/dbg/ - Dirty Bomb general


>Is it p2w?
>How the loadout system works:
>Loadout/weapon/augment charts
>Recommended loadouts (Updated but still a WIP - Not quite finished, give your feedback)
>How do I get this game?
>Join our steam group and play with us:
>Wanna play competitive?
>Tweaks and HUD customization
>Singleplayer map practice and testing commands
>Aim/reflex training:

Other urls found in this thread:


base building shoot 'em up

> How do you git gud?

You don't.

first for new epic steam group steamcommunity.com/groups/dbg_fags

Don't we already have Dirty Vidya

it's ded

it's about what you do after that 1v1.

>1: kill a onslaught of neverending spraynpray skymemers?
>2: reposition?
>3: retreat n recover?
>4: get to a nearby SAFE ammobox?

Go back? You don't need to go back when you can kill half of the team without reloading.

how fast do you get your gains?

How many boosters have you bought?

Nah he's just an ammo whore or medicuck.

Even through comp,pugs,cups it's above you trashcans. smdh

>how to git gud

The basic skills in the game are 4

Aiming (by which I mean making headshots)
Moving (by which I mean dodging and going fast)
Positioning, reading the enemy, knowing maps
Knowing all abilities and exploiting them

To master them all is to master the entire game. Playing in higher ranked games with better people will make them stump you but also give you the chance to understand what they do better than you do and learn the ways for yourself. Some skills just take practice, others take actual brains to push yourself to learn.

Being good is not a guilt and neither a bless. Its a curse. Everyone will hate you and nobody would willingly play against you. But I can tell you that to master a game is to play it fully to the extent it was meant to be played. And it feels so good and fun when you can do that

>t. arty main

So fucking hard to get into a Min level 20. They're either full or nonexistent.

1st try tho
shame its dude weed lmao xd camo

Worst player EU detected. I guess he is dedicated at least. I give him that much.

Rate this gamer gurl from Romania.
Just played with her, she was rude and called everyone "kids". People from her team were leaving because they were losing bad and she called us pussies for not switching to her side.

Well... did she carry?

Forgot her steam profile.

No, she ended with 5/8

>using Steam as social media
final verdict: she should kill herself

Shes trash and ive only seen her in execution



Romania is going to be a smoldering crater soon, I wouldnt worry about it too much

You sound kinda c-cute

Is OCB supposed to be a serious clan? They're all so garbage.

It's actually really easy to git gud. Just get a better PC with high and consistent FPS, and a high hertz screen. I'm pretty sure most people who can't shoot are terrible at it because their FPS drops during fights.

You'll suddenly be many times more skilled.

no it's a community not a clan, anyone can join them and they dont play comp

why is everyone in this thread so autistic


Bump for i'm never gonna get that sm41 gold nader

Or just be a shitter and blame all things besides yourself for being shit.
>I can't git gud, because people on the internet don't hold my hand and tell me how
>because my equipment is shit

Ill sell it to ya for $100

Those don't lead to git gud though.

>There are people in this thread who haven't won a cup and think they're good

This. Getting a 144hz monitor, a G502 and a large mousepad was pretty much buying a legal aimbot.

>implying i would buy that scam
no, not that desperate.

>Getting a 144hz monitor
Good luck running dirty bomb at a consistent 144fps though.
Keyword is consistent.

Run it at 160+ most maps, except for Trainyard which gets 120+ and Dome sometimes 110ish.

I said consistent. But I am guessing your idea of consistent is the FPS counter and not the actual time it takes each frame to render.

Get fraps, put it into benchmark mode and enable only frame times, use it while playing a game. Then use FRAFS Bench Viewer on the file and look at the frametimes.

I run 3 FPS counters (in game, steam and shadowplay) and they all stay consistently above 150.

Even if his probably 90-160 FPS isn't consistent it's still way better than what most people get.

Yes, and fps counters work on average.
Means if one or two frames take 10 times longer to render, it still shows 150 fps, even though in game it's clear stutter.

As I said, do the benchmark, then come back to me with frametimes. I don't give a shit for "average" fps counters.

Kira is too easy
Also check out my new crosshair

How come?

Dixmixer, you're a god, we need to sniper duel 1+7v1+7!

Whip up your 30*0.7 k gamer coins and buy vassili

I have vassili you negro, also I'm worse at sniping compared to other guns so I'll forfeit right away.

but who knows, the (+7) factor might be in your favour!

kill yourself


This game is so CPU dependant, I'm running an i5 4690k overclocked to 4.4ghz and DB still eats up 90% of my cpu to get "stable" 144fps

Increase your graphics settings, too low and the game weighs more on the CPU.


More 2nd gen cards.

>Use that hud configurator
>Select my resolution
>Center things I want centered
>They aren't actually centered
Am I retarded or

>Fragger gets two direct upgrades on his best loadouts
>Proxy gets the same treatment
>Sparks is unfixable since 383 is literally unbeatable

Lock-on on proxy...because mines weren't annoying enough already.

