Fuck anime
Fuck shippers
Fuck roleplayers
Fighting Games General /fgg/
theres no arcade release, sf5 is europe/america's game
>Luffy won 5-0, 5-0, 5-1, 5-2 today
he's back bros
Let's do this again
Post your mains and people shit talk you for them
SFV: Ken
USFIV: E.Ryu/Yun
GG: Milla
yo y does he hav a pig face
Anyone melty or kof 02 on fightcade
or maybe XRD PC if you really want
lets not, this shit doesnt make you interesting
>Another 8 years of Luffy being the face of Europe
>He's Asian
Why do we let MKucks make the OP?
sf5: Cammy
sf4: Rose/Sagat/Ryu/Makoto
GG: Sin/Ky
This will be the beginning of regional tournaments with fggvo. By US I'm extending it to Canada as well. Also to make things easier you have to check in before the tournament starts so we don't have a bunch of no shows like last time. Check ins will start 30 minutes before the tournament starts so please be aware. I will post a notice on here, /fgg/vo steam group and the PSN community so keep your eyes open for it. Any other questions about the tournament are welcome.
Here's the sign up page:
Steam group:
PSN Community:
Fighting Games General
Last Tournament Playlist:
The slots are not full. The number you see is just how many people have already registered for the tournament. There is no limit on the number of people playing.
Discord Link: discord.gg
Because your lazy ass couldn't make one in time
>Tripfag has an opinion
Ryu for everything
Always stuck in bronze for years
SFV: Karin
USFIV: Sakura/Cammy
P4u: mitsuru
Breakers: tia
It's a coincidence I swear :(
dumb gootecks and mike ross poster
fuck off /v/
Yeah everybody knows the only way to be interesting is to have a tripcode.
It's an objective truth though. Take that shit to reddit.
im still convinced that people who say french is a romantic language have never heard it spoked
>America's best
make america great again
thats because the true romance language is spanish
SFV: Nash and Mika
SFIV: Cody and Ken
GG: I haven't dug into it enough to really say but playing Millia right now
>kof 02
Picked up a new kusoge, eh?
what the fuck brain
If its spoken well then yeah its sexy as fuck.
Dodging a new kusoge, eh?
You like fireballs but choose to play Cammy. I think you have a wiafu issue in V.
Keep with it. You'll soon get gud
You really enjoy making people guess and catching them with jab punishes
I bet you miss c.jab into damage in V
ST: Bison
USF4: Rufus
KoF: Beni/K'/Iori, N. Yashiro in 98
Tekken: Lee
>1250 euros
Damn, Luffy is really raking it in today...
Somebody should make Redblade edit of this.
I like this OP
ah, the traditional kakutop spongecake has arrived
I like to pretend I play 98 more than 2k2.
That's pretty much what a ticket to EVO will cost.
My anxiety over being in this tournament is palpable. Anyways, what's the discord for? Is it a required thing, or is it just to chat and talk shit about people?
So why does Naruto voice R. Mika?
What FG is the most fun to watch?
As a Vega player, besides specific whiff punishes that's the real power of slide. Not just getting hit by it, but having the other guy constantly worried about it so you can exert yourself in other ways.
Full disclosre I know fuck all about KoF and Tekken so I can't make judgments about those.
That being said.
You seem to really like "Top Tier" or at least easy damage low effort.
90% of 98 dickriders don't even play KoF.
The 10% is HBR and Carlo.
they knew they had to pander to their fanbase of children/manchildren/autists
SFV: Rashid
GG: May
SG: Cerebella
SCV: Seigfried
MK: Kung Lao
This is the perfect time to play 02 more then!
umvc3 after it somewhat died
Dead marvel is best marvel. Used to hate that shit
Depends on what you like. I like good visuals and activity, so GG is my favorite. MvC is cool too, but I don't play that, so I don't know what's happening
Is he the dark horse for Stunfest? 3-0'd Daigo the other day.
I play 98. I'm absolute dog shit in it, but I do play it.
I ONLY play 98.
2k2 is booty and XIII is anime combo trash
get a room
Is he still goofing around with mika? I wanna see him play something else. And no japanese player will ever be a darkhorse.
You like spinning around. Also, over-sized accessories.
Infinite combos are yawnfests when everyone can do them.
>Oh boy he landed a hit, let's watch Dr Doom footdive this dweeb into oblivion for half a minute
>no japanese player will ever be a darkhorse.
in a tournament with every japanese player they could be. Yeah he's still playing Mika.
The discord is not required to join. It's mostly for shit talking and posting lewds.
I dont even know why i play guile.
He's like nash and ryu's kid, just worse.
the bigger the better
You don't sound very American
Only high tier character that is fun to watch is Magneto and that's mostly because of his voice actor.
This, but only when spoken by Spaniards.
Jesus no.
>mashed lows into infinte
I'm northwest european.
Hey, cumskins are the best at Smash at least
Tell me about the times when Sentinel was the only character worth playing, /fgg/
hes better at defense than nash due to his walkspeed and he wins every fireball war, I dont think hes as good as either character but he definitely has his own strengths
>see interview
>player has just won
>explains his ocd
man i should just leave. hows the netherlands these days?
>white person is getting triggered because of '''''offensive''''' term for white people
literally what
Full of shitskins.
it's a dumb meme term
I prefer being called a cracker
Aww baby out of his safe space again?
>cum gives life
>shit gives nothing
3s: makoto dudley
gg: slayer johnny
heh, baited
Not really
>tfw Sent got nerfed but not into uselessness
I went to the Hague and people looked at me like i was from mars but i was just white from France.
SFV: Dhalsim/Claw
USFIV: Yun/Zangief/Ryu
GG: Johnny/Zappa
daily sf5 is shit reminder
>that feelio when merking people with all beams in day 1 online mvc3 and hearing them rage when they can't get past it
>how's the Netherlands
Doing fantastic today thanks to based max
You like easy conversions from random hits into corner carry damage.
You like "wonky" characters. Other than USFIV where it seems that you played top tier in all the other versions of SFIV.
that xbox live hatemail was great
fuck vanilla sent tho
Don't ever come to this pathetic excuse of a country
Dutch people are just like swedish people
Willingly opening our assholes to the muslim invasion and the biggest normies in the world
Fucking hate this country
>tfw no rage mails in SFV
My victories feel hollow.
tell me my fortune m8
sfv: necalli/claw
sf4: gouken
3s: urien
The rage mail of SFV is a ragequit
You like your mostly naked men. So I'd say outlook is grim. Are you excited for Urien in V?
i've already been, a while back. everyone thinks where they're from is dumb.
Piero Angela
flags/ids when
Street Fighter Victory
SFIII: Alex/Yang
SFIV: Yang/Gouken
SFV: Alex/Nash
GGXrd: Potemkin