OT: eyosongive.us
OT: eyosongive.us
yordle boys have the best boipussies
xth for breast waifu
You kind of are
is Swen Chaos Oriana any good or should I reroll when I get more skin shards? I kinda like the splash...
yall niggas forgot about da puddin
Waifus with penis.
Guess my rank
Either silver or plat
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums IS LIVE ON NA
How the fuck is that a boy? It's a chick with a meaty face. Those're tits. And that skirt is so short anything less than a micropenis would be bulging out under that.
Close. its mid gold.
Why did they recently add that crappy ass shadow to the face of Karthus in his base splash?
caitlyn is the best!
the best!
>lol korea wins
>meanwhile dota had a great 3-2 grand finals between two top teams
Why are you still watching this garbage?
>Udyr mains
Post skin rankings
Sona: DJ (Conccussive) = DJ (Kinetic) > Pentakill > DJ (Ethereal) > Arcade = Sweetheart > Silent Night > Guqin > Muse
I'm sorry I've just been in a major Sona mood lately
>enemy team had a yasuo
Free win doesn't count.
>great finals
>teams take turns stomping each other
epic fake hype dotard
>play Jhin
>Can't stop playing Jhin
Why is Jhin so great?
Because he's fun
>games decided in pick/ban
>fun to watch
Im sorry user, it's a dude.
got to gold with mah boy Jhin, he's fucking fun to play
Now I bought Dragontrainer Tristana out of on a whim and now I see that she may not be the most viable adc, thoughts?
The Chink Overlords are afraid of skeletons, and must remove anything that looks like a skelly.
Pay attention to the shape of his head and face
Nice thing about Akali is she's so out of the meta people never ban her, not even in ascension
is monte not doing finals vod review?
Go back to Jhin, never leave Jhin.
There's nothing to review, SKT won as expected
If you reverse search you can find more of him and see his pp and his boipussy.
He even has a deviantart where he explained how he made dem tits.
post thick yordles
>wake up
>no super galaxy Jhin
>no gentlemen Jhin
>no debonair Jhin
how come she dont stream for us man
Arcade > the other ones >>>>>>>>>>>>> Battle Bunny
>saving this garbage fanart
holy fuck
>tfw Jhin main and can't get out of bronze
Post ending in 4 decides how I kill myself
>debonair Jhin
>Poppy Jungle
Not this shit again...
arcade best skin skin by far
best skin even in the game
I love Lissandra!
>What is High Noon TF
>three games in a row
>some chink is mid
>they're absolutely useless and rage at everyone in whatever language chinks use
>can't even tell them what to do because they don't understand english
Candy Cane > Secret Agent (lost points because no hat) > Road Warrior > Arcade > Mafia > Waterloo > Cowboy > Captain (Irontumblr boob reduction)
that one is terrible butterface mang
Draven best guy
Sun > Moon
Slayer belle > Kitty Kat > waring kingdoms > mercenary > high command > bilgewater > red card
didnt this hero get nerfed???
poor yasuo main shit team holding him back
>Kangs playing Sanic Jhin
All bets on blue
Is there any reason to not play Amumu?
You're right, it's a lady. But user, here's an important life lesson for you. Not all ladies are women, and not all women are ladies. Some of the finest asses I've ever seen ended up belonging to men. Who'd have thunk. If you can't tell that's a dude you might want to stay away from Thailand.
The scarf hides the adam's apple. Duct Tape can perform miracles on the human body.
The only skins I use are slay belle and kitty kat, my man.
Arcade MF is literally one of the most garbage skins in the game.
>last 3 games
>Get a duo
>Always 2 chinks
>Always play Yas, Riven, Vayne, shitty cancer champs etc
>Always feed
>Talk in english to rest of us but in chink to each other
>Probably shit talking us when they're the one's always feeding
>Lose every game, they end up flaming us in broken english and dying undertower while typing in chink to each other.
There are 3 servers for you guys, fucking leave NA. I don't care if it's shitty ping, don't talk in chink on NA servers if you know no one's gonna understand you.