But I'm quite happy that they didn't make the new M62 stupidly better than the old.

K51 is fucking amazing with tough
M62 is worse (chopper with stiletto lmfao)
R13 gets MP400 but is otherwise meh, some support ability with bomb squad
H11 flying pig decent but nothing major
282 seems really strong for reviving and staying in the back but lacks the potent packs of 383, sticky bomb still oneshots 80 hp mercs with unshakable though
342 is a meme

Lock-on is on one of her garbage loadouts, just like Kira get the katana on a shit card


Are you seriously implying you get on a mounted machine gun for 8 seconds more often than you use your knife as fragger?

How bad could you possibly be? Also, the stilleto has the highest stab damage

That's the wrong webm retard, this one's been done wrong

>actually thinking stiletto is a good knife

It's almost impossible to cast sticky and detonate them the instant the window opens, you're able to cancel both animations. with the other one.

>282 seems really strong for reviving and staying in the back but lacks the potent packs of 383, sticky bomb still oneshots 80 hp mercs with unshakable though

But only on a direct hit or if you literally stand on it. If you're even 2 UE Units away, you'll live and living is a huge deal when you can heal up in an instant with your balanced medpacks.

It barely makes a difference, and stilleto with chopper does more damage than the beckhill without, so M62 got buffed hard.

I prefer Becky without chopper just because the arm swing animation doesn't block half of the screen.

Not really when cool has more use than chopper with stiletto that has less range than a fist would

Why does this guy talk? He should just use a synthetic voice.

>they can't hit people with the stiletto
>cool is more useful than chopper
oh god hahahahahah

Post your melee stats

>H11 flying pig decent but nothing major
Seems major to me. Flying pig is great for proxy.

Situational but not major, just like cool was

Do you not understand that flying pig's situations will arise 100x more often than cool's?

You can always wall jump to negate fall damage though.

>long jump distance
you should be long jumping hundreds of times per game

flying pug > Cool

even if every corner had a MG.


Cool is irrelevant but flying pig is great. It was the whole reason why I liked R22. Falling damage happens all the time when you go for tricky infiltration spots as proxy, and jumping farther is a huge boost.

>should be
>increases distance by 10%
Springy would be much better, flying pig is worse

>the crutch augment that helps you not be sad when you fail to jump properly :(

you may find this useful

Do you not long jump every time you're trying to cover a large amount of ground?

I jump at least 100 times per 15 minute match, probably more. Compare that to how many times I get on an MG: once or maybe twice depending on the situation and I usually won't fire for more than 4 seconds anyway

Which perk were you referring to? Springy lowers the "cooldown" time after long jumping which is much better than worthless 10% distance. If anything flying pig is the crutch perk for "failing jumps" because you jumped too early.

Longjumping makes you run slower after the jump. Walljumping is much better for covering distance than plain longjump.
>I jump at least 100 times per 15 minute match
Are you counting regular jumps too?

You should just neck yourself.

>I jump at least 1000 times per 5 minute match
Bronze master detected.

Most of the time when you longjump you do at least another wall jump right after so the cooldown never gets into play.

10% longer jumps on the other hand lets you get farther if you have exact timing.

I specifically like using Stoker's M61 on Bridge so I can drop down and throw a molotov at the enemy immediately without taking fall damage. But that's really the one time I'm glad for having Flying Pig.

You can jump on the lamp post and not take any damage.

But it will make me drop slightly farther from the EV.

Such as? I'm playing on a 750ti and an E5450 @3.6ghz. By default I like my graphics in competitive games at low but my core duo quad hangs in trainyard on the trails of the first objective. I drop to 35-45fps and its very bad for my 144hz screen

>I jump at least 100 times per 15 minute match
>t. bunnyhopping shotgun scrub

Longjumps chained into wall jumps retain speed for an extra 20% distance compared to default

>bronze master
I bet I could stomp you 8)

>he doesn't roll out
>he doesn't constantly move around the map in the fastest way possible
seems like you're the shitter here

>fastest way

>b-b-b-but it's so hard to hit people with

Nobody said anything about bunnyhopping scrub. The fastest way to move around the map is longjump into 1-2 walljumps. If you don't believe me I'd be happy to beat you to the objective on literally any map.

>average stats for finishing people on the ground

>above 60% accuracy

I cant believe there's people with accuracy on Melee LOWER than 60%

Don't you repeatedly stab skyhammer teammates trying to get their attention for ammo?

when you have autism and cant win a cup

Never played in a cup, the comp scene is dead in this game and not worth my time.

Yea, and randomly stab and hit people when an execution round ends, but even then it's safely above 60% all the wime for all weapons.

We even did sone Melee only execution rounds and its still well over 60%

I dont think hitting your allies counts towards accuracy. If it did that would mean my real weapon accuracy would be 46% instead of 36%