/hsg/ Hearthstone General

Cupcake Edition

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>/hsg/ Tournaments
Discord: discord.gg/0rEzZFGEKs226nI7
Most recent Bracket: challonge.com/ShitpostsNewAnons
Next Tournament: May 20th, NA


>Grandma Zeriyah

1st for testicles for arms

Can we stop posting this ugly hag?

>Not feeling disgust at a woman being an attention whore.
Cuck Central Station.



Turna looks just like me, I hope he wins.

you look like a douchebag m8

Why the hell does the guy that won Blizzcon have to qualify for a lesser tournament? Why is he not automatically invited?

w-what is it /hgs/!

>he wins a tournament
>turns around to you for affection
>brush his light, smooth hair
>he smiles gently at you
>you lean over and kiss him lightly
>your lips stick together and then part
>he puts his hand on your cheek and pulls you back in

Thijs is it you?

what went so wrong in your life?

...Keep going

Is this your first time playing yogg?

new molten is such garbage

good card design only drawback is a buff :)


It's a class card so it's ok XD


Soggoth the Slitherer

Thanks for the stats miracle shitter

how do I make a good N'zoth rogue?

>actually enjoying his stream


You take out N'zoth and deathrattles and toss in conceals and auctioneers.

I don't get why Warrior says "Reptar, oh God!" when you attack with him. Is it a pop culture reference?


C'Thun and N'Zoth Reno Rogue is a real deal lads.

Reno is still a cancer that can't be stopped in this meta.

It's Lok'tar Ogar. Which is Orcish for Victory or Death, the orcs war cry.

Is tempo warrior a good deck to climb ladder with? currently only rank 8 this season. Having trouble with a standard control warrior this season.

Pick one cuck boy cuckington cucktown.

got a golden boogeymonster and a princess too

>reno even mattering when your opponent can heal for more and run dupes

Do you even know how to talk without memes anymore?

Reno Rogue runs shadow step. You get 2 Reno's

that is kinda scary card

So we all agree that arena is the only enjoyable way to play HS, right? Away from the netdeck kiddies.

he's with Lunalovecash

*tips fedora*

Your regular rogue, except
+Journey below (Optional)
+Loot hoarder
+Tomb Pillagers
+Shadow strikes

>play arena
>shaman with 4 flamewreathed faceless

just fuck me up senpai

I enjoy standard ranked

>no more mana wyrm into unstable portal into getting your ass fucked because they got the EXACT minion they needed
>no more druid burst
>dr cancer
>secret paladin is dead
>doom sayer from my shreeder, millhouse from theirs

it's great

no other class interests me

I don`t get why people like her, she has the most boring monotone voice. She has no personality whatsoever.

Reckful is so fucking blind to twitch whore leeching off him.

Apart from zoo and aggro shaman and C'thun

You don't. You build control rogue and laugh at other's misery

shame about the council member of the balance party and dr 4

i hate her desu senpai

The cuck lord cometh.

We need more brawls like this one. Multiple paths to victory while still being to able to do crazy shit. Just saw someone use alarm o bot with nozdormu.


I know that feel. I play nothing but fatigue cthun warrior and I ended last season on rank 2, almost got legend this season but ended up playing meme decks

Cairne is garbage desu. Too slow. Raptors are bad too. Almost never gets a good target.

Don't even get me started on Hucksters. I want good cards, not funnel cakes.

i don't have all those fuucking legendaries

>Sap a shaman's coin'd totem golem
>He ropes me next turn
Don't be mad that you're bad


>Raptors are bad too. Almost never gets a good target.
Literally any target is good, except maybe tomb pillager.
Also forgot to add Xaril.

>it's a "/hsg/ talks about streamers" episode

Gee it's almost as being a world champion in random numbers generator means fucking nothing.
Every year there is going to be a new "champion" that simply had the luck to win it.

>This post

I was looking for a priest deck without dragons/an old god and didn't find any so I made this. had decent success with it and I'm open to any suggestions, except removing paletress she's too much fun

>sap a 2 mana minion
wow ur good

Yeah but your shit doesnt stick on the board you tard. You literally dont have shit on the board.

Also Coins are GOAT. Using 2 Coins to get shit two turns earlier is amazing. Also you can do shit on a turn that costs more than 10 mana

It's good.
It's probably better to play a single Brawl than Varian on ladder, though.

why do some people leave when they lose instead of conceding when they lose

>500 wins away from having 9 golden heroes.
I'm scared

He can't do anything with 1 mana on turn 2 unless he top decks a trogg. You don't play Totem Golem naked on turn 1

if you don't play beast meal druid then you deserve to be stuck at rank 20

because hearthstone is a coin flip

busy nerd raging

Fuck I dont want ostkaka to lose. Pls no

5 mana 7/7

>talks about ranks
>cuts his out


You must have arms like logs bearing those shields all day

if you paid more attention to tribes then you might win more games

>Miracle Shitter getting 0-3d

Beautiful. I don't even care if he's the champ, he's an autistic swede who's getting punished for his autistic deck.

Ostkaka is getting raped like a swedish child by a refugee

> wild

Go to bed, kid.

sorry I don't like the training wheels netdeck mode.

I've spent 2 years of dust on this deck.

"I think that miracle rogue will lose to control paladin"

that's every episode

you should think more carefully about when you play your minions if you can't get any deathrattles to stick.

I don't get it

>You don't play Totem Golem naked on turn 1

go away poorfag

>Doing nothing on turn 2 is worth it

he believes that you are rank 20 (shieldbearer) because you disagreed with him

who draws this



sometimes you're having a bad day and ragequit is just the correct play.

40 packs of classic, tgt, and old gods

Buy each adventure

Buy some booze. You're gonna need it.

I can only imagine the disappointment you would feel after doing that.

>not also running brann shadowcaster
>not having infinite renos

>He seriously thinks this is true

>(spending 500 bucks
You poor fool, you fell for the biggest meme in gaming

it's OC