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>call a pause
>call it "technical"
>it's actually a tactical pause





are shox and smithz gay for each other

retard from the beginning of time it's always been dogs vs cats
there are dog people and cat people, which generally means upbeat people vs pessimist people

vai brasilPORRA




>that guy in the crowd screaming "VAMO CARALHOOO!"

Boypussy > girlpussy

smithzz is fucking retarded

Is that talking about me?

>they kicked Ex6TenZ instead of smithzz

shitzz is still a better fragger than exshitenz

How the hell do you make call outs of the Train bomb sites? It's just trains.


you know which train

>does a quickscope

these retarded casters

Will the Cheating Monkeys ever be exposed

or did they went to far

so Volvo wont step in ?

Was shox always this good?

Who is coaching G2?


here's my theory
fnatic and several other teams were allowed to cheat by valve, then LG started to cheat too without valve's approval. as a result, other teams agreed to stop cheating but LG threatened to expose all of this if they're not allowed to cheat exclusively for a year or so


>lose round


>1 taps


did he have enough time?

Valve probably doesn't give a shit as usual. All they seem to do now is work on new tech, and work on automating everything that generates them cash


Looked like it actually. You can still defuse right before it explodes after it's already done beeping.

>shox carries
>they still lose the round

Is he the French niko?

i believe g2 cheat

I just got ShadowBanned on Reddit
for exposing le cheating Monkeys...

Tell me, is there any website
on interwebz more
SJWísh and cancerious
than Reddit?

I doubt it

yes, /csgog/


Similarities between cats and dogs
>walks on 4 legs
>similar ears
>similar bone structure
looks tey aren't opposites you mong

>Could've been 9-6
>Is 11-4
How they lost that is beyond me.

what did you post

what'd you post, lol


That was the dumbest pistol round.

Similarities between short and long
>both are measurable
>both represent dimensions
nice logic right there you fucking idiot
stop replying to me uneducated piece of shit

do lg cheat?



>bodyy keeping the MP9 even though they're behind in rounds
Come on.

train is T or CT sided?

>Rank up to LE
>Start playing like shit
>Go on faceit to get some practice before more mm
>Lose against literal mg1s and below
>Can't hit any shots
>Forgetting about checking corners
>Don't know when to play aggressive and when to play passive
Holy shit this has been going on for 2 days now. Inconsistency is rekking me pls send help guys sos


monkeys lucky as always ~_~

>lets go at two seconds
he fyuckjignm ahD IT REEEEEE


>he doesn't play on 4:3 stretched

>no kit
>sits in connector long enough he has no clue anymore where TACO went
so many mistakes

play dm for a couple days familia i don't fucking know

>baguettes letting the entry fragger kill 3 people with tec9

>kick ex6tenz
>become way better

how does thorin defend this now?

>its a LG lose an 11-4 lead episode

>it's another choke script

>no one dies
>no one even has to use any nades
>a "near" perfect round from g2
memeler is a fucking retard

how are these fucking retards beating LG?

Is the crowd chanting sieg heil?

ex6 is an ok igl but if hes going to be igl he wants to be in control of everything and shox and scream are the kind of player that needs to just run around and shoot heads without any strats

Perfect round is the enemy team all rushing ivy and getting mowed down by a single SMG.

its the "should we toggle" talk

>fnx activating

what a surprise

>perfect popflash thrown
>don't peek until the flash is gone

>its the pause to activate episode

My heart almost stops during these "let's wait till the last moment" rounds.

i hate it when people cheat to win...

literally everyone hates LG user, don't worry

hey just started playing and watched some tournament games and I can't figure out why good players take the standard M4 over the silenced version. the silenced one looks like it has better accuracy and recoil (and 1 more damage on certain shots) at the cost of 20 less shots. since these players are good clearly their aim is good so I'm unsure if the choice to use the unsilenced version is just because they trust their aim so much the accuracy of silenced version is meaningless or if there's something else I'm missing

reddit likes them

honestly as much as I love ex6 and tactical leaders in general csgo just isn't for them. You need to be able to play loose. We'll see if G2 can perform as well in the future, but, considering the lineup, I doubt it.

>literally everyone


Last time people were this butthurt over Brazil, 90% of their male populace died.

silenced recoil is way easier but yeah at that level pros don't even care about recoil and pick the m4a4 over the m4a1-s due to bigger magazine

>tfw you don't know how to play train

monkeys get the fuck outta my magog

tab back into the game fallen

M4A1-S has a longer profile. Your silencer sticks out pretty far and makes you more visible. You can't walk and clear a corner in a tight peek without telegraphing your position.

Less bullets both in the magazine and in reserve. You can't afford to spray as much. M4A1-S is just the M4A4 with training wheels. Learn how to do recoil control.

my bunghole


i love that cheeky smile fallen does when one of his teammates does something ridiculous like this 1v3

it is a baguette surrendering episode

Shit decision to push by RPK.

how is fnx so hot and good at games?

>120 minus 60 equals 20


I couldn't watch the first map. How G2 won overpass against LG?

>its 12-12
>you throw a popflash
>you blind the enemy
>you do not peek until a full duration flash would've already ended

he just walk pushed ivy by himself

what the fuck was that?

Janko is so annyoing.


since g2 won map 1 this'll take them to d2 and probably inferno
this match is rigged to end 3:2 g2 desu

is it the accent


Lmfao similarities between you and a retard
>both retarded

>grandfather passed away this morning