>Reached level 30
Should I buy a few more champions and go into ranked?
Is it a big problem if I only play decently with my main? Should I get competent with more champions?
Don't do ranked, its not worth it. Play normals for a few months.
I wonder why is it that those raging and saying "noob team" are almost always the worst players in the team
Learn 4 champs fairly well, 2 for main role and 2 for secondary. Make sure you have rune pages for both your roles.
get like 100 normal wins if this is your first MOBA
Poppy: The next one I just want custom animations godammit > Lolli > Blacksmith > Battle Regalia = Noxus = Ragdoll > Scarlet Hammer
Tbh I'm so bored about normals I mostly connect on weekends to play the special modes. And sometimes ARAM to force myself learn how champions work. But I thought maybe rankeds would renew the interest on the summoner's rift.
Because they aren't playing, they're on autopilot
I guess that makes sense
Can't find the dick though
Play norms till you have at least 300 games under your belt and are winning with your mains pretty consistently. Then play ranked.
With champ select how it is right now it's tedious in a different way to normals.
slay belle is just too cute
Neon Strike > Debonair > Officer > Demon
Classic=Bloodstone=Blade Queen=Program
Ice waifu is perfect
>Debonair > Officer > Demon
Who the fuck let you play Vi?
honest question, why vayne attracts the most toxic players?
>forced barely kiss
Officer > Demon > Debonair > Neon Strike
btw, is there any reliable way to check my global stats?
>back to playing normal because I jumped straight into ranked at 30 and now my win ratio on my main is garbage since I only played ranked
>try really hard to practice and git gud so I can climb
>have to deal with fags doing dumb shit and memeing "lol, calm down it's just normal" whenever I tell them to try and actually win
How the fuck am I supposed to up my Win Rate and git gud with asshats like this around?
>hi im x
>2xlift plays
>one vee five
>late game carry with self peel
guess why
She a play making ADC that's easy as fuck to pick up (all you need to do is rightclick and press Q and E to self peel once in awhile).
She has a dash
She chunks for damage.
Can 1v1 pretty much any other ADC late game (except maybe Lucian).
Basically she has tremendous highs even when she's 2/7/3 that make people think they're gods at her.
There is, is ot LOLking? Can't remeber, I saw my highest KDA of any champ was braum and I got sad.
Is Irelia strong this patch or what? Even on the low kill participation games I had highest damage.
Going to bust her out in ranked again, maybe she can get me out of plat.
Neon Strike > Officer > Demon > Debonair
Hang yourself on the nearest stage
Astronaut>Classic>Omega Squad>Cottontail>Happy Elf>Everything else
>"lol, calm down it's just normal"
he is right
Oh so this is why people in thread told me to play more before I jump into ranked.
Also its taken me years of playing to climb into level 30, how much do people play this fucking game?
stop taking caitlyn you fucking tryhard
But user that's correct
You ignore the retards and focus on improving one thing each game. That's how. Stop focusing on other players.
Whenever it's not college term I'm playing five games a day. Which I hear is conservative compared to most people.
Had an Irelia mid last game carry my sorry ass. It was interesting. Built bruiser and would literally 1v4 the enemy team.
looks like you've been snowballing which obviously she's retardedly good if she is, but if you don't she tends to get locked down by the tanks people are picking. If you're successful with her keep playing her obviously.
Why Frozen Heart and no IBG on Nasus?
yeah the annie, poppy and jihn aren't tryhard :^)
>playing vg vs vg
Concentrate on yourself. If you did well in lane, congratulations, you're doing well then. Stop focusing if you won or lost. It'll bring no changes.
>pick azir in a normal
>go ham
>21-5-13 300 cs
>47k damage in a 40 minute game
>literally assassinating their viktor
>he ended the game doing 975 total dmg
>our annie was useless all game long
>baserace with them
>literally lose via annie and jinx BMing and not autoing the nexus
All those shit ranked games
And it was a normal that made me uninstall
CDR and he doesn't auto push the wave.
her laning feels a lot better than it did for the past few patches, even against tanks