League of Legends General - /lolg/


With all this complaining about Ryze i thought I'd pick him up and climb a bit before he gets nerfed or reworked again, so I have a few questions:
Do I need to be walking around spamming q to stay at 4 passive stacks all the time in case of a fight?
What is the best all in/harass combos? Assuming passive it up can you just weave a Q in every other ability to take advantage of the cdr?

lol fuck lissfags

Well at least it's not a lissfag thread

xth for twitch is a based ADC god

xth for wanting to hug riven



>Do I need to be walking around spamming q to stay at 4 passive stacks all the time in case of a fight?
faker did that so it must be good :^)

>this is bara
ok user

>last thread
based blind retard

fuck off lissfag

Ghostblade is OP ~

Best girl.
Best friend.
Best wife.

You people were going to spam bara anyways and end up nuking the thread.

How can people be so bad at this game? I mean, just look at this udyr and this diana, it was like playing vs bots.
>4 deaths
Their bot just couldn't stay in their lane and constantly dive me
>bronze 2
Just helping a friend to climb

nah, it's just good against squishy targets

the lack of crit makes it way worse against tanks

Remove Azir.

>play evelynn
>all that damage
>all that speed
>all that tankiness with just one button

why did nobody tell me of based blue tits woman

>Bronze 2


I refuse to believe anybody over the age of 18 has that lack of cognitive ability that they are unironically in bronze

i'm not even that flavor of faggot

xth for breast waifu

>Lucian mains coming out of the woodwork to whine about their broken champ getting his due

post the worst league fan art you can find

>GBlade, dev, tiamat, into tri
10 says he is doing tricks tiger build

I feel sick

artwise it's actually pretty good
that it's ponies is 100% cringe though

wasted potential

I can assure you that this friend of mine is 20 years old and goes 1/14 on xin zhao while blaming his teammates.

>have to play on my back foot the entire game and pray to God that the Azir fucks up everytime he's
>he basically controls the entire game

So this is what Riot meant by 'control mage'... Woah...

j-just hug?

I want Vlad to push his hard cock up my butt while caressing my hair and kissing my neck


>You could die tomorrow and nobody would remember you even existed

This is why you grind for elo, make a name for yourself user.

>could have been really nice if it didn't have technicolor horses

i agree with it's so much wasted potential

Not him but I ended up in bronze 3 back in season 3 because I didn't finish my placements in season 2.
I'm high gold now though.

I'm at p2 and nobody still knows me, I won't get better cuz I'm poor and play from a shit pc
tl;dr I am ded alredy

>using kid as argument
top jej

I don't actually know anyone at my university who is in bronze

everyone is at least silver 4 or doesn't play ranked

Why aren't other ADCs built with Ghostblade too if it works so well on Lucian?

I don't have fun playing with Lux anymore.
It's not the game, the lane, or the meta, I made sure.
My feelings for her haven't changed, but her gameplay is getting really stale, specially after 6 years.

>6 years
Holy shit 6 years.

And it really doesn't help that the mage itemization, while better than before, is still... bleh.

what do?!

group of people I know are low bronze cause they suck ass at the game and constantly blame their teammates

Lucian has 2 abilities that deal a lot of physical damage. Also, his passive and ult work really well with black cleaver because it puts up stacks quickly.


ghostblade vayne

it worked on sivir for me
it was a low level normal, I also rushed botrk

I would do it on miss fortune too.

Do you think Big Dixxay will get some China pussy tonight?

aw yiss

literally end your existence and your soul with it.


I'll continue on about this.
So, bassically, magic/armor pen is really good on champions that have abilities with high base damages. Ghostblade+cleaver are just too benefitial on Lucian


Other ADCs need crit and constant Attack Speed. Lucian's Ult change from Preseason means there's 0 reason to not just build him like Jhin and get Zerker's + 5 AD items


draven, mf, twitch and graves if you consider him to be an adc anymore can all viably build GB

MF is also a good ghostblade + cleaver user
Twitch is good with ghostblade

Basically Lucian's kit is so perfect he works with arpen, flat AD, onhit, you name it. He can apply Black Cleaver entirely in about a second due to his broken ass passive, he has very hard hitting nukes with good damage and his lane is very oppressive so early arpen makes him even more retarded.

>got Kitty Cat Katarina shard
>tfw gonna spam her and feed in every game from now on

Because lucian is basically an adc caster. Other ADC's rely on simply right clicking whereas lucian heavily relies on his abilities for damage and for his passive.

late xth for cute kat

>tfw prototbelt and iron elixir just barely is enough to keep you alive

force staff when?

lucian has both the good things about an ad caster and the good thing about an ad carry

> Renekton on the op
> 404
I'm not saying you'd do it but someone was definitely going to.

its part of her core items senpai

Hello, everyone. I'm not sure if this is the correct place to ask but I'll give it a go. I'm looking for a duo partner. I'm currently G5 and attempting to push into plat. Seeking someone with a vast amount of time and no real life annoyances. I'm a support main with Sona and Nami being my choice of poison. I also have Skype for communication. Also please don't be a rager. By this I mean hitting your desk, keyboard or wall. I'd like a positive and serious attitude if possible. Never surrender.

I miss zephyr

>no server
>sona and nami

>Azir warping reality to remove fun from every game he's in

Epic nice! Elegiggle pogchamp hehe xd 4head kappab

The server that I currently play on is NA.

I miss sword of the occult

should i move to NA?

Ghostblade/Black Cleaver Jhin.

I love Lissandra!

Are you ok?

>Black cleaver
can't really stack it and the cdr isn't that good on him, better just going ER

good skin

you either make a hyper speed jhin or get out.





>suddenly 700 movespeed
I love this build, rip distortion enchantment

Since Luc is retarded with armor pen, what other ADC can pull it off?



>even without it it's still viable
is there a more based champ?

Miss Fortune, Graves, Urgot

how is syndra atm

How to play Vi?

Reminder to abuse cleaver MF for as long as its not nerfed

Pretty alright

why is RFC so fucking garbo

>be mediocre jungler at best
>play Fiddles
nice game lolbabs

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

>play mid galio
>fiddles think he is some hot shit along with kassadin
>fiddle ultis me
>press W
>walk away


> queue for top first & mid on middle diamond
> 25 minutes average queue time

This is like playing with leaver buster permanently on.

>try and play fiddle
>support refuses to buy a sightstone and then refuses to use trinket after i ask him to buy one
>can't ever get a good ult off because we can't win the vision game


But why not PD instead?

>try playing Jhin
>can never go back to another adc

I just wish he wasn't so edgy.

should catalyst and its upgrades have some sort of particles? it feels like it never does anything when i buy it

I want Lulu to go swimming in me.

It does have particles. Every time I cast a spell I see little green particles from the heal it gives me.

Because you only have four autos. Kill a guy, you have to reload while lets say, trynd is smashing your shit in, while you're reloading.

You can't apply it's passive effectively.

theyre all fucking ugly. even worse than them plain asian sluts they get in na

What League girl would be the most unpopular in high school?

PD is better

I want my sperm to swim inside Lulu's womb

It's not edgy user, you just have a fine taste for art.