party in national elections

the panther is a nice tank so why is it such a rare sight ? i dont think its hard to use and it doesnt seem to have any crippling weaknesses and im not a good player at all

135 alpha at tier 7 on a huge tank with no armor is a crippling weakness

tier 7 mediums in general are awful except the chinese one thats somewhat decent

>game practically won
>T57 goes afk
>3 other tanks feed themselves to the JPE one by one
o kurwa

>weekend teams
Inb4 it's no worse on weekend

Fuck your couch nigga

>burgers post useless battle reports and brag about ace games in t4 tanks
Lol NA hours.

Delete this


oy vey goys i didnt even realize there was downtime :^)))

> free -insert something-

let me guess, its NA



You're not me

why would someone buy the 112 over the IS 6

yeah probably

maybe they have a 113 and no russian heavy

two fiddy pen HEATERZ™ ammo
also crew trainer if you're into Mao Zedongium heavies

i mean apart from crew training

I've forgotten to remind you, but here's a reminder

heat doesn't get normalisation, so you can't triple overmatch with 122 for easy is6 turret shoot


>aprc a.k.a literally perfect ammo with no downsides to it
>better than other types of ammo

I like it too and kept mine, but it has no impact on tier 9 because it takes you 9000 shots to actually kill a tier 9.

less normalisation and loses penetration over distance pretty fast

Pen loss over distance is capped, making it irrelevant on all but a few tanks like the Matilda IV where the APCR pen is barely better than the AP.

>loses penetration over distance pretty fast
yeah that's a true game changer in world of corridors
also high caliber shells are less effected by that

>TD week
>SU-100Y rental
Please no, why is WGNA actively trying to kill the game?

How can they kill something that's already dead :^)

>1v1 tournament is going to be a shitty TD one
Bleh, I might just skip this one.

>Not registering for your complimentary 50 gold.


>it's on Mittengard again

is this line worth finishing or should i leave it here?


is worth

The only sub par tank in the rest of that line is the T32, and that's not completely bad. Its worth finishing.

T32 is comfy once you get the turret
M103 is comfy, but it has the usual >tier 9 grind going on
E5 is meme-tier overpowered according to /wotg/

why are you collecting exp on a tank you already elited

Want to platoon?


kys pedo scum

captcha: 420 XDDDD blaze1T


Is the 10.5cm worth it on the VTU? I'm torn between trying to make it less awful and saving the xp to move on faster.

I always check the players name in the videos in case it`s me

try it and find out fag, where not your mom

How do i tell nofun in my clan application that im from /wotg/? Tiger II player here with many tier 5's in different trees for flexibilty.

i wrote "bush did 9/11"

did the job i guess

>apply to nofun
>type in application "im from /wotg/
How hard can it be?

Youre literally and respectfully retarded

what's your in game name?

>2 aces in a row with the same xp

>why are you collecting exp on a tank you already elited
accident, didn't notice i already unlocked the t32 and the first win of the day bonus ended up being like 4.5k

i submitted a clan app without text tho

Kill yourself

stop bullying new players

Can someone explain to me how clan battles and stuff works?

you're gonna have to be more specific

its a battle with a team made from your clan against a team made from players from a different clan

He asked the most retarded question i have seen ever

How does it work?

Can i engage in jolly cooperation and clan battles with my Tiger or Tiger II?
Also where can i see if i have to show up to some battle or something?